35. A Mother's Love

Genevieve's pregnancy was filled with trouble due to her age, and Tom got worried about her, every time she was hospitalised.
But she never stayed very long in hospital each time, as her problems were never severe, so could easily be fixed with medicine.
Despite her difficult pregnancy, her labour went very well as she gave birth a month early, so her baby was smaller than average, therefore was easier to push out.
She ended up giving birth the day before Salazar went back to Ilvermorny in January, after the Christmas holidays. Which meant that Salazar would get to meet his sister, before going back to school.

Genevieve had decided to give birth at home, despite the risks, because she felt safer in her own bed.
And luckily her daughter came into the world without any complications, and she appeared to be healthy, despite her small size.
Tom had stayed by Genevieve's side throughout the delivery, as he couldn't bare to be apart from her, while she was in pain.
And having his support, was all Genevieve needed to get her through the labour.

"So, my love, do you have a name for our daughter?" Asked Tom.
Genevieve looked down at the blonde haired, blue eyed child in her arms, and she smiled.
"I hope you don't mind, but I want to name her after people in my family" admitted Genevieve.
"That's fine with me" replied Tom.
"Good. I wanted to call her Mathilde, as that was my aunts middle name. My aunt would have raised me, had she not died when I was so young. She was willing to give up her life, to look after me, so that my father didn't have to. So I want to honour her"
"Mathilde, I like it. It's more of a European name, which is nice, because it means she will never forget where she came from"
"I'm glad you like it".

"What ideas did you have for her middle name?" Questioned Tom.
"I wanted to give her my middle name; Elodie. I was assigned that name, as my birth mother's last mame was Elodine, and the two sound similar. The names are slightly different, as my father wanted to keep my real mother's identity a secret. So, I want to follow in my father's footsteps and give my daughter my middle name, instead of my mother's actual name. As secrecy was so important to my father" answered Genevieve.
"Mathilde Elodie Slytherin. It sounds perfect" praised Tom.

"I'm so proud of you. Once again you were stronger than I ever could have imagined... I'm sorry that I'm not the man you need me to be. And I'm sorry that I can't be a part of our daughters life-" started Tom.
"You were here when I needed you most. You were at my side, when I was in pain, and I know that in the future, when I need you again, you will be there. I understand that you can't be here all the time. And as long as you always turn up when I really need you, then I can accept your absences" interrupted Genevieve.

"I love you" murmered Tom, before leaning over and kissing Genevieve's head.
"I love you too... Shall we let the boys in, so that they can meet their baby sister?" Asked Genevieve.
"That sounds like a good idea" replied Tom, as he headed towards the door.
Once open, Genevieve could see her sons standing nervously outside the door.
"You can come in" informed Tom.
Salazar led the way into the room, with Gellert close behind him, and once they were inside, Tom closed the door.

"Come closer" encouraged Genevieve.
The boys inched closer to the bed Genevieve was lying on.
"She's got blonde hair, like you" commented Salazar, when he got a better look at the baby in Genevieve's arms.
"Yes, she does. And blue eyes like me and Gellert" replied Genevieve.
"What's her name?" Quizzed Gellert.
"She's called Mathilde Elodie Slytherin" answered Genevieve.
"Not quite, that's the English version of the name. And I am not English. Her name is Mathilde".

"Can I hold her?" Asked Salazar.
"Of course. Come up onto the bed, and I will place her into your arms" instructed Genevieve.
The boys climbed onto the bed, and sat either side of Genevieve.
She then placed baby Mathilde into Salazar's waiting arms.
"She's so tiny" whispered Salazar.
"Well, she's only a baby right now. But she will get bigger, just like you and Gellert" replied Genevieve.
"She's perfect" admitted Salazar.
"Yes, she is. And I expect you and your brother to look after her. That is your job as big brother afterall"
"We'll take care of her, I promise"
"I know you will".

Genevieve saw Tom standing awkwardly at the side of the bed, so she stretched out her arm to him, and pulled him closer.
Tom took hold of her hand, and perched down on the side of the bed.
"Look at us, we are one big happy family" smiled Genevieve.
"Yeah, it's rare that we are all in the same room at once" admitted Salazar, as he glared at his father.
"Once you can use magic outside of school, I will take you on missions with me. Then you can see what I have been doing all this time" revealed Tom.
"You want me to come with you?" Questioned Salazar excitedly, as he handed Mathilde back to Genevieve.
"Of course. I want you and your brother to join me, once you are old enough".

The thought of her boys fighting alongside the death eaters, made Genevieve nervous.
She held Mathilde tightly to her chest, dreading the day that her baby was old enough to join Tom and his army.
Genevieve had always suspected that Tom would expect his children to fight at his side, but she hadn't expected it to be so soon.
Salazar was halfway through his second year of school, and in no time at all, he would be 17, and Tom would expect his son to accompany him on missions.
She knew that what Tom did was dangerous, but he had half a dozen Horcruxes protecting him, so she never worried that he would get hurt.
But her children were just as mortal as her, and she was scared that they would die, fighting for their father's cause.
