It felt so odd being back at school with no drama, I actually sat through my classes and took notes without my mind wondering about stalkers. I talked with Elise and made plans with her for this weekend .

"We should invite H." I sounded.

She agreed, "here she comes now, we can ask her if she wants to join."

Just then Harper did in fact walk up to us, looking as timid as ever.

"Hey H, you have a good trip?" I asked, still not one hundred percent sure on the specifics on where she went or why, all Patrick had told me was that she was going through her heat because she isn't marked...I didn't know specifically what the heat entails or what her not having a mark has to do with it but whatever.

She shrugged, "it went as well as can be expected, I wasn't exactly the best company though, so bless Braxton for putting up with me." She said as she tucked some loose hair behind her ear, I noticed Elise looking at her neck.

"A-anyways, Ellie and I we're talking about having a night for just us girls, Saturday afternoon we can hit up a spa for a nice pamper session, then we're getting dressed up and going to have a nice meal before going back to Ellie's place and just having an old fashion sleep over."

"I don't know guys, I was kind of looking forward to just spending time with Brax."

"Harper you were just with him for a whole week." I countered.

"W-well why don't we have the sleep over part at Braxton's place?"

Elise and I looked at each other, we had both picked up on the fact that she had called the house Braxton's place, indicating that she wasn't living there, news to the both of us...and for how long, neither of us knew.

"Well Vance makes amazing chocolate chip pancakes" Elise said cooly.

"I can vouch for that, they are pretty amazing." I added.

"Come on H, we can even have a horror movie marathon if it means you'll hang with us at my place."

She seemed to really mull it over, "fine" she sighed, "time away from your mate is healthy, right?"

"Right." Elise backed her up.

"Hey Duchess...you ready?" Patrick asked as he walked up to us, he told the girls hello before turning back to me.

"Ready?" I asked.

He kissed me as his own form of hello for me, "your appointment, if you don't want me to go with you that's fine but you should still go regardless."

I had completely spaced out. "I forgot," I replied, "I'll talk to you both later." I said as I hugged them and then went with Patrick to his car.


"Alright Miss Mariah," Dr Limmons sounded gently as she took her seat and faced me. "I know we discussed options last time but protocol dictates that I sit down with you and discuss everything again just to make sure this is what you are wanting to do.

I nodded my understanding.

"Was Patrick unavailable to join you this afternoon?" She asked, I knew this was her own curiosity more than a doctor and patient conversation.

"Oh, I told him it shouldn't take that long since its already been removed so he decided to hangout in the waiting room, to be honest though, I think it may have freaked him out a little last time."

She chuckled, "males...doesn't matter if they're Weres or not, put them in a clinical setting talking about vaginas and they don't know how to respond."

I laughed a little.

"Okay, so were you still wanting to go ahead and get the birth control via medical implantation?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Very well, now before we begin with the insertion of course I have a couple of questions that I have to ask."

Once again I nodded, I know I must've looked like a mindless bobble head just nodding my head 'yes' but I hated the way I sounded just repeating "yes," "alright," "okay" over and over as she asked me questions.

"Alright, okay first question, have you used this birth control before?"

"No." I sounded.

"Any birth control?" She asked knowingly.

"Yes ma'am."

"In the time since we removed your previous birth control have you had sexual intercourse?"

"Yes." I replied.


My heart raced, "yes."

She wrote down my answer while nodding her head, "alright, before we go any further, based on your last responses I'm going to ask you to please provide us with a urine sample, we just need to make sure everything is clear before we put you on any form of birth control...this is a safety procedure for both you and I."

I understood fully, she needed to make sure I wasn't pregnant.

She reached into the cabinet and pulled out a familiar little cup, she wrote my name on the label before handing it over to me.

"Remember to leave the sample in the metal window for the nurses and then just come on back into the room whenever you're ready."

Once again I nodded, only this time it was because I didn't know how else to respond and I sure as shit didn't know what to say.

The truth was I had fucked up.

Yes I know it takes two people to have sex...but I got so caught up in the moment that I didn't even stop to think 'hey use a condom,' or 'wait a week and you'll have birth control.'

Looking back I was also the one who initiated it, Patrick had been so obliging to wait for however long I wanted or needed, but I wanted him...bad.

Bad enough to have sex without thinking about the consequences.

As I made my way into the restroom I got myself situated and patiently waited to fill the little sample container.

'I don't want to be pregnant.'
'I can't be pregnant.'
'Frank would kill me.'
'I wouldn't even know where to begin...'
'I'd suck as a mom.'

I couldn't help but cry, I knew whatever happened I would have to deal with the outcome head on.

I was able to give a small sample and left in the little metal window as instructed before I made the walk back to the room.

I sat in the empty space, alone and scared, 'I wish I would have told Patrick to come back with me.'

I bounced my knee out of nervousness as I just sat there and waited on the results...I knew no matter what the outcome of the pee sample was I'd have to talk to Patrick, he needs to know if it is positive or negative.
