volume 2 chapter 2

I was still thinking on what happened yesterday, I might be more paranoid then Blake with the White Fang, those yellow eyes, where have seen them before. I noticed Jaune trying to ask Weiss to basically hang out with him. I'm not mad at him trying to ask her, I'm mad at the fact that he is blind as a bat when it comes to girls making a move. Its obvious that Pyrrha likes him, but why the hell can't he see that. It makes me want to slap some sence into this kid. The bell rang and I whent to go walk with Weiss. Still in thought though

Weiss: Hey Sans.

Sans: Hey Weiss, what's up?

I was drinking some water while she was talking

Weiss: oh, nothing I just wondering, well........do you have an interest in someone.

I then spit out my water in shock and was coughing.

Weiss: Oh No, are you ok?

Sans: No, it's fine, just drunk my water to quickly.

Weiss: Ok...........So, do you like anyone?

Oh crap, what should I say, do I say I like her or do I don't, Basically do I say It now and have our friendship ruined and she doesn't talk to me again, or do I say it when I know if she does like me back. I then spoke.

Sans: I dont know actually. No one  actually ever like me like that, because you know, I'm a monster.

Weiss: So?

Sans: So what?

Weiss: So what if your a monster, if someone likes you, they should only like you for who you are, not that your not human.

I than smile at her.

Sans: Thanks Weiss.

Weiss: Its nothing.

We then walk to my dorm to get ready for what were going to do tonight and by that I mean get in my casual clothes, with my weapon on my back. I head to RWBY's dorm and knocked.

Sans: Did somebody order 50 funny bones?

Then Ruby answers the door.

Ruby: Good, you made it.

Sans: You think I wouldn't show up?

Ruby: No, just wanted tou to be here.

Sans: Aw you care.

Yang: it's what family is about.

Ruby: ok, now that everyone is here, does everyone remember there roles?

Weiss: You and I will CCT to check the schnee records to check for dust robberies inconsistencies, seeing since I am in the family it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The white Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and new recruit members, if I can get in I can get in, I can find out what there planning.

Yang: I have a friend on the shady side of town who knows everything going on in vale, getting information shouldn't be hard.

Sans: I'll try my best to find anything suspicious going on, I know the streets like I know the back of my spine.

Ruby: Great, we'll met up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this.

Sun: Yeah.

We the all look to see Sun hanging from a branch outside of the window.

Blake: Sun?!

Yang: How did you get up there?

Sun: Easy I do it al the time.


Sans: He means climb trees Weiss.

Weiss was still sceptical about what sun said.

Sun: So are we getting back at this torchwick guy?

Blake: We, are going to investigate the situation, as a team.

Ruby: Sorry Sun, we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.

Sun: That's dumb, you should always get friends involved. That's why I brought Neptune.

And just like that my day has turned into crap once again. We then look outside the window and he is standing on the ege.

Neptune: Sup.

Ruby: How did you even get up here.

Neptune: I have my ways. Seriously can I come in though, were like really high up right now.

Sans: I say we should leave him.

Ruby: Sans!

Sans: Alright, fine.

I then levitated him inside and plopped him on the floor.

Sans: You ok?

Neptune: Yeah, I'm good. Thanks.

Sans: Its fine.

Ruby: Alright, I'll go with Weiss, Sun You go with Blake, and Neptune You can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner, everyone good?

Weiss: Actually, Why don't you go with Yang, after all she is your sister.

Ruby: But, who would go with you then.

Weiss: Well, I guess Neptune-

Sans: Can stay exactly where he is and I could go with you and ruby?

Weiss: uhh-

Sans: Great.

I the grab her and drag her out with her speechless and ruby following behind.

Ruby: Hey, wait up!

I then let go Weiss after a while.

Weiss: Why did you do that?

Sans: do what?

Ruby: drag Weiss out of the room like that.

Sans: Oh, that, yeah uhhh.......got nothing.

Weiss: You could of just asked to go with us if you wanted to you know.

Sans: oh........my bad Weiss.

Weiss: No it's fine, just let me know next time.

Sans: Sure.

Ruby: alright, let's head out!

We then head into vale to the CCT tower.

Timeskip: Vale

We where walking in vale and  i was talking to Weiss and Ruby.

Weiss: Really? That actually happened.

Sans: Yep, there was 2 Usai attacking a small village and me and 2 other huntsman and to fight them, destroy almost half the village and I had two stay there for a month to fix it.

Ruby: Wow, you really care.

Sans: of course I do. It's just what I do as a  vigilante, just like any hunter would do.

Weiss: you had a pretty good life as a vigilante from what I could tell.

Sans: Yeah, but not all of it was good, got lonely for a while until I met you guy when Ozpin gave me that task.

Ruby: Yeah, going up against the blue eyed worrior was awesome! Oh, where here!

We then where standing infront of the CCT building, man it has been a while because this building is alot bigger then I thought, isn't there one in atlas too.

Ruby: Wow, I forget how big the transient tower looks up close.

Weiss: You should see the one in atlas.

Sans: that was the first one right?

Weiss: Correct. Atlas developed cross-contenental transmit system to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another.

Sans: And it goes to show that the world can work together once the put there mind to things.

Weiss: True.

Sans: Wait. If where making a call, then why are we going here? We could of easily made the call from the school or the library or something.

Weiss: Well, you should tell Ruby that, she wanted to see the tower that badly.

Ruby: I know, it's just so cool! Oh, I'm gonna take a picture.

She then takes out her scroll but then gets butter fingers and it slips and slides near someone's feet, and that person was penny. She then picks it up and holds it out.

Penny: You dropped this.

Ruby: Penny?!

Penny: uuhhh

Ruby: where have you been? We haven't seen you since the night at the docks.

Penny: Sorry I think your confused.

She than gives her scroll back.

Penny: I got to go.

Weiss: what was that all about?

Ruby: I don't know, but I'm going to find out, you two go make the call. I'll check up.

Sans: Ruby Wait!

She then ran off before I could say anything.

Sans: I'm going to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, you mind.

Weiss: understandable.

Sans: thanks snowflake.

Before she could yell at me I go after Ruby and Penny.

Ruby: Penny, where have you been? It's been weeks.

Penny: There seems to be a misunderstanding.

Sans: That's a lie and I know it.

Penny looks over at my direction.

Penny: Do I know you?

Sans: Don't you remember an old friend. I was there with your father. You introduce me to him.

Penny then thinks on that and she the recognizes me.

Penny: Your him.

Sans: Yes, but I would like for you to not say it so all of remnant can hear you.

Penny: oh sorry.......I mean I still dont know you or her.

Penny then walks down the stairs and Ruby follows her and slides down the railing.

Ruby: Penny, is something wrong?

Penny then continues to walk.

Sans: Penny, STOP!

Penny stops and turns around to me.

Sans: look, I don't know what's wrong, but you have to hear us out.

Ruby: those guys we faught at the docks, we think there up to something  big, something bad.

Sans: We need to know what happened when you left. Please. As friends.

She then thinks on this for a moment and says.

Penny: It isn't safe to talk here.

Timeskip: somewhere in town.

We were told to meet penny infront of some sort of cafe place and we saw Penny just standing around. Then Ruby came up and touched her on the shoulder and and Penny looked to see me and Ruby.and she got a warm smile, we then started to walk.

Penny: I wish I can help you two, but I don't know anything about those men.

Sans: What about when you left, you where gone the minute we took our eyes of you.

Ruby: Where you Kidnapped?!

Penny: oh, nothing like that.

I wouldn't even think Kidnapped would be even at the top of the list when it comes to here.

Ruby: Well where did you go?

Penny: I never been to another kingdom before. My father asked me to not venture very far.

Sans: Always being protected hu?

Penny: he just loves me, that's why he's so protective of me.

Ruby: Wait, how do you even know her father?

Sans: Vigilante thing.

Penny: You told her?

Sans: Yes, She family to me, I trust her.

Ruby: Well, when it comes to parents being protective, I know the feeling.

She then looks at me.

Sans: You saying I'm a parent.

Ruby: well you act like it, and your super protective over me too.

Sans: Well I have to. I made a promise.

Ruby then turns to Penny.

Ruby: But, why not let us know you where ok?

Penny: I was asked not to talk to you or you, or Yang, or Blake, or Weiss, or Sans, anybody really.

Sans: Was he that upset?

Penny: No, it wasn't my father.

We then hear someone talking when we turn the corner and it was a hologram of Iron wood.

Iron wood: The AK130 has been a standard security model for several years and it has done wouldn't you agree?

They crowd starts to cheer.

Iron wood: But, the kingdom of atlas is a kingdom of motivation, and fine? Wel that's just not good enough is it?

The mettle container starts to open revealing more robots.

Presenting, the Atlesian Knight 200.

The crowd starts to cheer longer than before, atlas is just all technology is it?

Iron wood: Smarter, sleeker, and admittedly, a little less scary. These models will become active later this year, but they won't come alone. Now, the Atlesian military has always supported the idea of removing men from dangers of the battle field. However, there are still many situations that undoubtedly require, a human touch.

Penny: Ruby.

Ironwood: So, our kingdoms greatest minds, and the help of the schnee dust company, are proudly to introduce....The Atlesian paladin!

A hologram of what looks like a giant mech pops up on the screen, that thing is huge.

Ironwood: Now we couldn't have them her for you today. But these mechanized battle suits will be defending the borders of our kingdom within a year!


I can see on Penny's face that she doesn't want to be here

Sans: Ruby, I think we should find a different place.

Out of nowhere penny starts to run.

Ruby: Penny, wait, where are you going.

Sans: uh, Ruby.

I then point to where those two guards where and then we started running from the soldiers in the alley way. We had to take a few turns but they where catching up to us the ruby saw pillars holding up some crates and she decides to cut them down and use them as a barricade to block there path. Then, Ruby runs on the wall and grabs Penny and used her Semblance to boost to the other end of the alley, she was to fast for me so I had to make sure no one was around and teleported foward in a split second I saw the truck about to hit Ruby, i wasn't able to use my telekinesis in time, but Penny pushes Ruby out of the way and she stops the truck in its tracks. Ruby was in shock, she didn't believe what she saw, and others where looking at her too. Then Penny runs away again.

Sans: Penny, come back!

We then go after her, she seems scared, probably the fact that Ruby saw her stop a truck with only her bare hands. To be honest, if I didn't know I would be sceptical too.

Ruby: Penny, please, what is going on?
Why are you running? How did you do that?

Penny: I-I can't, everything is fine! I don't want to talk about it.

Ruby: Please if you can just tell me what's wrong, I promise I can help you.

Penny: You wouldn't understand.

Penny: No, no, no, you wouldn't understand.

Ruby: let me try, you can trust me.

Penny thinks and turns to me.

Penny: Sans, can I trust her?

I look at Ruby.and without a second thought, I said.

Sans: I do think she is trust worthy, she hasn't proven me otherwise.

Penny: Ruby, I'm not a real girl.

She then shows her hands and her skin was damaged showing her metal.

Ruby: Penny, I-I don't understand.

Sans: most people are born, she was made.

Penny: Correct, I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an aura. I'm not real.

I don't know how many times I've told her this. She is always self conscious on not being a real person, I always said that it doesn't matter if your full of metal, blood, or just a pile of bones. But she is always saying how she isn't. Mabe she needs someone who is actually alive and not living on electronics or magical, someone who is human, someone like Ruby. Ruby then takes her hands and says.

Ruby: Of course you are. You think just because you have nuts and bolts instead of mushy guts makes you any less real then me?

Penny: I don't, um. Your taking this extraordinary well.

Ruby: Your not like those things we saw back there, you got a heart, and a soul, I can fell it.

Penny: You know, you sound like Sans when he first found out.

Sans: And I still ment every word. We both care about you, so remember that.

Penny then took us both in a hug.

Penny: oh guys, you to are the best friends anyone could ever have.

Ruby: I could see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower.

Sans: I think you broke something.

Penny: Oh, my father is very sweet. Hes the one that built me. I'm sure you'll love him.

Ruby: Wow, he built you all by himself?

Sans: kinda, he had help from Ironwood, I actually never got to seem him before she was made but I know from her telling me.

Ruby then realized something.

Ruby: Wait, is that why those soldiers where after you?

Penny: They like to protect me too.

Ruby: pff, they dont think you can protect yourself.

Penny: They don't know if I'm ready yet.

Sans: seriously, what you pulled of that night at the docks was crazy.

Penny: I know, but one day it'll be my job to save the world, I still have alot left to learn, that's why he let me come to the vital festival. I want to see what its like in the rest of the world and test myself in the tournament.

Ruby: penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what?

Sans: Yeah, aren't we in a time of peace?

Penny: That's not what ironwood told me.

We then heard soldiers coming our direction.

Penny: You two have to hide.

She then picked me and Ruby up and walked us towards a dumpster,

Sans: Wait Penny what are you doing!

Ruby: You dont have to go with them we can help you!

She then threw us in the dumpster with me on the bottom and Ruby Basically on to standing on my ribs.

Penny: it's ok, there not bad people, there just trying to protect me, I just don't want you to get in trouble. Just promise me you won't tell anyone about my secret, okay.

Ruby: I promise.

She then closes the top and Ruby starts to peek through a little, after a few minutes, she said.

Ruby: ok there gone.

Sans Good......because I think you broke a rib.

Ruby: Oh, I sorry.

She then gets out and helps me out. Ok, so my rib isn't broken, that's strange, I just ignore it and stood there thinking.

Ruby: Sans, what did you think Penny is talking about?

Sans: I don't know, but I have a bad feeling it won't be good. Common, let's go.

We walked of and I was still thinking, the White Fang a few months ago, that suspicious group from yesterday, and now what Penny is telling us? I don't know what's happening, but obviously there is something going on, and this is definitely the quiet before the storm, I just hope the storm dosent bring the hurricane.

(2 days ago, I was just about to and story to this chapter and I look to see I hit 1,000 reads, 1 FREAKING THOUSAND, I don't know why you guys read my story even though it's not that good you guys still keep reading, this is awesome and I really am grateful for this, I'll start the next chapter tomorrow because I need sleep, thanks you guys and enjoy the rest of your day)
