Chapter 4: Trust No One

Part 1: Belial

Bel made his way home... He was so pissed about Sam's little secret, but... maybe it was best to keep it. 

As Bel reached his house, he noticed he felt a bit off. He hadn't had any animal blood since the last time the curse hit at the least. He knew Forrest wasn't at the shop, hell, he probably didn't know anything about ever selling Bel animal blood.

Looks like I have to take this into my own hands...

Bel started off into the woods.

After a while, he spotted a small animal. It didn't seem like much, but he was starving at had to take anything he could get. He quickly ran up, pounced, and caught the animal.

When he got a sip of its blood, he immediately released it. What the hell? It didn't taste right. It tasted like animal blood, yes, it just... didn't taste good anymore. He spat the blood out quickly. 

"What the..." 

He still felt extremely hungry... Maybe it was just the one animal?

He ran deeper into the woods, in search of a different animal. He found one and was quick to catch it. Same result.


He knew it was no use now, so he made his way out of the woods and back home. When he arrived, he laid down in bed and quickly fell asleep...

... The Next Day...

Part 2: Hecate (I apologize in advance-)

Hecate slowly awoke on the couch... She slowly sat herself up, noticing someone in the recliner. It was her father but... she found it odd that he was sleeping there. According to her notebook, he never fell asleep in the recliner, even if he was so tired that he didn't want to move.

She got up and stretched a bit. She then walked over to her father. She gently grabbed his shoulder... She didn't even have to shake him. His body was cold. She winced a bit. She may not remember much, but she knew that wasn't normal.


She gently lifted her father's arm and felt his wrist... Nothing. He didn't have a pulse. She was terrified at this realization.

"No... No, no, no... Dad!"


Part 3: Sam

Sam sat alone in the basement, holding the ingredients for the remedy. He set them down and grabbed empty bottles from a nearby chest. He set them against the brewing stand and then just sat, laying his head against his desk.

Bel had been right. He was fucked up. Bel didn't even know the full truth, and yet he was completely right.

He sighed, standing up and walking back over to the brewing stand. He filled the bottles with water and set them inside the brewing stand. He added the ingredients and somewhat impatiently waited for the remedy to brew...


Part 4: Lucien

Lucien sat in their home, reading from their notebook. They were still struggling to understand everything...

So the curse causes memory loss... Explains a lot.

They huffed, turning the page. There was some writing and small sketches... Yet one specific sketch caught Lucien's eye.

An axe.

"How do I know you're not like them?"

"Sam... What do you mean..?"

Lucien winced.


Lucien felt as if that blade was against their throat again... They shuddered. Thankfully, the flashback didn't last long.

They pulled their knees to their chest and rested their head between them. They turned the page and then looked up at the notebook. They flipped to a new page and wrote;

Memory loss does not stop flashbacks.

They flipped back to their page and continued reading...


Part 5: Joselyn

Joselyn made her way to the library, pulling her keys out of her pocket. She was glad she had labelled all her keys... or at least, she assumed she was the one that labelled them.

She unlocked the library doors and slowly entered. She looked around... She had no clue where anything was anymore. She walked over to the desk to the left of the door. 

When she got behind the desk, she noticed a few things on it. The first was a binder containing book titles, Joselyn guessed they were the ones in the library. The only other things on the desk were some pens and other equipment. 

She sat in her seat, then began looking through her bag. She found a book titled 'Unwind'. She didn't remember anything about it, but it seemed that she had read most of it.

Damn it... Now I have to reread it...

She sighed, taking the bookmark out and moving it back to the beginning. 

She'd been reading for a while when she heard the doors of the library open. She looked up and saw Hecate.

"Oh, hi-!" Joselyn spoke. Hecate stayed silent, walking towards Joselyn before falling into her arms. "Oh-!"

Joselyn was worried. Hecate just laid in her arms. Joselyn set her book on the desk and wrapped her arms around Hecate.

"Are you okay..?" 

Hecate remained silent, only snuggling into Joselyn's arms. Joselyn noticed Hecate was crying...

"Hecate... What's wrong?"

"He's gone... " Hecate sniffled.



Part 6: Ophelia

Ophelia sat in her home, looking around. She looked at the two cages on her floor. One had a raccoon, Bandit, and the other had an opossum, Moxxie. She'd learned that from her notebook. She'd made sure to feed them both.

She stood up and went to her desk to relearn those stitches  she used for clothes...


Part 7: August

August headed to the library after waking up late. According to his notebook, this wasn't unusual for him.

When he arrived, he saw Joselyn and Hecate snuggled up together. Again, not unusual, but... It looked like Hecate had been crying. He entered slowly, and as he approached, he noticed that Hecate was sleeping against Joselyn. 

Joselyn looked up at August, "Shh... I finally got her to fall asleep..."

"Is she your girlfriend or your child?" August whispered teasingly. 

"My girlfriend, but... I feel like her mother right now, to be honest."

"Has... she been crying?"

"Yeah, uhm... Her... Her dad passed in his sleep last night, and... She's really upset about it..."

"Oh my... Poor girl..."

"Yeah... We were gonna wait until you got here to go bury him, but... she's finally resting... and she really needs it."

August looked down and sighed, "Well, while she rests... Can I talk to you about something?"

"What's up?"

"Do you find it odd that that Ophelia chick already knew who we all were?"

"I mean... No... She said she wrote it down and labelled us all by appearance."

"But how do we know she's telling us the truth?"

"How could we know if anyone is?"

"Listen... Something doesn't seem right about that to me. She's got to be hiding something."

"Listen. According to Belial's notebook, we all meet at the casino every night. If you're really concerned about this, bring it up then."

"Fine. I'm sure at least one of them will understand."

The two were startled by Hecate's voice, "what's going on?"

"We'll talk about it later..." Joselyn sighed, "How about we go do what we planned since August is here now?"

"Okay..." Hecate seemed upset thinking about it.

"Meet us at the casino when you close the library tonight," Joselyn spoke.

"Alright... See you then."

With that, August was left alone in the library...


Part 8: Azrael

Azrael sat in the bakery, alone, trying to decide what to do with all of the old bread...

Suddenly, the bell on the door rang as the door opened and a red-haired woman entered.

"Oh-! H-Hi! I'm so sorry, I haven't had time to bake anything fresh today-!" He panicked.

"Oh, don't worry, dear," the woman smiled and held out her hand, "I'm Ophelia."

"Azrael... or Az, if you want to call me that," he shook Ophelia's hand. 

"You seem stressed, Azrael. Is something wrong?"

"Sort of... I don't have the heart to throw out all the bread, but I have to get rid of it so I have room for fresh food."

"Well, maybe I can help."


"I have a raccoon and an opossum. They'll eat basically anything you give them. I can take some to give them as treats and get all this off your hands."

"Oh, thank Allah-! But... What about the rest?"

"There's a pond nearby with some ducks. Take it down there and feed it to them."

"Thank you so much, Ophelia."

Ophelia took about half of the bread for a fair price, and Azrael collected the rest and made his way to the pond...


Part 9: Forrest

Forrest sat alone at his shop, eating a 'snack', which was just a chunk of deer meat. As he got no customers all day, and it was getting late, he decided to close up shop...


Part 10: Lilith

Lilith sat in a chair in the casino as people began arriving. She greeted everyone while Bel was busy setting up a table for them all.

She immediately noticed Hecate was upset when she entered with Joselyn.

"Hecate? Is everything okay?"

Joselyn answered for her, as Hecate didn't seem to want to talk, "... We just had to bury her dad..."

"Oh my..."

Bel joined in, "Hecate, you can just rest if you'd like." Hecate nodded.

When everyone arrived, they sat down at the set up table. 

"I want to talk to you all about something I mentioned to Joselyn earlier," August told everyone, "I feel like Ophelia may be hiding something."

"Is this what you were talking about when I was asleep?" Hecate asked.



"So..." Bel started," what makes you say that Ophelia's hiding something?"

"I mean, she seems to remember everything while none of us can. I feel like she might have some kind of remedy," August explained.

"That's impossible!" Lucien blurted, "if there was a remedy by now, surely I would have found it!"

Bel sighed, "Well... We can't be sure, I suppose. If she is hiding something, though, she's not the only one. I know for a fact that something's up with Sam."

"But Sam was confused too!" Lilith objected.

"I know the conversation we had, Ghostie! I can't even begin to explain how fucked up he is!"

"Listen," Lucien interrupted, "How about we figure out what's up with Ophelia, then we look into what Bel's telling us?"

"Sounds like a good plan," August replied...


(Chapter 5 will be out very soon, it is written but not yet typed out.)
