
"So? What happened?" Dayeon asked once they both entered Chaehyun's room.

"We hugged." Chaehyun simply said and smiled slightly while closing the door behind her. "That's great!" Dayeon exclaimed and Chaehyun nodded, "Yep, it is." She walked to her bed and saw down, Dayeon sat down beside her.

Chaehyun yawned, "I'll go take a shower." She stood up and took her pyjamas and towel before walking out of her room and walking to the bathroom.

Dayeon sighed and fell back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. Soon, her eyes started to get heavy and finally closed.

"Dayeon! Wake up!" Chaehyun whisper-yelled and shook Dayeon's arm.

"What time is it?" Dayeon lazily asked once she slightly opened her eyes. "It's time for you to go shower." Chaehyun rolled her eyes and pulled Dayeon off of her bed.

Dayeon took her pyjamas from her bag and took a spare towel that Chaehyun held out for her before leaving the room and heading to the bathroom.

Chaehyun sighed and climbed onto the bed. She put the covers over her body and turned to her side, closing her eyes.


A loud noise came from the bathroom and Chaehyun sat up immediately before stepping off the bed. And just as she was about to open the door, Dayeon yelled out, "Everything is fine!" Chaehyun groaned, walking back to her bed before climbing on it, again.

"Wake up Chaehyun." Chaehyun's mother was opening the curtains, exposing the bright sun. "Can I stay in bed today...?" Chaehyun mumbled and her mother laughed, "Come one Chaehyun. You're going to be late to school." Her mother said and left the room.

Chaehyun groaned and slowly got off her bed. She walked slowly to her closet and took out her uniform, placing it onto her bed and leaving the room.

"Are you girls ready for school?" Chaehyun's mother asks and they both nod. "Great. Now go." She shoved them out of the house and closed the door.

"How was the sleepover with Hyuk?" Hikaru asks once Dayeon sits down beside her. "About that... I slept at Chaehyun's house instead." She explained and Hikaru rolls her eyes before mumbling, "Obviously." And earning a small smack on her shoulder.

Soon, Yujin, Xiaoting and Mashiro sat down, immediately asking why Dayeon hit Hikaru.

"It's nothing." Dayeon said and the three older girls weren't convinced but shrugged it off.

"Chaehyun's coming." Hikaru says and Dayeon looks around, trying to find her and soon realizing it was a stupid joke. "Very funny." She rolls her eyes as Hikaru laughs, trying to say something.

"You have a crush on her,  don't you?" She finally manages to say and Dayeon's eyes widened. "No I do not, actually." She looks away.

"Liar." Hikaru still won't leave the older girl alone. "Hikaru, stop." Dayeon was obviously annoyed. "You're not denying it anymore." Hikaru laughs and Dayeon groans.

Then, Bahiyyih and Chaehyun come over. Bahiyyih sat beside Hikaru and Hikaru immediately began telling her what happened before, while Chaehyun sat down beside Dayeon and wondered why she was quiet.

"Did something happen again?" Chaehyun asked and Dayeon shook her head, "Nope, just thinking about something." She said and Chaehyun nodded before eating her food.

During the rest of lunch, Hikaru kept nudging Dayeon and wriggling her eyebrows at her. But Dayeon started getting used to it, so it didn't annoy her that much anymore. Instead, she started teasing Hikaru back by talking to her about Bahiyyih and also wriggling her eyebrows at Hikaru.

Dayeon and Chaehyun finally arrived at Chaehyun's house. Dayeon started packing the stuff she needed into a bag so she could leave, she was still scared about what her mother would do after she found out that she slept over at Chaehyun's instead.

"Good luck, Dayeon." Chaehyun teased the shorter girl before pushing her forward and stepping back inside her house. Dayeon turned around and awkwardly waved before turning back around and walking away.

"I'm sorry mom, please don't ground me!" Dayeon shouted out once she stepped inside her house. "It's fine, Dayeon. Even though you weren't supposed to be at Chaehyun's house." Her mother mumbled the last part. Dayeon smiles at her mother and walks past her, heading to her bedroom to unpack.


A/N - this is just a random chapter since i dont have any ideas
