18. Morsmordre

A few days after placing Ravenclaw's diadem in Hogwarts, Tom turned Slytherin's locket into a Horcrux, which he then hid in the basement, along with the Peverell ring, Hufflepuff's cup, and his diary.
Genevieve began to notice changes in Tom after he made the Horcrux, but she knew better than to mention her concerns to him, for it only made him angry.
One big change she had noticed was that his hair appeared to be thinning, and she had a hunch that before long he would lose it all. So she was determined to make the most of his hair, before he turned bald.
His eyes were now almost permanently red, but since Genevieve saw him every day, it didn't frighten her as much as it did other people.

"I've got a suprise for you" announced Tom one evening.
Genevieve had been reading alone in the study until he walked in, and she immediately put her book down and followed him outside.
"What am I looking at?" She questioned, as Tom pointed to the black starry sky.
"You'll see" smiled Tom.
He then raised his wand, "morsmordre!".
A green light erupted from Tom's wand, and an eery green serpent appeared in the sky beside a skull.
"Is that the dark mark I designed?" Asked Genevieve.
"It is slightly different, but close enough to your original design for you to recognise it. I've been researching ways to place the dark mark onto my followers, and while doing so, I discovered that I could do this" answered Tom.

"I mean it's very impressive, but what exactly do you have planned for this?" Quizzed Genevieve, as she pointed to the green dark mark, which hung ominously in the sky.
"I was thinking of teaching it to the death eaters, and having them place it above an area where we have committed a crime. I want people to associate this mark with Lord Voldemort, and I want people to fear it. If someone comes home one day and sees this, I want them to know that I have been to their house, so it is not safe for them to enter. I want everyone to live in fear of this mark" replied Tom.
"Well, my father had his own symbol that he used during his rise to power, so I guess it's only fair that you have one too. All you need now is a new catchphrase, since I don't want you using for the greater good".

"Don't worry, I don't want to be exactly the same as your father. I want to be my own person" reassured Tom.
"That is good to hear. For I never want to hear my father's stupid catchphrase ever again" admitted Genevieve.
"You won't, trust me... Anyway, as well as discovering that I can do this, I have also succeeded in finding out how to place tattoos on my death eaters, and link them to me. It's similar to a Protean Charm. Once I have branded a death eater with the mark, I will be able to summon them whenever I please. I have arranged an initiation ceremony tomorrow, where my inner circle of death eaters will be branded with the dark mark. From then on, they will always be able to come to me when I summon them" informed Tom.

"Do you have to have the tattoo branded on your skin as well, in order to summon them?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, and I don't intend on branding myself. I am above my death eaters, for they are merely my loyal servants. We are not equal, so I do not wish to share the mark with them" answered Tom.
"Then I will not be required to have a mark like them either, since I am also above them?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"No, you won't"
"Then I will not have one".

"I will never need to summon you, for you will always be here, in our home. Besides, as long as we are both wearing our wedding rings, we will always be able to apparate to each other sides" reminded Tom.
"Yes, we have our own way of getting to each other, without the need of a tattoo. Although, I still think that we should get matching ones that connect the two of us. But if the death eaters are having the dark mark on their bodies, then we should choose something else" replied Genevieve.
"I shall leave that up to you. I will let you decide which tattoo we will share, provided it is not something stupid or demeaning"
"I would never force you to do something that would make you look weak"

"Am I invited to this death eater initiation tomorrow, even though I am not being branded?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Of course, for the event will take place in our home" answered Tom.
"And where exactly on the body are you planning to tattoo your followers?" Asked Genevieve.
"I was thinking that the left forearm would be best. Most people are right-handed, so the mark won't get in the way. They also will be able to hide it in certain situations, by wearing long sleeves. But it is a part of their body that they will have to look at every day, so they will always be reminded that they chose my side"
"That's a good idea"
"Well, I am a genius".

Genevieve looked back up at the dark mark in the sky, and sighed.
"I guess this is really happening. After being on the move for so long, and having to hide our intentions from the world, I can't believe it's finally time to begin our take over. People are going to know who we are soon, and that we are evil. We won't be able to just walk into Diagon Alley anymore. Our names are going to be on wanted posters. And everyone is going to know that I'm a Grindelwald" admitted Genevieve.
"We've been in hiding for so long, that it is going to be strange to admit who we are, and what our intentions are, to the world. But our names and our identities will always be shrouded in secrecy. If you don't want anyone to know that you are related to Gellert Grindelwald, then you can keep it a secret. Besides, your surname isn't Grindelwald anymore, it is Slytherin, like mine. And no one is going to know that I used to be Tom Riddle. My name is Lord Voldemort, but I want the world to be too afraid to speak my name aloud. They will call me you know who, and he who must not he named" replied Tom.

"After spending so long choosing a cool name for yourself, do you really want no one to speak it? Your followers call you my lord, I call you Vee, so do you really want no one to say your name?" Asked Genevieve.
"Yes. This is what I want. I need the world to be so afraid of me and my power that they are too scared to say my name out loud. Only when that happens will I be strong enough to take on the Ministry" answered Tom.
"And I will be right by your side when you do. I won't hide at home to keep my identity a secret. I will fight with you, as I always promised I would, even if it means revealing my connection to Gellert" replied Genevieve.
"And that, is why I love you, you really are fearless" smiled Tom.
