Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Zach pov

I have been waiting to get off of the plane since we got inside. The flight was long, silent and dragged on. I was dying to get off. I grew restless and the thought of getting off of this plane and actually getting closer to Cammie.

When we finally landed at the airport I practically ran out of the terminal. I would be lying if I said I wasn't anxious. I needed to do something otherwise I would drive myself crazy with all of the overwhelming thoughts.

Everyone else took forever to to come out of the terminal, or so it seemed. We followed Townsend out of the airport. We were in his turf now. He leas us silently to a car waiting outside for us. I can assume we were going to the M16 headquarters. That would be the only logical place to go.

It took us about half an hour to get there since we were speeding. Preston kept asking us questions trying to make sure he was following what we were planning on doing. It seems every time we make a plan something always goes wrong. But so far we were going to just go over satellite photos for every town on the coast of England facing France. There is a slim chance they haven't moved yet and she was sill in the country and ready for us to take back. For now it was all we got. If we miss our opportunity now who knows when another like this would come up? We find them now or we lose them forever.

Townsend pulled up several surveillance photos from every coastal town or city from the last couple of days. We focused more on the parts that were closer to her last known coordinates. Jonas made it seem like they had more hostages and if that was true they wouldn't be able to go far without raising suspicious.

Bex, Macey, Liz, Preston and I were each going over different sections to try to find anything suspicious that might lead us to them. Joe and Townsend were taking a couple of sections each. "I found something!" Macey shouted waving a picture in the air. She practically shoved it into my face.

"There this company, the Little Fish are known for working with the Eye. I looked in to a little more and they are a dummy cooperation that frequently travels from England and France across the channel." Bex cut her off after looking at the picture closely. "This was a picture taken yesterday afternoon, they are loading things onto a truck to ready for a shipment its possible that the shipment might be today." Liz immediately started typing away at the computer in front of her. "I am trying to find out when the shipment is scheduled for." I was peering over her shoulder with the picture Macey found in my hand. Joe and Townsend came soon afterward.

"The shipment is set to takeoff in 20 minutes." We were so close I could taste it. "That is normally a half hour drive but I think we can speed our way into it." Townsend said pulling on his coat. We made our way into the car rushing to get to the truck before it gets off. Liz had the coordinates locked onto her GPS. Meanwhile Townsend was speeding as if his life depended on it, I lost count of how many cars we narrowly missed.

It didn't matter though, I would do so much more to see Cammie again.

We finally got to the place where the truck was going to take off any minute now. Time was of the essence. We were cutting it short and I did not like it one bit, however there was nothing I could do about it.

There were about a dozen trucks here with the same logo on them from the picture. It could be any one of these. "Liz have you figured out which truck it is yet?" Solomon asked her surveying the scene. This place was like a huge drive way. "Yes I managed to find the specific plate number. Its TEYY-7865. Its going to be one of the trucks near the front. It was a race against time. I felt as if my legs couldn't go fast enough, that time was moving too fast for me to handle and comprehend. Preston shouted he found it when we heard the engine turn on.

They were planning on leaving. The car lights kicked in a few seconds afterward. "Everyone back in the car we can't let them go!" Townsend shouted over the loud engine. Preston barely made in inside the car, his foot was still outside when Townsend slammed on the gas pedal. "Liz if we get close enough can you place a tracker on it?" Solomon asked her quickly. Beside me her little blonde head nodded. "I just need to be 100 feet or closer to put a tracker on it." Bex lowered the window to give Liz better access to it. She held out a gun which had the GPS on it and then she fired.

Meanwhile, the car was gaining speed quickly. We were on local streets now less than half a mile away from the truck. Pedestrians and other cars were narrowly missed left and right. There was no time to dwell on that fact now. We needed to corner this vehicle and get our main suspect. There is a small possibility that Cammie might be on that truck. If not the driver can give us information.

Fortunately for us, the truck pulled onto the highway, the empty highway. We were so close, nothing could go horribly wrong. I was wrong.

Our car was on the trucks tail. We even hit it a few times making it swerve. Only we underestimated how powerful out hits were because the next thing we knew the truck flipped over four times and landed on the right lane. The truck was upside down by the time we ran to it. The truck looked horrible. It would be a miracle if anyone survived in there. Bile rose up to my throat. What if Cammie was in there? The frightening thought only made me run faster pushing my limits.

I got to the front of the car before everyone else. I managed to open the door with great difficulty. It was jammed from the outside. I could see the driver slumped over the wheel with the inflated air bag. There was no sign if they were alive or dead. I had to break the window in the end and open it from the inside. I shook the driver a few times trying to wake him up as well as get the small pieces of glass off. He didn't respond. And just like that the hope inside of me died. Our lead was dead. We have nothing now. Every time we get close to getting Cammie something always goes wrong bringing us back to square one. Its frustrating and I hate how this stupid group is always one step ahead of us.

Solomon and the others finally came just as I was about to hit my head on the wall. "He's dead" I say to them as they arrive. Macey sighed. Bex ran her head through her hair, Liz and Preston were quiet. Townsend punched the wall and Solomon was checking for a pulse. "Zach go check in the back." He ordered. It went without saying though. I motioned for Bex, Macey, Liz and Preston to come with me.

It took all of the strength we had to open the back of the vehicle. I wanted to find Cammie but I didn't want to find her in there. The inside of the truck was empty. There was no carts or boxes like what we saw in the picture yesterday. Liz identified it as this one.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing Cammie wasn't here and dead like the driver. The thought gave the uncertainty and anxiety of not knowing where she was. "Check everything, be thorough." I tell them stepping inside. There was some light outside that helped us peer into the darkness. "I have a flashlight" Preston announced pulling out his phone. I almost forgot about that. The rest of us quickly mimicked his actions. Slowly the back of the truck was lit us one phone at a time.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Macey said bringing up a good point. I had no clue, I figured anything could help us. "Try looking for something we can get a DNA match on.' Liz told everyone saving me from the embarrassment. "I think I found a hair." Bex shouted from the corner holding out a blonde strand. "Here I'll take that so I can send it to the lab back in the states so Abby and Rachel can get a reading." Liz took the stand and placed it in a plastic bag before scanning it with some device she had in her pocket. I was still searching for other things we could get prints off of when I noticed it.

It made me wonder how I didn't notice it before. It was almost directly in the center of the truck, a thick red pool of blood. Underneath it the words 'Help Me' were written. I automatically felt sick to my stomach. "Liz you might want to scan this." She came rushing over to collect samples of the blood. "How did we miss this?" I muttered to myself.

"We have been so busy worrying about Cammie we forget the basics." Bex informed me placing a hand on my shoulder. "Keep your head in the mission Goode." Bex was trying to put on a brave face. So far it has been working, but for how long can she keep it up? How could she look at the blood and not fear the worst?

We walked out and informed Townsend and Solomon of what we found. Townsend called the accident in. Shortly after that we left to go back to headquarters. Our next move was looking closer at the dummy cooperation to see its connection with the Eye. We also brainstormed possible reasons for why the truck was empty. We were positive we had the right truck.

"Bank records are what we need." Solomon told Liz as soon as we stepped foot into the building. "I am already ahead of you, I started looking into the dummy cooperation's financial records and it turns out that gave a large amount of money to a fraud non-profit in Brussels."

"When did they place the transaction?" I asked her. She checked her phone, "20 minutes ago". That's good, that means we are getting close to them. But not close enough it seems I thought bitterly.

A/N: And that is it for this very short and late chapter. Tell me what you think. The next chapter is going to be more interesting, they find out who the hair and the blood belongs to and they also head out to Belgium. On another side note only 2 more chapters until we see Cammie's pov.

Tell me what you thought of this chapter. Vote if you liked it and comment telling me your favorite part or your predictions for what is going to happen next. Thanks for being patient with me, school exhausts me. I just need to get used to everything.

The next chapter should be up before Columbus Day but if anything changes I post updates on that. -Zammie4life  
