Chapter 5: Coming Undone

Part 1: Lucien

"So, this is our plan?" Lucien asked the group. The only person who was there before who wasn't now was Belial.

"I guess so," Hecate replied.

"Don't actually hurt her, ma amour," Joselyn added.

"Liebe, please. I don't have a reason to unless we actually find something, which I highly doubt we will."

"Look, I think we will," August argued.

"Okay, let's not argue. Both of you, shut up," Lucien sighed.

"How are we gonna go about this?" Lilith asked, "we can't just walk in and fight her."

"Did you listen-? Actually, who am I kidding? Of course you weren't," Lucien sighed, "we go in and interrogate her. If she doesn't cooperate, then we search."



Part 2: Ophelia

When Ophelia heard the knock at her door, she didn't know who or what to expect. When she saw, quite literally, half of the town at her door, she was a bit confused.

"Hey-?" She spoke as she answered the door, "do you need something?"

"Yes. We need to ask you some things," Lucien answered, "could we come inside?"

"Of course! But do be aware, my raccoon and opossum are out, so don't be alarmed if they're scared at first."

As they entered, Ophelia heard August whisper 'that was easy'. She found it odd, but decided not to think about it too much. 

She sat down on the couch and her opossum, Moxxie, crawled into her lap. Moxxie hissed at the guests.

"Moxxie, be nice," she told the opossum.

"So..." Lucien started, "It's been brought to our attention that you've been... um... suspicious, per say."


"We think it's weird that you seem to remember everything while we don't," August chimed in.

"Correction, he thinks it's weird," Lucien corrected.

"It is though!"

"Look..." Lucien sighed, "he wants 'proof' that you're some sort of traitor, so just answer the questions and you'll be fine."

"Alright," Ophelia replied.

"Were you telling the truth when you explained how you already knew us?"


"Fucking liar," August mumbled.

"Do you just want to read my notebook? Because I swear to fuck, I am not lying!"

"Yes, actually!"

"August, what the fuck?" Lucien grumbled.

Ophelia grabbed her notebook and handed it to August, who immediately began reading through it. When he found nothing, he complained.

"You could have written this at any point to cover your ass!" August yelled.

"I don't know what the fuck you want from me then!" Ophelia growled.

"August, listen!" Lucien yelled before lowering his voice, "if there was a remedy, I would have found it by now! She doesn't have it!"

"See!?" Ophelia scoffed, "all I do is sew and tailor clothes! What makes you think I know how to make a remedy for a curse I know barely anything about?"

August finally back off, "fine." He then walked off.

"He was the only one who thought you were a traitor," Hecate admitted, "Bel thinks it's Sam. We're gonna need your help to confirm that."


Part 3: Sam

Sam opened the ender chest, pulling a polaroid out of it... The picture contained a young kid with his parents, all having curly brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. 

That light sizzling could be heard again... He was crying.

How long is this shit going to take... I just want to be human again... and have them back...

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. He quickly wiped his eyes, closed the ender chest and set the picture on top of it.

He answered the door and was surprised to see Belial. 

"Hey! Sam, can I... talk to you?" Bel asked.

"Yeah, of course!" Sam smiled, leading Bel inside.

He brought Bel to his room and sat on his bed, Bel sitting beside him.

"So... I have a problem," Bel sighed.


"Ever since you gave me the remedy, I can't stand the taste of animal blood..."

"... Have you tried drinking human blood again..?"

"Are you serious? No! I am NOT going back to that!"

"Bel... I hate to break it to you, but you may not have a choice."

"... You did this to me!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Sam, I swear to-!"

Bel was immediately distracted by the scent of blood. Sam held up a bottle of human blood.

"Please take it," Sam winced, "you're mainly angry because you're hungry, I know it... Please take the blood."

Bel took the bottle, opened it, and downed about half of it. He immediately felt better.

"... Fuck, that's good..."


"yeah, but... How am I supposed to... keep getting human blood..?"

"I can't let you starve, Bel. I'm willing to get you as much human blood as you need. I've been saving a bunch in case you ever had to switch back to human blood."

"... Thank you..." Bel paused as he saw the polaroid sitting on the ender chest. "Who's that in the picture..?"

Sam looked over, tears in his eyes as he picked up the picture, "that's me... and my parents, but... y'know."

"You were human..?"

Sam nodded.

"How are you okay with me drinking human blood then..?"

"... Because I know it's not your choice. And even if I was still human... I wouldn't care if you hurt me."


"How do I even explain this..?" 

Bel looked shocked. Sam was now just ranting about how he really felt. It didn't even feel like Sam was controlling what he was saying anymore. It felt like he was on autopilot. He explained everything, how he was taken and used as a lab rat, how he was desperate to become human again, but not for himself... for Bel.

"That's... why you gave me the remedy... of all people?" Bel asked. 

"Yes... I'm sorry I ever hurt you. I love you, Bel."

"So you kept the remedy to yourself... to remember all your progress on becoming human again... because you wanted to help me?"

"I'd trust you to not take enough blood to kill me."

Bel wrapped his arm around Sam, "I wish I'd known you felt this way... Honestly... I love you too, Sam."


Part 4: August

As August walked back into Ophelia's living room, he sighed. He'd finally calmed down and was ready... Bel was probably right about it being Sam rather than Ophelia.


Part 5: Azrael

The bakery was empty... Azrael wondered why the town had been so quiet today.

He hoped everything was okay...


Part 6: Lilith

Lilith listened to the agreement to meet in the casino... That way, they could come up with a plan with Belial present.

She was glad Ophelia wasn't a traitor... She was strong and would be a lot of help if Sam tried to retaliate...


Part 7: Forrest

The town was quiet... Even in a small town, that was odd to Forrest. He'd seen Belial... He was walking through the shadows in the night... Forrest didn't ask questions, despite the clinking of glass in a bag as Bel walked away from Sam's house...


Part 8: Joselyn

Joselyn had decided to get some work done at the library before the meeting that night... She was mostly just placing returns on the shelves before she decided to read...


Part 9: Hecate

Once it was time to head to the meeting at the casino, Hecate grabbed her things and Joselyn followed her. Hecate noticed that Joselyn was rubbing her leg as she walked.

"You alright, liebe?" Hecate asked.

"Yeah... my leg hurts, though..." Joselyn answered.

"... Do you want me to carry you?"

"Oh, you don't have to- AH-!"

Hecate picked Joselyn up and carried her bridal-style.

"You're not walking if your leg hurts, meine liebe."

Joselyn didn't complain, just laid in Hecate's arms as they made their way to the casino.


Part 10: Belial

Bel sat in the casino, awaiting the rest of the group. Lilith, Lucien, August, and Ophelia had already arrived, so they were only waiting on Joselyn and Hecate.

When they entered, Bel chuckled at the sight. Hecate was carrying Joselyn bridal-style. 

"Why-?" Bel was trying to ask a question, but he was laughing too hard.

" I told her that my leg was hurting and she insisted on carrying me," Joselyn chuckled. 

Bel thought it was adorable, but it brought him back.

"I love you, Bel..."

"I'd trust you not to take enough blood to kill me." 

"I love you too, Sam."


Bel was startled from his thoughts by Lilith.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just... distracted," he sighed.

"Something on your mind?" Lucien asked.

"No... Let's just talk about our plan."

"Well... I think we should just edit the plan we used for Ophelia," Hecate explained.

"Yeah-..." Ophelia stated, "I'd get rid of the dumb questions. I thought I was surrounded by idiots."

Bel sighed, pulling out a bottle of blood and sipping it as he listened. Joselyn paused.

"Bel... What is that?" She seemed worried.

"Animal blood," he lied, internally panicking, "I'm a vampire, but I don't drink human blood. Don't worry." Joselyn seemed relieved.

Bel sipped the blood as the group came up with a plan...


(Chapter 6, the Finale, will be out soon)
