10- Archie the Fish

"Calm down," I said into the phone. "I'm not in labor. I had a few contractions, and I'm in the hospital for a night so they can watch me closely. Yes Joel, I was obeying bed rest."

"Then how did your labor start," Joel asked. "I guess I need to chat with our babies, they are way too eager to be born. You still need to grow them a little more."

"A few more weeks," I said. "But it's not their fault. It's my dad's fault."

"Your dad showed up? What the hell is going on Angie, he hasn't seen you in years."

"He is getting married," I said. "Do you remember that model, Larissa? That is his blushing bride."

"Oh God," Joel said. "I am so sorry honey. I will be there as soon as this damn traffic dies down, I'm on my way."

"I know," I said. "Steph is here, and Dad is gone. I am ok, alright, I promise. I mean, there is this gross feeling I can't shake because my father is marrying my fiancé's ex groupie, but that should pass. I mean, it's not like I see him very much. And our babies will not call her grandma...That's gross to even think of."

"She isn't your concern," Joel said. "Just rest and relax, watch some TV. Ok, you just relax."

I nodded.

"I love you," I said. "I'll talk to you later."

"Love you too," Joel said. "I'll be there soon."

Stephanie was waiting outside, looking suspicious and concerned.

"Steph," I said. "What do you do? You have that face that get, like when you backed Joel's car into the garage."

"Don't be mad," She said. "It could actually be a solution to your problems."

"Spill Mcnarie," I yelled.

She put her arm around me.

"Ok, but you have to stay calm, for the babies."

"Stephanie, what is your deal?"

"Your mom called me while Dr. Miller was in here, and I answered."

"Ok," I said. "What did you tell her?"

"I told her you were in the hospital, and that you were on bed rest. I didn't mention the engagement."

"So my mom is coming here," I said, "to take care of me. And my father is in the waiting room, possibly with his twenty something fiancé who once made out with Joel."

"Deep breaths," Steph said. "I'll keep them apart. No drama necessary."

"It's not my concern," I said. "I will deal with my mom. And my Dad's issues are not mine."

"Wow, where did that wisdom come from?"

"Joel," I said. "And Dr. Miller. And mostly, I want to keep these babies safe. Nothing will bother me, because they're okay...they come first."

"Good insight," Stephanie said. "Have you thought of names yet?"

"Still thinking on those, how do you feel about Raven and Rafael?"

"I am blaming those names," She said, "on some serious pregnancy brain."

"I know," I said. "I suck at picking names. I couldn't even name my goldfish."

"I loved Archie the fish," Steph said. "You'll pick out the perfect names, I promise."

"Alright," I said.

We talked so more before she left so I could sleep, because apparently almost going into labor is taxing. Plus, I was currently growing two human beings inside of me. I dozed off, finally finding the perfect spot in my hospital bed. I was happily dreaming when I felt a pair of arms circling around me, barely able to lace his fingers together over my belly.

"Joel," I said, turning my head. We barely fit together on the bed.

"Don't wake up," Joel said. "Just let me hold you. I'm here now."

"I know," I said as I turned my face towards his. "I missed you so much. How was the show?"

"Great," he said. "I may have done something stupid."

"What is it?" I sighed.

"First off, I'd like to say I stole a country artist from Blake," Joel said.

"Did you kiss some contestant?" I asked. "Because you put a ring on it buddy. That means your lips are mine."

"No, I didn't kiss someone," he chuckled. "But I made a promise. I told this guy I'd name my son after him."

"Seriously Joel," I said. "I'm in the hospital and you're selling of your first-born son."

"I didn't know you were in the hospital," he cried. "And his name is legit."

"Oh God, what is his name?"

"Dallas," Joel said. "Can you just imagine, Dallas Mcnarie. That is a rock star name."

"Oh my God," I said. "No. We're from California Joel. Seriously..."

"Just think about it," Joel said. "I think it has a ring to it."

"I'll think about it, after all, Steph hates Rafael."

"She is my sister, we think alike."

"Maybe Dallas could be a middle name," I said. "A second middle name."

"You'll come around," Joel quipped.

We heard a knock and the door and I saw my mother standing outside. She looked angry, but what was her disgruntled look for? My secret engagement, my declining pregnant health, or my Dads Twinkie? Who knew, but I didn't think I had the energy to find out.

"I'll talk to her," Joel said. "You sleep some more, ok?"

"Ok," I said. "Love you Joel." "I love you too Angie. If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking to your mom. Pray I don't get killed."

"I will," I said looking down at my stomach.

I closed my eyes, realizing I needed more sleep. I would deal with the drama tomorrow, for now I needed to put the bed into bed rest.


I woke up to some very pale and benign hospital eggs and he sight of Joel and my mother talking. Had they talked all night? Joel smiled at me and waved, as my mother walked into my room.

"Angela honey," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok," I said. "Where is Joel going?"

"I asked him to get us some lattes," she said. "My treat. I mean, I know he's rich, but it's the gesture that counts."

"That was nice," I said. "I'm sorry I haven't called you back."

"I'm sorry I upset you," she said. "I was wrong about your father. Have you met his fiancé? Joel and I finally found something to bond over, which is our mutual distaste for that union."

"I'm glad you two have something in common," I said, holding up my hand with a sparkly ring on it. "Joel and I are going to make it official, we haven't set a date yet, but we're engaged."

"I'm glad," she said. "I hope you marriage lasts longer than mine did. I hope it is for life Angie." "Wow," I said. "I never thought you'd be so supportive."

"I thought Joel was dragging his feet. We talked a lot last night, and he surprised me. It turns out he is lovely, and you were the feet dragging one in the relationship."

"I'm glad you see what I see."

"Angela, I understand you're skeptical of marriage because of my divorce. To be honest, the experience has made me skeptical too, of a lot of things. But most men are not like your father. We have to learn to be more trusting, together."

"I agree," I said. "Mom, I'm so glad you came."

"Ok, then perhaps you'll like this bit of news. I took some vacation time, and I'm going to stay. Someone needs to take care of you now."

"Mom, I can't ask you to do that."

"I am a labor and delivery nurse," she said. "Who is more qualified? Some stranger who will sell you out to the tabloids? I think not."

"Mom, I love you. But we don't exactly see eye to eye on things."

"I am a professional," she said. "And I love you. Just trust me, ok? We need to take care of you."

"Ok," I said.

A sinking feeling in my heart settled, realizing I'd live with my mom for the first time in several years. Oh God. What was going to happen? Joel walked in and smiled, looking at me and my mom.

"I'll leave you two alone," my mom said. "But Angela, I am excited to spend some more time with you."

"Me too, Mom " I said.

Half of me meant it, half of me was petrified of killing my mom.

"Don't kill Angie's new step-mom," Joel joked.

My mom winked at Joel, and I could almost sense that perhaps my fiancé and my mom were friends now. What was happening?

"Is there a woman you can't charm?" I asked Joel. He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Not really," Joel said. "It's a gift and a curse, really."

"Hey Prince Charming," I said. "I think I need some pudding, it's for the babies."

"Ok, you happy about your mom? I was sort of nervous about her..."

"I'm actually excited, what is the worst that could happen?"
