Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Zach pov

It made sense that after that we kept scanning the room. Searching one face then another. It seemed to go on forever. And we all knew this was pointless. If one of us was a traitor, it wouldn't be that easy to reveal who it was. We were trained better than that. Plus, its easy to put on mask pretending you are shocked. The bottom line was that this was no way of determining who the traitor was.

Yet we still did it.

I knew everyone in the room for years. If they were a traitor then they are a damn good one at that. Who could it be? I mean it was obvious there was a double agent, the evidence was right before our eyes. The traitor could have easily lead us to fake leads, like that snitch we interrogated from the Eye. Also there was the smile as we were leaving. They practically let us go. They let me tail them knowing the rest of the gang wouldn't be far behind. We are just pawns in this game. The question is who, is the king?

We have been playing into their hands this whole time, believing what they wanted us to believe, thinking what they wanted us to. They have done this by sending us on wild goose chases and tricking us into believing we accomplished something. My only accomplishment was getting Cammie back. Now we have to plot our moves skillfully, like a chess game. So far we were on the losing side, but there was plenty of time to change the tide.

Someone in this room has betrayed us. I have no idea who it is. These next couple of weeks are going to be difficult. The traitor knows we are onto them, they are going to try and be the one who attracts the least amount of spotlight. They are going to keep their head low and try to warn the Eye of the new information we know. We have to catch them in the act, the only problem is knowing who to investigate first. We needed suspects, and no one is above suspicion.

Solomon clears his throat effectively braking us out of our accusing stares at one another. "This traitor business will be dealt with. We will find out who it is because I am skeptic of everyone. Staring at each other all day won't fix anything. Right now we need to focus on our next moves. We have to focus on finding Luke and effectively stopping their plan. We can't let someone betraying us from the inside stop us from accomplishing what we need to end this mission. Also starting later today, everyone will be questioned." With that said he dismissed us, splitting us into groups per usual.

His mini-speech made me question the reliability of everything we know so far. The traitor could be feeding us wrong information. How can be we absolutely certain that everything we know so far is accurate? How do we know if we can trust what we already know so far? How can we go forward if everything we believed was a lie? Every piece of evidence we have could potentially be compromised.

Someone in this room has been lying to our faces, and going behind our backs. Until we figure out who it was, making progress on this case will be difficult.

I know Solomon tried to diminish the tension and uneasiness with his speech. He knew we couldn't focus until we get this problem solved. And even if we did find where Luke was, how do we know if we could trust anybody? Everyone was a suspect, we can't afford to let our personal feelings get in the way, no matter how much it hurts.

Macey, Bex, Liz, Preston, Cammie and I walked to a corner of the living room where we set up a bunch of computers to look up surveillance footage and look up any suspects. Abby was walking the perimeter outside on surveillance duty. Townsend, Solomon and Rachel walked into the kitchen to talk about the huge problems the traitor caused.

Our task was to find Luke. It was simple but something we have struggled at for weeks. After we rescued Cammie from their headquarters, they would have fled by now. Its been over two days. They are already long gone and probably in another country.

We need another lead, it seemed we were always hitting dead ends. At least now we know why. Maybe we can interrogator that snitch again, they were still in custody. Also what if we went through with the investigation on the director. He will get freaked put and if we track him well enough, he will lead us straight to the traitor and the Eye. Then we could fine Luke from there.

Luke concerns me. So far we don't know that much about him and Cammie's time in captivity revealed more about the organization and less about their plans with him. Furthermore, how did he end up getting caught? He was one of the CIA's top agents. Cammie was lured into a corner and knocked out. It would be extremely improbable to have both of them kidnapped the same way. I'll stick a pin in this for now and get back to it later.

So far we all sat quietly focusing on our own aspects of figuring out his location. No one brought up who betrayed us. Instead we were thinking about it in our heads. Every couple of minutes I could see Bex look at Cammie, then Liz, then Macey. We also kept checking each others work to make sure no one was feeding us wrong information right in front of our eyes.

Like staring around the room, this was futile. The traitor would not slip up in front of us by making a careless mistake. They've gotten this far without getting caught. Was revealing themselves part of the plan? All these questions were getting to me. I was frustrated at the lack of answers we had.

I was looking at a map of the coordinates of all of their known headquarters. So far there was no obvious connection between them. However, I'm certain that there is a pattern and if I find it then we can get Luke.

Just as I thought I was close to solving the mystery of the pattern, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Cammie was having trouble getting up. Automatically I put my work down and started moving towards her.

Someone beat me to it. Preston got out of his seat earlier than I did and was already assisting Cammie. He was holding her gently. His hand was on the small part of her back. He lifted her up carefully. Even when she was already standing up he still held a grip on her. And to top everything off she didn't say anything. Then to make matters even worse, he brushed the hair out of her face, like I do.

That was the last straw. No one does that to my girlfriend, especially right in front of my face. My blood was boiling, within a matter of seconds I was seeing red.

I stormed over to where Preston was standing, holding Cammie and pushed him out of the way. By this point I managed to get everyone's attention in the room. They all looked at me in shock and disbelief.

"What is your problem?" He asked regaining his balance. "What is your problem?" I asked repeating his question and pulling Cammie closer to me. "Stay away from Cammie." I warn him with narrowed eyes.

"I was just helping her up." He told me putting his hands up in defeat. I laughed, "I'm not blind, I saw what you were trying to do." I stare in directly in the eye as I say, "Stay away from her or you'll have to deal with me."

This time he laughed, "Give me one good reason why I should be afraid of you." It was a simple sentence, more of a taunt really. But it was that sentence that drove me to make an irrational and haste decision. I lunged at Preston. And that was when all hell broke loose.

I grabbed a hold of his shirt and punched him in the jaw. I heard shouts of people telling me to get off of him. I slowly tuned them out. "Never. Touch. My. Girlfriend. Again." I tell him in between punches. Preston managed to get a few good hits. I was struck on the side of my head blurring my vision for a few moments which he took to his advantage. He punched me in the stomach then the jaw claiming we were even.

I was about to do more damage to his pretty little face when Bex started to restrain me. Meanwhile Macey shook her head at Preston before stopping him from lunging back at me.

"What has gotten into you?" Bex asks me angrily using more force than necessary to hold me back. "That was what I was asking." Preston spits out glaring at me. Macey tells him to shut up and drags him into the other room to cool down. Once they leave the room Bex lets me go.

The first thing I see is Cammie's disappointed face. She doesn't say a word, she walks into the room we share. I follow.

She sits on the bed facing the wall. "What happened back there Zach?" She sighed.

"I didn't like the way he was touching you." It seemed like a childish excuse even as I was saying it.

"You need to stop being so damn overprotected and grow up. Focus on the task at hand. Don't ruin us by making us fight each other. Then we would give into whatever the traitor has in store for us. I know the news was unsettling all of us, but you didn't have to take it as far as attacking Preston." She was right, of course. The news of a traitor was getting to my head and if I don't change the way I act we would be fall down the rabbit hole. I need to regain my focus and try fighting the Eye, not ourselves.

"I know. I think I need some more time to cool down." I tell her. Truthfully, I needed some time to clear my head and sort everything out.

Cammie walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "Take all the time you need. I'll be in the other room if you need me." She patted my shoulder and walked away. I should probably apologize to Preston and see how he is doing. I shouldn't have hit him multiple times and blow a simple gesture out of proportion.

I laid down on the bed and started to think about who could betray us. If I think hard enough, I can find a reason why everybody should be a suspect.

The first person who came to mind was Preston, which was a bit ironic. For starters, his father was a member of the Circle. And during that same time period, he was in jail. Who knows what they could have done to him in there before we busted him out. Maybe they could have implanted ideas or an actual device inside of his head. In that case, the Eye is much older than we originally thought they were. It pained me to think that I couldn't trust the people close to me. It was painful to doubt the people I care about but this was something I had to do.

Bex's parents were M16 agents, and she had close ties with the agency. It wouldn't be hard for her to forge any evidence, or withhold any information with a few bribes. We had M16 help us with lab work to determine if the blood in the truck was Cammie's. They could have tampered with the results. Now that I think of it, Townsend could be a traitor for the same reasons. Townsend has been with M16 longer and high bigger relations with people at the top of the agency.

Liz was a genius. She could hack anything, forge documents to seem like we couldn't find out any information. She could be intentionally hiding information about the director to protect him and keep us in the dark. Liz used to date Jonas, and he was the one that hacked our computer in the beginning of this mission.

Macey's parents are politically active. They have many relations with the leaders of nations around the world. That relation extends to her. She could uses those ties with diplomats and ambassadors, and bride them to look the other way in terms of what the Eye was doing. How come none of the nations so far haven't even acknowledged them as a potential threat? How are they not even remotely aware of what was going on?

Abby and Rachel each have reasons for having a personal vendetta against the director. He took Matthew away from them. That could be enough to go after him at all costs. Solomon was a member of the Circle as well. He changed sides and became a double agent helping to bring them down. But what if he was a triple agent and was fooling all of us.

That only leaves one person. It hurts me deeply to ever doubt her. I love Cammie, I truly do, with every fiber of my being. She has been gone for weeks. I wonder what happened to her. She told us what she has been through but there are many grey areas in her statement. What if they did something to her mind? This wouldn't be the first time this happened. Years ago she was captured by the Circle and tortured until she thought she was insane.

Technology has gotten much more sophisticated. They could have put a tracker in her before, something so microscopic that none of our scanners could have picked it up. Trackers and implants are more cloaked.

I hate myself for doubting Cammie. However these are crazy times, and lately I haven't been thinking clearly. My mind and judgment is clouded. The only issue is that none of them have any motive to betray us. What do they get out of being a traitor?

I don't know what to think anymore.

I don't know who to trust.

A/N: I want to start off by saying that I am so sorry for this long delay. I feel so stressed out lately, and I haven't had the time. Now with that's out of the way. I made a slightly longer chapter to make up for the long wait. I hope you guys liked it. I wanted to show how the reveal of a traitor is messing with everyone's mind. Zach isn't thinking clearly. He is weary of everyone, including the love of his life. The next couple of chapters are going to be intense for the characters. There is going to be a lot of accusing and tension between them. I also want to thank you guys for being patient with me, and supporting this story. Last to Know will be updated this weekend. Vote if you liked this chapter and comment telling me what you think is going to happen next!
