volume 1 chapter 6

After that night, I started to study with Weiss every chance I got, and sometimes we are just talking the whole time and I don't even know that Weiss could be that interesting to talk to, she seems 'cool' if you catch my drift. Anyways, we where watching Jaune and Cardin fight and to know ones suprise Cardin won and was about to beat up Jaune more but Glynda stopped him and cancelled the match.

Glynda: that's enough, students as you can see, Mr Arcs aura has now dropped in the red. In a tournament style duel This would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that would call the match

She then turns her attention to Jaune.

Glynda: Mr Arc, it's been weeks now, try referring to your scroll burning combat, we wouldn't want you to be chewed by Beowulf's now would we?

I noticed Pyrrha look at Jaune saddened, I wonder why he has combat issues. Glynda then talked about the vital festival that would be happening in a few months from now, to be honest, I dont think I would be able to participate in it because I'm like ya know, a one man team, but that would be interesting to do.

After her announcement she dismissed the students to the students for lunch and we went off.

Timeskip: cafeteria

We where all sitting at our table and I was sitting next to Weiss while Nora was telling us a story.

Nora: So, there we where in the middle of the night....

Ren: It was day.

Nora: We where surrounded by Ursi...

Ren: It was Beowulf's

Nora:Dozens of em....

Ren: two of em

Nora: But they where no match, and in the end Ren and I took them down and made a but load of lien selling Ursa skinned rugs.

Ren: She has been having this same accuring dream for the past week now.

Sans: wait who did- you know what never mind.

I noticed Jaune hasn't talked in a minute and I signal Pyrrha to go talk to him.

Pyrrha: Jaune, is everything okay?

Jaune: Huh, oh yeah, why

Ruby: well it just you seem......not ok.

Jaune: Guys, I'm fine, seriously look.

He then does a smile with a thumbs up

Sans: Jaune I know a thing when it comes to smiling and that's aaaalllllll fake.

We all then see Cardin and the rest of his gang near a fanus girl, probably annoying her. My left eye glowed a faint blue and Ruby saw this and asked

Ruby:Snas, why was your eye glowing?

I then lie

Sans: What, my eye didn't glow you must be seeing things.

Ruby: But I saw-

Sans: Anyways, hes has been bothering you since day 1.

Pyrrha: Yeah, he has been picking on you since the first week of school.

Jaune: Who, Cardin Winchester? Ah, he likes to mess around you, practical jokes.

Ruby:he's a bully

Jaune: Oh please, name one time-

Sans: The time he knocked your books out of your hand in the middle of the hallway, the time you got your shield stuck and I had to help you and the time Cardin put you in a locker and sent you flying away from the school.

Jaune: It wasn't that far.

Sans: YES IT WAS! You where stuck at the cliffside of the Emrald forest, and I was their I had to help you.

Pyrrha: Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask.

Nora: oh, will break his legs.

Sans: I think his arms will be better.

Jaune: Guys really it's fine. Besides, it's not like hes just a jerk to me hes a jerk to everyone.

???: Ow, that hurt!

I then hear the fanus girl cry out in pain and after that I just snapped, I can't just sit and watch.

Sans: Ok, that's it.

I then get up and Weiss ask's.

Weiss: Sans, where are you going.

Sans: Don't worry, just enjoy the show.

I then walk towards Cardin and I hear the bunny fanus say.

???: Please stop.

Cardin: See a told you they were real

???: Yeah what a freak.

Sans: is that so....

Then they all turn my direction

Sans:...because I see 4 freaks right in front of me.

Cardin then laughed and said.

Cardin: Hey, you that solo team everyone has been talking about. You think just because your a one man tea-

Sans: let's just get straight to the point. I want you to let her ear go now or else your gonna have a bad time.

Cardin: you think you have the audacity to say that to me?

Then Cardin get annoyed, but then gets a predictable plan.

Cardin: alright I let her go.

Het then let's go of the ears and he swong at me and missed, he then does it again and again and he keeps missing.

Cardin: hold still you shorty

Sans: Man, you bully Fanus but can't think of a good comeback.

Hen the last punch I garabed his first and his arm and flipped him on his side, he looked really hurt. I then turn to his team.

Sans: Now, unless you want to end up eating the ground like you so called "leader" is doing then I suggest you should take him and leave, NOW!

His teammates then helped Cardin up and before he left he said.

Cardin: You gonna regret that.

Sans: Sure.

Cardin walked away pissed and then I went to the bunny Fanus and said

Sans: Are you hurt

???: Yeah but its not that bad.

Sans: well you should go to the nurse at least to check if everything is fine

???: Thank you for that BTW

Sans: it's nothing really, what's your name anyway?

Velvet: Velvet.

Sans; Snas. Ok see you around

Velvet: Seya.

I then walk to my table.and everyone is giving me the suprised look.

Sans: uh, guys, what's with all the faces.

Ruby: That. Was. AWESOME!!!

Yang: yeah that was cool.

Weiss: impressed

Nora: Did you break hi leg when you flipped him

Pyrrha: he got what was coming

Ren: That was an interesting turn of events.

Blake: Snas, why did you do that?

Sans: Well, because I believed en equality for all races. Just because you're a Fanus and have bunny ears or a tail, doesn't mean your different your different from a human. Fanus's have the same emotions and thinking power as the average human on this very planet, so why not just treat them like us and not just judge on appearance. Also I hate people like Cardin anyway, so that's a plus.

Blake then looked at me happily with here cat ears under her bow moving. Knew it.

Sans: Welp, I think classes are gonna start, we should probably get going.

Timeskip: Professor Ooblecks Class

I don't know what type of coffee this guy drinks but he is zoomed around the room while he is talking able while he is teaching, but the problem is I was able to understand a few words until I gave up and presented to listen, I don't know why, but I think it help, Mabe I should put some de cafe so he doesn't go zooming across the the classroom like the flash on steroids, then he talked about something that was interesting.

Ooobleck: Now, have anyone of you have been subjugated or discriminated because of your fanus heritage.

A few raized.there hand and velvet was hesitant at first put raised her hand eventually.

Ooobleck: Dreadful, simple dreadful. Remember students, it is precisely the kind of ignorance that breeds violence. I mean, I mean, just look what happened to the White Fang. Now witch one of you young scollers could tell me what many theorists believed to he the turning point of the third year of the war.

Weiss then raised my hand before I did.

Weiss: the battle of Fort Castle.

Oobleck: Precisely, and who can tell me the advantages Fanus had over the general lagoon forces.

I saw Cardin was about to flick a paper triangle at Jaune and I then made him raise his hand without anyone notice.

Cardin: huh wh-

Ooobleck: Cardin you have the answer?

Cardin then said the first thing he said on his mind.

Cardin: Well...I know its easier to train an animal then a soldier.

Pyrrha: Your not the most open minded individuals are you Cardin.

Cardin: what does that mean?

Sans: It means your not that smart, sorry I just need to dumb you down a bit Cardin, you just seemed confused.

Cardin showed some anger just now.

Sans: I also have the answer, it night vision, many Fanus are known to have nearly perfect site in the dark.

Blake: General lagoon was inexperienced and made the mistake of ambushing the Fanus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched and the general was captured. Perhaps if he played attention in class he wouldn't be remembered as such a failure.

Cardin then got up and then I said.

Dont even think about it, or I will do some far worse then what happened before.

Ooobleck: You two please take your seat.

Jaune was still sleeping and was and Oobleck when up to him and said.

Ooobleck: You and Cardin will be seeing me after class.

Well what I did was all for nothing, he got in trouble anyway.

Ooobleck: Now moving on.

Timeskip: Afterclass.

I then went up to Jaune and said.

Sans: Seya Jaune.

Jaune: Seya Snas.

I walk out with the others and said

Sans: I'm probably gonna stay here.

Pyrrha: same I'll catch up with you

They left and then we waited for Jaune and when he came out Cardin was about to push him but then saw me.

Sans: I will be the last thing you ever do if you even think about trying that.

Cardin then got an attitude and walked away angry.

Pyrrha: You know I will break his legs.

Sans: Or his arms.

Pyrrha: hey I have an idea common.

I then followed Pyrrha and Jaune and we where out side on a balcony, and Jaune was standing on the edge.

Jaune: Guys, I know I'm going through a hard time right now but I'm not that depressed, I could always be a farmer or something.

I then grabed him and said.

Sans: No you moron, she didn't bring you up here for that.

Pyrrha: Jaune, I know your having a difficult time in class, and your not the strongest of fighters. So... I want to help you.

Jaune: What?

Pyrrha: we could train up hear after class where no one can bother us.

Jaune: you think I need help?

Sans: No Jaune that's not what she ment, you know, I didn't become a good fighter over night, I hand people to train me to guied me the right way, everyone needs a helping hand once in a while. It doesn't make you any different from anyone in the school, or any where for that matter.

Pyrrha: hes right, you also made it to beacon, that speaks volume for what your capable of.

Jaune: Your wrong, I dont belong here.

Pyrrha: that's a terrible thing to say, of course you do.

Jaune: No, I don't!

Sans: What make you say that, just because your not as good as anyone else here, doesn't mean that you have your own type of strength.

Jaune then said something that really suprised me.

Jaune: I wasn't really accepted into beacon.

Pyrrha: what do you mean?

Jaune: I mean I didn't get into combat school. I didn't pass any tests. I didn't earn my spot at this academy. I lied, and I got my hands on some fake transcripts and lied.

Pyrrha: But why?

Jaune: Because, this is what I wanted to be, my father, my grandfather, and is father before him where all warrior's, they where all heroes. I wanted to be one to.....I was just never good enough.

Sans: then let's us help you so you can be that hero.

Jaune: I dont want help! I dont want to be the denzel in destress, I want to be the hero!

Sans: Do you think that doing this on your own will do any good. You cant just push others away because you just want to be a title that's not how heroes are made.

Jaune: I'm just tired of being the lovable idiot that's stuck in the tree while my friends are fighting for there lives. If I cant do this on my own then what good am I.

Pyrrha tries to comfort him but he steps back.

Jaune: just leave me alone ok.

Pyrrha hesitated, but then said.

Pyrrha: if that's what you want.

Pyrrha then walks away while I'm still here. I then said

Sans: you know, things dont have to be this way. If you could just see that what your doing is wrong, mabe you would be realize and change yourself.

I then walked away but as closed the door, I hear Cardin talking to him on how he knows the hole thing and now hes is his "friend" now, I wanted to break his face after that, but I think Jaune should take care of this, he could learn something. I then went back to my dorm and I went to put on the vigilante outfit on and stopped crime like I always do.


I wasn't getting much sleep these pass couple of days and I wasn't paying attention to most of what Glynda said, but I know we have to get sap from probably these trees.

Ruby: Hey Snas.

Sans: Yeah, whu sup.

Ruby: are you ok? You seem...tired

Sans: what? No I'm fine I awake as ever.

Yang: Yeah, you have been like this for a few days now.

Sans: Guys, I just stayed a up alitte late, then usual.

Blake: Yeah, but your out for a long time, last night you didn't comeback until like 3 in the morning.

Sans: Guys really it's fine I'm just studying more then usual. Anyways I'm going to go do the sap thing she wants me to do.

I then turned around and walked into a tree and fell.

Weiss: common Snas, let me help you.

Sans: No, I can help-

Weiss: NO, you are not gonna tell me what I can and can't do, so I suggest you let me help you or else.

I then gave up because I don't have the strength for this.

Sans: alright fine, I'll let you help me. But only because I don't want to deal with your attitude.

Weiss: good, now let's do this in the time where supposed to, I still care about my grade you know.

I was about to say something but then she was grabed my sweater and started to pull me. I was about to argue put I'm to tired to do anything.

Timeskip an hour later.

Weiss was already done with hers and I was almost done with mine, I don't know why she wanted to help me, I mean we study together and sometimes even talked, but she isn't the type of person to help me with a full fledged assignment. I decided to shrug it of when one of Cardins Teammates came screaming towards us.

???: Ursa, Ursa!

Yang then grabed him.

Yang: what, where?

???: back there, it's got Cardin!

Pyrrha: Jaune!

I didn't hesitate to go find Jaune, I hear the roar of the beast and went towards the sounds and then I see Jaune fighting it I was about to help him but then I remember what he wanted, I wanted to see if he could do it. And then the rest arrived, Weiss then was about to help but I stopped her.

Sans: Wait

She wished and the fight continued on then the Ursa pushed him back and he saw his aura getting low but charged anyway. I noticed that hes shield was to low, he could get attack, but then I saw Pyrrha raise her hand and somehow made the shield go at just the right angle to make where he blocked the shield and then he got the chance to decapitate it. It then died and turned to dust.

Ruby: uh, what?

Weiss: how did you?

Pyrrha: Well, Ruby has her speed, you have her Glympse, Snas has his....

Sans: that's a story for another day.

Pyrrha:My Semblance, is polarity

Ruby: oh, you can control poles.

Weiss: no you dunce. It means she has control over magnetism.

Ruby: Magnets are cool to.

Pyrrha walks away but Weiss says.

Weiss: Wait where are you going?

Ruby: Yeah, aren't you gonna tell him what happened?

Sans: we could, or we could just not tell him, he needs the confidence boost anyway.

I then walk away as well about ready to go, I then ran up to Pyrrha and said.

Sans: Y'know, you should try to talk to him when you get the chance.

Pyrrha: I might just do that.

We then walked to where we where gonna get picked up by a bull head.

Timeskip: beacon roof top.

I then was hearing the two have a conversation.

Pyrrha: No Cardin tonight, I thought you to where best buds.

Jaune: Pyrrha....I'm sorry. I was a jerk and you and Snas where only trying to be nice and I had all this Macho stuff in my head-

Pyrrha: Jaune, it's ok.

They had a short moment for a minute then Pyrrha said.

Pyrrha: Your team really misses their leader, you should come down, Ren made pancakes, no syrup though, you can thank Nora for that.

Jaune: Wait.

Finally the part I was waiting for.

Jaune: I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but would you stop be willing to help me? To help me become a better fighter.

She then didn't say anything but then she pushed Jaune which suprised me.

Jaune: Hey!

Pyrrha: Your stance is all wrong, you need to be wider and lower to the ground.

She then helps Jaune up.

Pyrrha: let's try that again.

I then walk away with a smile, and I mean a true smile.

Sans: You know, they would go great together.

I then did like I visual do every night and do some good.

(Sorry, I have been dealing with some personal problems plus online school which is just stressful enough, I said this to someone who commented on Volume 0, anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter)
