
REYN WATCHED AS ROSE GENTLY PLACED HER OVERNIGHT BAG IN THE BACKSEAT OF HER CAR. Then, she buckled herself up, watching the graceful woman climb into the driver's seat.

Just as Rosalie proposed before, she was going to spend the weekend with the immortal woman; however, she was very nervous. She was formally meeting the parts of the Cullen clan that she hadn't met before. Though Rosalie said that she was without a doubt the hardest one of the family to impress, there's always a degree of nervousness someone should have when meeting their lover's family.

Pulling out of the driveway, Reyn felt a melodramatic sense of doom. Eyeing her mate's face, Rosalie chuckled. She reached over and grabbed the girl's hand gently. Rosalie's porcelain skin was freezing, but comforting.

"They'll love you. I promise."

Reyn nodded, swallowing hard.

The Cullen family lived in the most remote part of Forks. Everywhere Reyn looked displayed a bright, fresh green or an earthy brown. As Rosalie's car braved the dirt road that made up the Cullen's driveway, Reyn once again marveled at the beauty of the Cullen home, just as she did the first time she saw it.

"It still surprises me how open it is."

Rosalie laughed. "We might be vampires, but we aren't the ones in the movies. We like the light. It's refreshing."

Reyn nodded as Rosalie opened her door. Then, the woman grabbed her mate's bag from the backseat, not even giving her a moment to think about grabbing it. Reyn had noticed that Rosalie was quite a gentlewoman, always polite and opening doors for the Harlow girl. Part of her liked it and part of her felt embarrassed by it.

"You've met Carlisle a few times. Now, its time to meet the others." The radiant blonde woman smiled, opening the front door of the house for her and leading her up the main stairs. She could hear quiet talking in the kitchen and a musical laugh. Then, the door opened.

In the kitchen, she saw five tall beautiful people, gathered around the granite countertop, just finishing up a conversation. Though she had seen them before, she hadn't been close to them. Like Rosalie, they were even more unreal up close, but somehow couldn't compare to Rosalie's stunning beauty. Regardless, they were still unusually beautiful.

The first to greet her, as Rosalie had warned, was the small Alice. Well, not small.. But smaller. She was 5'7. Tall, but significantly shorter than the rest. She had a short pixie cut, dark as black coffee, and golden topaz eyes. Her body was petite and slender and she was dressed fashionably, in a way that Reyn, a fashion lover, admired. She smiled blindingly at the Harlow girl, grabbing her hands into her own cold ones.

"Reyn! It's amazing to finally meet the girl that Rose has been hoarding." She gave a playfully annoyed look to her sister. "I love your outfit." She complimented, glancing down at Reyn's white babydoll dress and black buckled shoes. Reyn's face flushed.

"It's funny you say that, because I was in love with yours." She smiled.

Alice twirled around to grab her boyfriend, Jasper, and tugged him over to the blonde girl. "It's okay, Jazz. There's no trouble, I've seen it. Now, say hi." She probed, nodding her head towards Reyn.

Jasper was a tall honey blonde with eyes that matched his hair. He looked extremely tense, but worked to put a pleasant expression onto his face. He was slender, but had a strong physique. "Hello." He simply said politely.

"Hello, Jasper." Reyn smiled.

Next to introduce themselves was the burly Emmett. Leaning against the countertop with a quirky smile, the man looked like he consumed nothing but steroids. He reminded Reyn of a bear, just because of the sheer size of him. He had dark hair and topaz eyes to match his family.

"So you're the one that finally reeled Rosalie in. I knew she'd finally found you when she started being nice to me." He joked, nudging the blonde woman. She rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smirk that came onto her face. "Welcome to the family, tiny."

"Tiny?" Reyn raised her eyebrows.

Emmett sent a cheeky smile her way. "I think it fits. I'll probably stick to it."

Reyn rolled her eyes, but turned to meet her final new person of the day. First, she met eyes with Carlisle.

"Wonderful to see you again, Reyn. Staying safe, I'd hope?"

"Of course. Rosalie makes it hard not to." She snorted. Rosalie again rolled her eyes.

Reyn spotted a caramel brunette woman standing next to Carlisle, smiling sweetly. She was obviously gorgeous, but radiated a maternal vibe that Reyn immediately became comfortable with. She knew it must be Rosalie's mother figure.

"This is my wife, Esme." Carlisle gestured towards the woman and she stepped forward.

"I'm so happy you're here. Seeing Rosalie happy is such a pleasure to me. Thank you." She spoke softly, grabbing Reyn's hand with one of hers. Reyn wasn't sure why the Cullen family was so fixated on the grabbing of hands, but it was a means of connection that helped her get comfortable with them.

"No need to thank me. Rosalie makes me happy too." Reyn smiled.

"Unfortunately Edward couldn't be here today. He had prior engagements with his mate, Bella. You'll see him another day." Carlisle commented. Reyn nodded in response.

Rosalie, seemingly deciding that Reyn had taken enough of the welcome wagon, interlaced her cold fingers with her mate's. Pulling her gently towards the stairs, she simply said, "We'll be in my room."

Reyn climbed the stairs behind her, but she could see that the stunning woman was smiling. "They liked you, in case you couldn't tell. Who wouldn't though?" Rosalie said softly. Reyn blushed.

Reaching Rosalie's room, she took a minute to look at it. She'd never really looked around before, afraid to invade on the blonde's privacy. She had four bookcases, all full of books. One bookcase though was full of books that only a mechanic would own.

"You have a lot of books about cars." Reyn noted, sliding her fingers across the spines of all the books.

"A hobby of mine. One of the reasons my car runs so well is because I spent so much time perfecting her.. I bought her used." Rosalie admitted, smiling. In all honesty, Reyn found that incredibly attractive. She'd always loved the idea of a handywoman.

"Wow. You're truly a jack of all trades."

"Being alive this long without you made me bored. I picked up a lot of hobbies."

Reyn nodded, taking a seat on Rosalie's bed. She knew that Rosalie had only put a bed in there because she was spending the night, but she was ignoring it so she didn't feel burdensome. It was soft and comfortable too, silk sheets smooth under the girl's hands.

Rosalie's face looked gentle in natural light. Her golden eyes studied Reyn with a soft curl of her lip as if she was one of her favorite hobbies. The silence was comfortable, almost warm despite the cool atmosphere of Rosalie's room.

The words quickly flew out of Reyn's mouth before she could stop them.

"Why haven't you kissed me?" She said. She immediately regretted it until she saw Rosalie's amused face. She wasn't perturbed about the question like Reyn had expected.

Rosalie tutted, but chuckled. "So impatient. I've been waiting for the right time.. It's your first kiss. I want to make it meaningful for you."

"It would always be meaningful. No matter what the time is."

Staring into the girl's eyes, Rosalie slowly leaned into her. She nuzzled her nose into the girl's cheek, pressing a kiss to her jaw. Reyn shivered in pleasure, but also in response to Rose's cold lips.

"Be patient. Soon." She whispered, placing one more kiss on the girl's jaw.

Pulling away, Rosalie stood up and walked over to her dresser, pulling out a striped shirt. Smiling, she held it up and thrusted it towards Reyn. She quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

"For tomorrow, pretty. We're playing baseball."
