Chapter 5

Hi again;

Thank you for your reviews, glad to know you like it. So, to reply some questions, Leapyearbaby29; Emily just jumped back in time some days, to the last Christmas. Emily fought with Paige but they were still together when Alison died the 1st time. Now, the beginning of this chapter will be like a flashback, we will see how Alison died the 1st time and keep in mind the time of death because it will be an important element in the story line...

NOTE 1: Everything in bold italics, it will be the character's narrative, I mean, like an internal dialogue, their thoughts.

NOTE 2: The "X" it's to mark the beginning of a new scene, I mean, a change of scenario and everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene.

I hope it's clear and thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review! I wish you happy holidays!

Chapter 5

***Alison's narrative with music for the background***

Everybody knows life is full of unexplained things... we call it fate... destiny... karma... luck... no matter how we call it... it always reaches us... disease can suddenly be discovered, disappearances happen... accidents happens... death... death happens...

(Inside Alison's car, 25th December)

After talking with her brother; the blonde keeps driving around the town till she gets to the section of the street is closed for repairs. She parks near that area and with shaky moves, she opens the medical kit Elliot prepared for her; Alison stares at the needle... at the injection she must take...

Alison mumbles to herself. – "Come on Ali... you can do this... you have done worse things..."

A tear appears in her face as she approaches the syringe to her arm; she looks up and notices the timing that's indicated in the clock of the car...

Alison. – "8h00 pm..."

The blonde gulps hard, her hand is shaking, and she shut down her eyes as she tries to take the shot without pain.

Alison cries with frustration. – "Damn it! I can't do it!"

The blonde throws the syringe far from her and she curls on her seat as she cries. The blonde leans her head against the steering wheel; consumed by her own fear, sorrow, guilt... the blonde was lost on her emotions, frozen in that moment of hesitation but time didn't stop... time keeps running and the clock is ticking...

It's 8h05 pm when Alison hears distant teenagers walking around; she looks up and a tiny smile appears in Alison face as the shadows of snowflakes start falling. The blonde is contemplating the snow as Time keeps running and there's it... the fate Alison can't avoid. She looks up at the road when she notices how a drunk driver tries to pass through the road which is in repairs.

Alison raises an eye brow. – "Doesn't he notice it's closed for repairs?"

It's 8h07 pm when Alison turns on her engine and when her eyes get bigger of shock because she notices how the drunk driver loses control of his car, the car flies in the air as the wheels hit a patch of sand.

Alison gasps. – "OMG! He will hit the kids!"

The teenagers were walking in the sidewalk when they saw with fear how the car was flying in their direction. Paralyzed by the fear, they just hug each other, waiting for the worse...

Fate... destiny... karma... luck... call it as you want... it will always reach you...

Alison accelerates, she turns the wheels of her car and it's exactly 8h08 pm when she becomes the shield of the teenagers. The blonde put herself between the drunk driver and the teenager; the lights of the other car are too strong, Alison closes her eyes and that huge light was the last thing she saw before the collision happened...

The teenagers scream. – "OMG! We're ok! That car saved us! Let's call 911!"

The sound of teenagers talking to her, it makes her smile...

Alison mumbles. – "Good, they're okay..."

The blonde smiles and hearing the voice of the teenagers it's the last thing Alison recalls before everything goes black...

Like I said, death happens... pains go phantom... blood stops running. Fate... destiny... karma... luck... call it as you want... it will always reach you... You can't hide from it, you can't avoid it... it's unavoidable... so, if something you didn't know you had disappears, would you miss it? Would you miss me?


(In Alison's house)

Emily was with her hands in her pockets as she was looking around. She smiles as she stares at old photos of Alison when she was a kid...

Emily mumbles. - "I wonder if our kids will look like her..."

Alison says as she emerges into the living room. - "Did you say something?"

Emily jumps like a kid who has been just caught doing something wrong. Alison chuckles with such view.

Alison. - "You're so cute..."

Emily says as she stares at the beautiful dress Alison is wearing. – "You're the one who is cute and beautiful..."

The brunette shows lust in her eyes and Alison notices it...

Alison smirks. – "Em! Stop looking at me like that!"

Emily. – "I can't; you look smocking hot with that dress..."

The blonde blushes and she looks in the mirror of her living room as she's putting her earrings. Emily hugs her from behind, she starts rubbing her nose on Alison's neck and putting soft kisses in it...

Alison. – "Em... stop it, we're already late and we should have been back with your parents, hours ago!"

Emily teases. – "Let's stay here... just you and me..."

The blonde turns around, she pushes Emily against her and even if she messes up her make-up, she kisses Emily with a lot of passion, leaving the brunette dizzy with that intense kiss...

Alison smirks. - "I really love you Em... but I didn't kick my ass all day in the kitchen for nothing, so move your ass and let's go!"

Emily chuckles and like always, she just follows the commands of her Queen...


(In the Fields' house)

Pam. – "Is there something wrong Ali?"

Alison. – "I... I'm sorry, I was supposed to be back sooner and help you with the dessert but in the end, I didn't help you at all..."

Pam smiles. – "You helped me Ali, till someone distracted you..."

Pam looks at her daughter and Emily just looks down as a teenager who's scared to get grounded.

Pam. – "Ali, the important is that you're here and that we will have a happy Christmas..."

Happy... Alison asks herself when was the last time she felt really happy... she can't remember but if someone asks her, she would definitely say 'today'... today was her happiest day in her life and she doesn't hide it as her face glows with happiness...

Pam. – "Ali, could you settle the table please?"

Alison nods. – "Off course..."

The blonde starts walking and Emily tries to follow her...

Emily smiles. – "I'll help you..."

The brunette follows her; Emily was putting the plats on the table when Alison kisses her cheek without a warning and the brunette blushes and smiles when she feels the soft warm kiss...

Alison smiles. – "I love you... you know that... right?"

Emily nods. - "I know... I know your love for me is so big that you would give your life for me..."

Alison. - "I would die for you without doubt..."

Emily gulps hard, she knows Alison is being honest... she remembers how Alison's heart ended into Wayne and remembering it, all over again, it brings tears in Emily's eyes. Alison wipes Emily's tears and they lean their front-head together.

Emily cries. - "Don't die for me! Promise me you will not die for me!"

Alison looks confused. – "Em... what do you mean?"

Emily pleads. – "Just promise me!"

Alison. – "Ok... ok... I promise..."

The brunette keeps crying and Alison doesn't know what to say, she just hugs her tight and she keeps hugging her till Emily calms down.

Emily. - "Sorry for killing the mood but I'm very scared of losing you..."

Alison rubs Emily's back and says. - "Don't be scared Em, I'm not leaving you, there are so many things I want to do with you and we will do it... we have plenty of time..."

Emily sighs. - "Yeah... time..."

Pam approaches with the turkey and Wayne helps her to put it in the table.

Wayne smiles. – "Time to eat!"

Emily asks with concern. – "Dad... how do you feel? Your heart... is it okay?"

Wayne stares at Alison and says with a big smile as he hugs the blonde and brunette at the same time.

Wayne. – "My heart is great! Never better!"

Alison smiles and she returns to the kitchen with Pam, helping her to bring everything into the table and Emily just stares at her...

Wayne whispers in Emily's ear. – "You know Emy... there's no better medicine than 'love' and seeing you really in love and being really loved, it's great for my heart..."

Emily smiles and hugs her father with a lot of love...

Emily mumbles with watery-eyes. – "You've to get better..."

Wayne. – "I will... I promise... we still have plenty of Time to make happy memories Emy..."

The brunette gets worried when Time is mentioned but she just shakes her head and decides to don't worry about it and just have a great Christmas with her beloved... because after all... Time doesn't matter... right?

(The next morning: 25th December)

The light of the sun comes through the window and Emily slowly opens her eyes, she jumps in bed as she doesn't see the blonde in her bed. Panic and fear invades her body and she runs downstairs, looking for the blonde...

Wayne asks. – "Something wrong?"

Emily. – "Ali... I woke up and she wasn't there and I...."

Wayne. – "She went with your mom to the church... relax Emy... you look very tense..."

Emily takes deep breaths and control her erratic breathing; Wayne asks her to follow him and both, they sit on the living room. Wayne offers coffee to his daughter and he notices the beautiful locket necklace in shape of a heart, Emily is wearing...

Wayne asks. – "Did Alison give you that?"

Emily smiles. – "Yeah... she even put a picture of you two, inside the locket heart... there's place for another picture..."

Wayne. – "And what picture you'll put inside?"

Emily blushes. – "I think it's obvious..."

Both chuckle, they know Emily was talking about Alison...

Wayne asks. – "And what did you give her... for Christmas?"

Emily sighs. – "Nothing..."

The brunette notices the disapproval look of her father and says...

Emily. – "But I'll give her something... I promise... I just don't know what..."

Wayne. – "I know what you could give her..."

Emily raises an eye brow. – "Really?"

Wayne nods and he puts a little box in Emily's lap. The brunette opens it and she gasps, surprised to look at the beautiful ring of her grandma...

Wayne. – "Emy... since I was diagnosed with this heart's issue, I realized Time it's precious... it's a gift we don't appreciate enough... Time, Emy... time keeps running and we should spend all our time with the people we love..."

Emily. – "I do love her... I don't want to lose her ever again..."

Wayne. – "I'm not pressuring you, but I know Dr. Rollins and other persons are around Ali..."

Emily's body stiff when the name of the doctor is mentioned...

Wayne. – "Ali is faithful towards you... I know it, but we need to do something to scare away all those vultures around her... you need to mark your territory... what is yours..."

Emily chuckles. – "Dad!"

Wayne teases. – "If you hesitate to put a ring on her finger, someone else will try it..."

Emily gulps hard, she can't imagine the blonde saying the 'I do' to someone else and then a realization is done as she stares at the ring...


(In the kissing rock)

Emily was excited, she has been decorating the place all day; candles, rose's petals, balloons in shape of a heart... the brunette smiles with pride as she stares at the beautiful picnic she has prepared for them...

Emily says as she looks at her clock. – "7h30 pm... I still have time before she arrives..."

The brunette keeps working and she grins with happiness as she looks at the diamond ring she has in her hands. She was staring at the ring when an unexpected presence approaches her...

Time smirks. – "It's pretty..."

Emily jumps, her eyes get bigger and she gasps with a shocker look when she turns around and recognizes the guy behind her...

Emily mumbles. – "You..."

Time sits in the kissing rock and he keeps looking around as he says...

Time. – "Do you really think you dodged the curveball? Do you really think Death will not show up today?"

Emily sighs heavy, she resumes her preparations and replies without looking at him...

Emily. – "I made plans and they don't include you so please leave..."

Time smirks. – "You know all your plans include me, right? Time... Me... I'm everywhere..." (Smirks) "You make plans, steps to follow but you never know how the day is going to end up... how people you never expected to show up, they will just show up..."

Emily. – "People like you?"

Time. – "Maybe... I can't tell you everything... you know..."

Emily sighs heavy, she looks at him in the eyes and says...

Emily. – "What are you doing here?"

Time. – "I just told you... I'm everywhere..."

Emily sighs heavy again and they were staring at each other into the eyes when Time says something important to her...

Time. – "8h08 pm..."

Emily. – "What?"

Time. – "December, 25th... 8h08 pm... that was her time of dead..."

Emily gulps hard and then Time starts walking away...

Time. – "Human life is made up of choices but it's not always in your hands to control the flow of life and death..."

Emily. – "She will not die! My Dad is fine! He isn't in the hospital! She doesn't need to give him her heart! She doesn't need to die for me!"

Time stops walking and he turns and stares at her; the brunette stays in silence, she gulps hard as she notices the sad look of Time...

Time. – "She didn't die for you... she just died... and I really hope she'll not die this time..."

He leaves, leaving an uneasy brunette.

Emily mumbles to herself. – "She will no die... there are no reasons for her to die..."

It was 8pm when Alison arrives, the blonde gasps with happiness as she looks at the beautiful decoration...

Alison. – "OMG, Em... it's beautiful!"

Emily smiles. – "Do you like it?"

The blonde nods and she kisses her with a lot of love; Emily closes her eyes, her heart melt in that kiss and then she just contemplates at the beautiful sapphires of the blonde. The plan was to do it at the end of the picnic, but she can't wait any longer; she knees in one knee and shows up the little box with the ring on it...

Alison. – "OMG! Em...."

Emily. – "Ali... will you marry me?"

In the kissing rock, in their spot, the blonde was planning to say yes... yes to a new beginning... yes to her happily ever after... yes to what has been her dream for so long... but... the clock was ticking... the rendezvous was already settled, and her fate was already decided...

8h07... how much can happen in 1 min? How in 60 secs your life can change... forever?

Paige yells. - "Are you fucking serious?!"

Emily stands up and turns around; she looks confused, the presence of her ex wasn't part of her plan... but it was part of a bigger plan that Emily was ignoring...

Emily. - "Paige?! Wh-...?!"

Alison. - "Go away Pig skin!"

Paige gets angry when the blonde calls her like that; she rushes towards the blonde in 'killer mode' and Emily gulps with fear as she has never seen that blood lust in Paige's eyes.

The clock keeps ticking... 30 secs and it will be 8h08...

Emily put herself in front of Alison, trying to protect her but she's pushed away by the two girls...

Alison. - "No Em! This is between Pig skin and me!"

Paige. - "Stop calling me like that!"

15 sec... before 8h08...

Alison. - "Emily is mine Pig skin! She has always been mine! Even when she was with you..."

Paige groans with anger as she throws her fist against Alison's face. - "Shut up!"

Emily. - "No! Wait..."

Time doesn't wait... time keeps running; and it was 8h08 when Paige's fist collapses against Alison's face...

Emily. - "Ali!"

The hit pushes the blonde hard and she falls and sadly when the blonde fell towards the ground, she hit her head with the kissing rock... they heard the 'crack'... the kind of sound you hear when you break a nut... but it wasn't a nut what it broke...

Emily mumbles. - "Ali...?!"

Paige gulps. - "OMG!"

The blonde doesn't reply; her eyes are open but there is no spark in them... the glowing of her blue eyes was leaving her body as blood was pouring from her head.

Emily panics. - "Ali?! Ali! Aliiii!"

From the distance, someone was watching...

Time sighs. – "8h08... just like the 1st time..."

The brunette knees beside the blonde. With shaky hands, Emily touches the blonde and tears start to fall from her chocolate's eyes as she notices no reaction from the blonde...

Emily cries as she shakes Alison's body. - "No... No, no,no! This is no happening! No! Ali! Please... "

Paige tries to touch Emily's shoulder, but the brunette pushes her away.

Emily. - "What have you done!"

Paige tries to excuse herself; but Emily doesn't care... the damage is done... and all she can focus it's in the dead blonde who's lying down on the ground. With pain... with a lot of sorrow; Emily holds the blonde in her arms as she cries for the loss of her beloved...

Paige. - "Emily... I'm sorry... i never meant to..."

Emily. - "Go away! Leave me alone!

Emily sits on the ground, holding Ali's body and crying without stop... nothing else matters for her... with the eyes closed, she was lost in her sorrow till she felt the presence of someone standing in front of her....

Emily snaps. - "I say you to leave!"

The presence doesn't leave, Emily gets angry thinking it was Paige; she looks up and she wildly opens her eyes when she notices it's not Paige. Emily stares with shock at the black hoodie in front of her...

Emily mumbles. -"what... who....?!"

Face to face for the 1st time, Emily stares with anger to the black hoodie in front of her...

Death says. - "Destiny... karma... fate.... luck.... call it as you want... you can't escape from it... you can't change it... you can't stop it... you can't stop: ME..."

*** Emily's narrative ***

Ask most people what they want out of life and the answer is simple: to be happy. But if you ask me... if you ask me what I want out of life... the answer is simple: I want her to live... I want Alison alive... the question is... how do I hide her from Death? How do I stop the unavoidable?

