Chapter 13

Hi guys, one more chapter is all I have for this story... this chapter will be intense and long, so prepare the tissues ^^. I'm no spoiling the ending but if you know me, you know I love the cliffhanger and the twist so, believe me, the next chapter will surprise you ^^

NOTE 1: Everything in bold italics, it will be the character's narrative, I mean, like an internal dialogue, their thoughts.

NOTE 2: The * X * it's to mark the beginning of a new scene, I mean, a change of scenario and everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene.

I hope it's clear and thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review! Have a great day!

Chapter 13

*** Alison's narrative***

Everything comes to an end eventually. The only difference is whether it happens sooner or later. And even as we sense that the end is nigh, we spend another day idling in this cradle of our lives...

Emily says with a smile. – "I can't believe we're doing this..."

Alison holds her hand and, the brunette looks at her, Emily's smile gets bigger when she locks eyes with Alison...

Alison whispers with a sexy voice. – "You and me in sweet Paris... how does that sound?"

Emily leans and softly kisses the blonde while she says. – "Perfect... just perfect..."

One year... 12 months... 365 days... that was the time, life was giving her and, Alison has decided to spend each second of this year with her beautiful mermaid. Paris, Rome, Venezia... the girls did a tour in Europe and it was perfect... kissing in the top of the Eiffel tower, eating pizza in Italy, holding hands in the cities of lovers...

Emily softly puts Alison's hair behind her ear and, the butterflies in her stomach just fly, fly free while those two beautiful blue eyes stare at her with so much love...

Alison caresses Emily's cheek and says. – "I love you... never forget that..."

It was bitter sweet to hear those 3 words 8 letters coming from Alison's mouth because Emily knew... she knew that the clock was ticking; Emily knew this wasn't going to be her 'forever' and, even if Alison has already made peace with it, Emily hasn't...

Emily cries. – "I... I..."

Alison hugs her and says. – "Don't cry Em, please don't cry..."

The brunette grips on the blonde and sobs. – "Why we can't stay like this forever?! Why you've to die! Why?! Is it really such a bad thing to want you with me forever? Aren't we allowed to think about the future?"

Alison caresses Emily's head while she keeps hugging her and says. – "Life is ephemeral, Em... most of the time we don't know when death will knock our door but, I know... you know and we both know too that we can't change my fate..."

The blonde breaks the hug; with her hands, Alison clears the messy tears of the brunette; they lean their front-head together and with their eyes locked in each other, the blonde says...

Alison. – "I want to make you happy as long as I live and, as long as you don't let me go... as long as we're able to make real memories, I believe that even if I'm not physically here, in this earth..." (She puts her hand over Emily's chest and says with a wrenching-heart voice) "I'll always live in your heart..." (tears)

Emily smiles with sadness; she puts her hand over Alison's hand and, once again, the brunette leans towards the blonde and, kisses her, Emily kisses her deeply like if there wasn't a tomorrow...

Emily says between kisses. – "You will always live in my heart... forever..."


*** Alison's narrative ***

Forever... some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a great love... something you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close, hoping you will not forget, hoping they'll not forget... hoping you will always remember the good memories... hoping she'll always remember the good memories, forever...

Some months after travelling around Europe, the girls decide to spend the last few months they have, in the place where everything began... Rosewood...

(In the forest of Rosewood)

Emily says while she blindly walks. – "Ali... I'm getting dizzy..."

Alison chuckles, she's blinding Emily with her hand and, she guides Emily to walk while she walks behind her...

Alison. – "Just wait a little more..."

Emily. – "Where are we going?"

Alison smiles. – "It's a surprise, Em..."

Emily pouts. – "I can't see anything..."

Alison giggles. – "That's the point... come on, Em... just a few more steps..."

What was for Alison just some few steps, for Emily, it felt like an eternity; but it was worthy to wait and see this...

Alison says while putting her hand down. – "Ok... now, you can see... we're here..."

Emily gasps with surprise. – "OMG! Ali...!"

The brunette glows in happiness while she sees a beautiful picnic in the kissing rock...

Emily smiles. – "This is beautiful..."

Alison says while she guides them towards the picnic she has prepared for them...

Alison. – "I had a dream... a dream of us here... a dream of us, here and me, giving you this, here..."

Emily asks. – "Giving me what...?"

In their spot, in the place where they kissed so many times, in the place where she died once... Alison knees in one knee with a little box between her hands...

Emily. – "OMG! You're... you're...!"

Alison says with tears in her eyes. – "Em, I can't promise you a 'forever', I can't promise you a happily ever after, I can't promise you to grow old together..." (Tears) "All I can tell you, it's that you're a gift... you're a gift I never dreamed I could want or need. And if you let me, I promise to spend every day, every second of the rest of my life, showing you that you're a gift that I deserve..."

Emily blushes, tears fall from her brown eyes and the blonde tries to continue with her speech, but she's overwhelmed with all the feelings...

Alison rambles. – "Em, I... I... I...." (She mumbles) "Words don't do justice to what I want to express but, I..."

Emily stops Alison's rambling with a kiss in the lips; the brunette cups Alison's face with her hands and she leans so hard, that both girls fall over the carpet of the picnic...

Emily whispers. – "Yes..."

Alison. – "Huh...?"

Emily grabs the diamond ring from the box and, puts it on her finger while she says. – "I will marry you..."

Alison teases. – "I haven't even asked you and you're already saying yes... don't be so easy, Em..."

Emily giggles. – "Shut up and just kiss me..."

Alison chuckles and kisses the only person she has ever loved, the only person she will ever love...

Alison smiles. – "Em, you really are gonna be my bride?"

Emily nods with tears of happiness. – "I will... I'll be the bride of the QB, I'll be the 1st and the last love of this beautiful blonde... I most definitely will be..."

Emily's words bring so much happiness to Alison; the blonde glows in happiness and they kiss, their kiss with love and desire and, before knowing, their clothes were off. They celebrate the engagement making love in their spot, in front of that rock, where years ago, they kissed and put their initials inside a heart.

They love each other over and over and, the blonde is the 1st one on falling asleep in the arms of her beautiful mermaid. The brunette smiles looking at the sleeping blonde and, the brunette becomes the big spoon of the naked blonde; Emily makes sure that Alison is well covert by the blanket and she gets cozy behind the blonde; Emily snuggles on the blonde and, hugs a sleepy Alison while she kisses her...

Emily whispers with tears in her eyes. – "I don't wanna live without you..." (Tears) "I don't want to let you go..." (sobs) "Please, please don't go... please don't let go of my hand, please..."


*** Alison's narrative ***

Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity...

(In Rosewood cemetery)

Alison puts some flowers in the grave of her mom and she was standing there, in front of the grave, when she noticed the presence of someone else...

Alison chuckles with a little of sadness. – "It's funny, I was just asking myself when I was going to see you again..."

Death. – "I'm the one who wanted to see you... I've something to tell you..."

Alison. – "Did you get my name in your list, now?!"

Death. – "No, it's not like that..."

Alison. – "I see... you scared me..."

Death. – "Are you worried that your name will come up?"

Alison. – "Not really worried for me... I'm more worried for Emily, she's no ready..."

Death. – "Your fate has so many variables..."

Alison. – "But it doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna die this December, right?"

Death looks down, for the 1st time in her existence, the angel of death doesn't feel proud of her work...

Alison looks at Death and says. – "Don't look down, you're doing nothing wrong. Above all, every human dies at some point; that's why life is even more beautiful, that's why the 1st thought, I had once I got to know I was going to die, was to live each day as if it was my last..."

The angel of death looks up and they stare at each other into the eyes...

Alison. – "You know, each morning when I wake up, I ask to myself: 'If today is my last day, what will be my final memory?' and, every day I get the same answer..."

Death. – "And, what is that answer...?"

Alison smiles. – "That my last memory will be the person I love... Emily" (A big smile appears in her face when she says the name of the brunette) "So, I'd better live hard and love her a lot... that's what I say myself every day..."

Death smiles. – "You know, if just more people could think like you... if more people could cheer every day like it was the last one, maybe, just maybe, this world would be a better place..."

Alison smiles and they look at each other into the eyes. The blonde stares at Death, directly into the eyes, without fear... without rage or anger... just peace, a lot, and a lot of peace...

Death. – "Thank you..."

Alison. – "Wherefore?"

Death. – "For finding peace with your fate, with me... thank you, it's the 1st time any human sees me into the eyes without fear or anger and, it's... it's really nice to don't be hated for once..."

Alison smiles. – "I know the feeling, when I was younger, I wanted to see fear on the eyes of everyone but, now, now I just want to have a calm and beautiful life..."

Death. – "Your life is already beautiful. Just know that..."

Alison smiles. – "Thank you... So, what was the thing you wanted to tell me...?"


*** Alison's narrative ***

Every life is touched by a deity at least once. Just when you're drifting away from the world. If someone nudged you back in the right direction, that would be when the deity chose to visit you...

Time was walking towards his car when he runs into a little kid...

Time. – "Hey! Watch out where you're going!"

The little kid doesn't reply, he just starts running away and looking at the little kid running, Time notices something between the hands of the kid...

Time says while he looks at his pockets. – "He stole my wallet!" (He yells to the kid) "Hey! Come here!"

Time runs after the kid and, he's fast enough to grab him from the jacket...

Time. – "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Stealing is wrong! You shouldn't do that!"

The kid replies. – "Come on, everyone has stolen something at least once in their life..."

Time. – "That's no truth, I've never stolen anything to anyone..."

The kid raises an eyebrow and says. – "Are you sure?"

Time nods

The kid smirks. – "And, what about all the times you've rewound in time?"

Time drops the kid from his grip and says with a shocked face. – "W-what...?"

The kid looks him into the eyes and says. – "Every time you rewind in time, you're stealing 'the present time' to the entire world... and that... that's wrong too..."

Time steps back, he stares at the little kid with shock...

Time mumbles. – "It's you... you..."

The kid smiles. – "You might think I forgot about you, about the world, but that's no truth... I'm always watching..."

Time gulps hard, he has waited so long for this moment, he had so many things to say to the divinity who created the world but, the mix of emotions was so overwhelmed that Time stays speechless...

The kid. – "I thought you had a lot of things to tell me..."

Time opens his mouth but, no words come out of his mouth...

The kid looks around and says. – "It's beautiful, isn't it? Even if it's not a perfect world, I really believe it's beautiful..."

Time mumbles. – "Regardless of the appearance you wear, why you're choosing this 'time' to show yourself?"

The kid chuckles. – "There's never a right time for doing things, there's just the 'now'... and now, now I'm gonna finally answer the question you want me to answer..."

Time. – "Yeah, and according with you, what it's that question?!"

The kid smiles. – "I don't hate you..."

Time. – "WHAT?!"

The kid. – "You have walked in this earth for a long time, you've been around humans for so many centuries, alone, so, I get it... I understand why you wanted to leave a mark... leave something behind..."

Time gulps hard and the little kid opens the wallet and takes between his fingers, the picture that Time has been keeping close to him all this time...

The kid smiles. – "Cupid is right... she has your eyes..."

Time grabs his wallet and his picture from the kid and says with an angry voice...

Time. – "NO! You've no right to..."

The kid cuts him off. – "Don't decide things on your own, I'm not here to fight you..."

Time sighs. – "Then, why you're here?"

The kid walks in circles and says while he looks at the sky. – "Creating new life... I believe that represents hope for us... for the entire humanity..." (He looks at Time and says) "Even if it wasn't supposed to happen..."

Time says with watery-eyes and a wrenching voice. – "Then, why are you taking her? Why you don't let her have a long life... why?!"

The kid sees the sorrow on Time's eyes and he softly puts his hands above Time's chest...

The kid. – "Life is a force I can't control, we can't control... we just have to let it be..."

Time snaps. – "What kind of answer is that?!"

The kid chuckles. – "I knew you wouldn't understand it, that's why I'm doing this..."

Time. – "Doing what...?"

The kid. – "Making you human..."

Time. – "WHAT?!"

The hands of the kid light up and Time feels dizzy till he passes out. Lying down on the street, Time is now a normal human being, the kid softly kisses the front-head of the old man and says...

The kid. – "You'll understand... when the time comes, you'll understand why life is a force no one can't control..."

*** Time's narrative ***

Some days, the whole world seems upside down. And, then somehow, and probably when you least expect it, the world rights itself again. Revealing a future in a way we never imagined it could be...

Someone was talking to him; he feels his head in a warm lap and when he opens his eyes, he sees the person who's letting him rest in his lap...

Alison smiles. – "Hi..."

Time nervously stands up and when he does it, Alison notices an old picture of her, in the ground...

Alison. – "You're the one who dropped this, aren't you?"

Time gulps, he doesn't know what to say, he hesitates in taking back the picture but, that picture is his precious treasure, so he quickly takes its from Alison's hands.

Alison chuckles. – "You know, I've better pictures than that one... I could give you some of them, if you want..."

Time is confused with Alison's comment, she doesn't look shocked or upset, she's just smiling...

Time. – "How much do you know...?"

Alison. – "I had a long talk with that friend of yours..."

Time raises an eyebrow. – "Friend?"

Alison. – "Death sends you her 'hellos'..."

Time. – "You talked with Death?!"

Alison chuckles and, looking at the sundown, she says...

Alison. – "It's getting late... why don't we end this conversation at home..."

Time mumbles with a tiny smile. – "Home...?"

He was looking at the old picture he had between his hands till he sees Alison, stretching her hand...

Time. – "I... I'm not supposed to be part of your life... I..."

Alison cuts him off. – "We don't have a lot of time, so let's break the rules just one more time..."

Time chuckles and they lock their eyes in each other...

Alison smiles with watery-eyes. – "I got your eyes...."

Time smiles with tears in his eyes. – "Yeah... you got my eyes..."

Alison offers her hand to Time and, Time smiles, tears of happiness fall from his eyes because for the 1st time, he holds the hand of his daughter...

Alison grips hard on Time's hand and says. – "Don't let go of my hand..."

Time smiles. – "I won't..."


While Alison was holding hands with her Dad, Emily was making a big decision...

(In a fertility clinic)

Emily. – "Thank you for coming with me..."

Cupid. – "It's ok... I'm getting free food after this, right?"

Emily chuckles and nods. – "Yeah..."

Cupid smiles and he jumps in Emily's bed while the brunette signs a lot of forms...

Cupid. – "So, why are you doing this? Donating your eggs..."

Emily. – "I want more money for our wedding, the wedding needs to be the one that Alison always dreamed... it has to be perfect..."

Cupid nods. – "I see..."

A nurse come in and says. – "Are you ready...?"

Emily nods and the nurses take her away...

Emily says to the red-hair boy. – "You can go now... I don't know how long it will last, so, you should go..."

Cupid nods. – "Ok..."

Time flies and, when Emily opens her eyes again, she finds that the red-hair boy hasn't left her side...

Emily mumbles. – "You're still here...?"

Cupid smiles. – "Off course! Why I would leave you alone...?"

Emily smiles and she was still dizzy for the anesthesia when the nurse comes in. Looking at the face of the nurse, the brunette wasn't going to receive good news...

Emily. – "Something wrong?"

The nurse. – "Well, the couple who was going to use your eggs, they just found out they're expecting so, they will no longer need your eggs..."

Emily. – "Oh, I see, so, what we do now...?"

The nurse explains to Emily her options and, then the brunette decides...

Emily. – "Is it possible to find another couple which will want my eggs?"

The nurse was going to say something but, an idea pops in Cupid's mind and says very loud...

Cupid. – "I know someone! I know who would love to get these eggs!"

Cupid drags the nurse with him and, before leaving the hospital room, he says to Emily...

Cupid. – "You'll make someone very happy with this donation... I promise..."

Emily smiles and, she rests in silence, feeling in peace with her decision...


It was in a beautiful day of autumn when the D-day happened. Leaves from different colors fall... orange, yellow... the leaves beautifully full of light and color the day of the wedding. Friends and family got reunited and, Alison couldn't be happier while she walks towards the love of her live, by the arm of her Dad...

Time. – "I'm happy I get to see you at least like this... happy... really happy..."

Alison smiles and then, Time gives Alison's hand to Emily...

Time. – "Congratulations on your wedding, take care of her, ok?"

Emily nods and the ceremony starts.

Emily. – "Until death parts us, every word that you say, whatever you want, I promise I'll make every wish into a reality, I promise I'll make all your dreams a reality..."

Alison smiles. – "Until death parts us..." (She shakes her head) "No... even after death... I promise I'll always love you..."

Emily smiles with a lot of blush while they say their vows. Everything went perfect that day and, for everyone it was one of the most beautiful memories in their lives...

Alison says while she sees the golden ring on Emily's hand. – "I've always wanted to put it on you properly, at least once, I'm so happy I had the chance to do it..."

Emily smiles and she pecks Alison's lips with a soft kiss while she says...

Emily. – "I love you..."

Alison smiles. – "I love you, too..."


(In Alison & Emily's house)

Alison walks into the living room and says. – "Are you really putting the tree now? It's just the 1st of December..."

Emily chuckles. – "I know, but you know I love Xmas, it's my favorite period of the year..."

Alison chuckles and she kisses Emily's cheek while she says...

Alison. – "You're a beautiful dorky..."

Emily giggles, feeling Alison's lips on her...

Alison says while she hugs the brunette from the waist. – "So... where's my gift?"

Emily. – "It's too soon to put the gifts below the tree..."

Alison pouts. – "But, I wanna see my gift, now..."

Emily chuckles and shakes her head. – "Oh no! I know you, if I put it now, you'll open it before Xmas..."

Alison pouts and pouts, but Emily doesn't change her mind...

Alison pouts. – "You're no fun, Em!"

Emily chuckles and says while she kisses Alison's cheek...

Emily. – "Let's make a deal, I will put your gift below the tree if you do the same..."

Alison. – "I can't put your gift below the tree..."

Emily raises an eyebrow. – "Why?" (She panics) "Don't tell me you haven't bought me anything, yet! Ali...!"

Alison smirks. – "Relax Em, I've your gift... well, some sort of..."

Emily. – "What does that mean?"

Alison kisses Emily's cheek and says with a goofy smile. – "Em, don't worry, you'll probably receive the best gift of your life, this December..."

Emily. – "Probably?! What do you mean with 'probably'...? Ali..."

Alison cuts her off. – "Relax, Em, I got this, don't worry, I promise you, it will be a great Xmas, you'll love your gift... you'll see... Cupid helped me with it..."

Emily rolls her eyes. – "Oh God! Now, I'm worried!"

Alison laughs and walks away, getting ready to get out...

Emily. – "Are you going somewhere?"

Alison nods. – "Yeah... don't you remember? I'm couching the soccer team for the finals and, today, it's the last game before the holydays..."

Emily. – "Oh, I see... well, don't be so hard with them, remember they're just kids, Ali..."

Alison pouts. – "I'm not hard on them..."

Emily chuckles. – "Well, whatever you say, babe... just promise me you'll be back before 8pm... our parents are coming to dinner..."

Alison nods and before leaving she blows a kiss to her dear wife...

Alison. – "I love you... see you soon..."

Emily smiles. – "Love you, see you soon..."

*** Alison's narrative ***

Sometimes the future changes, quickly and completely, and we're left with only the choice we make today. We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving or we can choose to step forward into the unknown and assume the consequences of our own actions... of our own choices...

(In the streets of Rosewood)

Death looks at the sky and says. – "It looks it's gonna snow..."

Cupid approaches and says. – "You think so?"

Death thought she was alone, like always, but she wasn't...

Death. – "What are you doing here...?"

Cupid smirks. – "I could ask you the same..."

Death looks at its list and says with sadness. – "It seems like a school bus is going to get in an accident..."

Cupid. – "You look sad about it... why? I thought you were fine, dealing with the death of humans..."

Death. – "I do my job the best way I can but, that doesn't mean I don't feel bad for taking the souls of those who were just starting to live..." (Sad sighs) "They're kids... they should have more time... I wish they should have more time..."

Cupid pats Death's back, trying to cheer her up. Both entities where standing there, staring at the big list of names which were on Death's list, when the 1st snowflake fell...

Cupid looks up and smiles. – "Look! You were right! It's snowing..."

Death looks up and smiles. – "Yeah... I was right... like always..."

Cupid play-fully hits Death's arm and says. – "Cocky... if you're always right, then tell me, who will win next super bowl?"

Death rolls her eyes and she was trying to ignore the annoying red-hair boy when a car stopped in front of them...

Alison. – "Hi..."

Cupid waves his hands and smiles. – "Hi!"

Death didn't say a word, and Alison looks at the angel of Death...

Alison teases. – "It's no polite to don't reply..."

Death looks down and mumbles with a shy voice. – "H... Hi..."

Cupid play-fully hits Death's back and says. – "Don't take it personal, Ali, she's just too shy, she's no used to socialize with humans..."

Death hits Cupid's head and scolds. – "Shut up!"

Cupid whines. – "Hey! It hurt!"

Death rolls her eyes and, Alison just chuckles...

Alison. – "Well, if you need practice socializing with people, why don't you come by tonight and get dinner with us..."

Cupid smiles and licks his lips. – "Free food?!"

Death scolds. – "She was inviting me! No, you!"

Cupid pouts. – "Oh...."

Alison chuckles. – "Don't look sad Cupid, you know you're welcome everyday... "

Cupid smiles and, looking at her watch, Alison decides to keep going...

Alison. – "I've to go... there are kids waiting for me... so, tonight, 8pm... don't be late..."

The blonde resumes her driving and, Cupid waves his hands, saying good-bye to the blonde...

Cupid. – "She's really nice... isn't?"

Death shily smiles and nods. – "She's... she's the 1st human who has ever been kind with me..."

Cupid smiles and they were standing there, when they see another car passes by; the car passes very fast, but the Death thinks she knows who's in that car...

Death mumbles. – "It's that...?"

Cupid cuts her off. – "So, at what time we can go to the dinner...?"

Death. – "Well, according with my list..." (She stares at her list in shock) "It can't be..."

Cupid sees the shocker face of Death and says worried...

Cupid. – "What is wrong...?"

Death mumbles. – "The children's fates have changed..."

Cupid. – "WHAT?!" (He looks at the list and sees how each name vanishes from the list) "Why would it change, though?"

The angel of death thinks in silence and then, when the face of a particular blonde pops up into her mind, she realizes what was the variable which was going to change everything...

Death mumbles. – "Because of the death where a list cannot be made..."

Cupid. – "Can there be a death without a name list? What do you mean?"

Death turns her head towards the road that Alison followed and says while a tear falls from her eyes...

Death. – "A death that cannot be predicted: a sacrifice..."

*** Alison's narrative ***

A human sacrifice is something the almighty cannot predict... it wasn't a part of the big design... that's because it's a momentary instinct, a choice, solely made by us... it's a choice, only humans can make... a choice made by me...

Driving her car, Alison's phone rings and she puts the call on speakers...

Alison smiles. – "Hi Dad!"

Time on the phone. – "Where are you? I'm on my way to the match..."

Alison. – "Me too... hold on, Emily is calling me too, I'll call you back, just let me turn right first and see what Emily wants..."

The light turns red and Alison stops her car; she was just in the corner of her destination. The blonde smiles while she looks at the kids arriving in the bus...

Alison mumbles looking at the kids. – "I want one..."

Emily on the phone. – "Hello, Ali? Did you say something?"

Alison shakes her head and chuckles. – "No... nothing... I was just daydreaming..."

Emily on the phone. – "Oh... okay..."

Alison looks at the light and it was still red...

Alison. – "So, why did you call me, Em...?" (The brunette stays in silence, so, Alison insists) "Em...?"

Emily mumbles with a shaky voice. – "I... I was looking for the Xmas lights and I... I..."

Alison. – "You what?"

Emily takes a deep breath and says while she grabs a piece of paper between her hands. – "I... I found your letter..."

Alison stops smiling, she knows what letter Emily found and, she says with a shy voice. – "Oh..."

*** Alison's narrative ***

'Cause you never think the last time's going to be the last time... you live your life, thinking there'll be more, you think you've forever, but you don't... and when the worst case scenario comes true, all you can do is be brave enough to choose right... because you fought... you loved... you lost and now... now you walk tall, assuming your choices... even if those choices will break your heart...

It was a snowy day, the kids were getting out of the bus and play with the snow of the street while a truck that was parked on a curve, had its brake come loose and rolled down, directly towards them. Alison was trying to figure out what to say to Emily about the letter when she realizes what was happening in front of her eyes...

Alison mumbles with concern. – "OMG! The kids... they...!"

Emily on the phone. – "Hello, Ali...?"

Alison mumbles. – "If I dodge, those kids..."

Emily on the phone. – "Ali... speak louder, I can't hear you... hello, Ali? Can you hear me?"

Alison takes a deep breath, the light is still red, but she looks at the kids, she looks at the imminent danger which was approaching towards them, and without thinking it twice, Alison pushes the pedal of her car and moves forwards...

Alison. – "I must be crazy, what am I doing...?"

Emily on the phone. – "What? I can't hear you. What did you say?"

Alison stops her car in the middle of the street, she stays between the kids and the truck which was rolling down towards them and, Alison gulps hard while she stares at the road, the other car was going to crash against her in any second...

Alison mumbles with tears. – "I'm sorry..."

Emily on the phone. – "What?"

Alison cries. – "I'm so sorry, Em..."

Emily. – "Why are you apologizing?"


Emily. – "Ali...?"

The brunette grips on her phone, waiting to hear once again the voice of the blonde, but the only she hears it's what looked like the sound of tires and a car crash...

Emily mumbles with tears in her eyes. – "Ali...?"

(Static sounds)

Emily yells over the phone. – "Ali... where are you? Ali, answer me! ALI! Say something! ALI!"

The brunette keeps gripping on her phone and the letter she had in her hands, it just drops on the floor...

*** Alison's letter for Emily ***


Meeting you... was the reward of my life and there's no words to express how much you mean to me, but please know, you mean the world to me, you're my world. My Dad is supposed to give you this letter after I pass away. I hope these words will give you any kind of comfort...

Em, I love all the roads we walked together, I love all the sceneries we saw together. I love all the questions we shyly asked each other and, all the answers to those questions. I love you in all those moments...

Meeting you among all the people of the world, was really lucky...

Meeting you in this big world... meeting you was happiness for me...

Em; do you remember what I said the other day? The person left behind has to live to the full. You'll cry sometimes, but you'll also laugh a lot and, live bravely. That's the proper response to the love you were given.

Hence, in this life, I hope at least you get a happy ending. Live in each of your days with happiness and, ignore this tragedy. Emily, can you just grant me that wish? Can you promise me, you'll have a happy life? For you... for me... for us...

I'm sorry for going first and, leaving you behind. Please take care of yourself, don't be heartbroken for too long, I'll come see you again, I promise I'll coming running to you in our next life...

I pray that in our next life, we meet again and, that we won't need an excuse to see each other...

In our next life, I'll make sure to be born with a long life and, stay by your side for a long while. I'll beg to the divinity to let me do just that... and till we meet again, please live a long and happy life, my lovely mermaid...

With great love, from your wife,

Alison Fields

*** End of the letter ***

*** Alison's narrative***

So, like I said... everything comes to an end eventually. The only difference is whether it happens sooner or later. As for what comes after that, we know nothing... nothing at all...
