
I change into my outfit and look in the mirror at myself.

"Hello Miss Gillian." Miri says from the mirror, startling me and making me jump.

"Hi Miri. Long time no see." I greet.

"You look wonderful Gillian. I'm very excited to hear the song you prepared." Miri tells me.

I smile at Miri and thank her before exiting the changing room.

I stand behind the curtains on the stage as instructed.

"And now, the main event. We would like to thank Gillian Cobbler for coming to preform a song for us all. As you probably know, she was part of the group that saved us all." I hear someone announce.

Why did they have to say it like that? They make me sound so overly important.

I feel my cheeks heat up quite a lot.

The curtains open and I hear a small gasp go throughout the crowd.

They're probably surprised by my remake design of the FTRS uniform.

"Hello! Before I begin I would like to thank Kayla Wingtip for making my outfit for tonight!" I say into my microphone.

In the crowd I hear Kayla yell a quick 'You're welcome'.

The music to my song begins to play.

Okay Gilly. Time to sing.

I open my mouth and barely get the first word out when the doors burst open loudly.

"Help! It's Flora! She collapsed! We need help! Please!" Yelled a man as he entered the room.

Flora? Flora collapsed?

I run off the stage and follow the man to where Flora is. I hear footsteps behind me and assume it's my friends.

"Flora!" I yell when I see her lying on the ground.

No! No, no, no, no! This can't be happening!

"Flora, please get up! Please!" I shout.

I kneel down beside the collapsed woman and grab her wrist to check her pulse.

She has a pulse and she's breathing, which is a good sign.

"She's still alive. Someone call the hospital." I say, standing again.

I wipe a few tears off my face that I didn't notice until now.

This can't be happening. Not to Flora. She's strong. She'll make it.

I keep repeating this to myself over and over.

I hear sirens in the distance and wait for Flora to be taken to a hospital.

"If you would like to look around the school you are invited to do so." I hear Harlow tell my friend group.

I nod my head slowly and begin to walk aimlessly around my old school.

The halls were still disappearing and reappearing out of nowhere, and that makes me feel at home somehow.

I don't know how, but I find myself at the detention room. I enter and look around. Music is playing softly. I know this song. It's the fire step.

I hear the doors open but I don't look. It's probably someone who followed me here. They must have heard about Flora.

I expect someone to come ask me if I'm okay, but instead I hear the music become a little louder.

"Care to dance... Thief?" I hear a very familiar voice ask.
