• FOUR •


"Don't you have class this morning?"

I slowly looked over at Braxton, he had come over to the pack house to "see that I had settled in. Really it was more than likely that he is bored and had nothing better to do.

That was his life now.

Alpha of the pack.

I used to envy him, most popular guy, star athlete in high school, youngest Rho Alpha Kappa president, youngest Alpha. But now that schools over for him, all that was left was the pack...sure he has an actual job, but it is a cake walk compared to what he's use to.

Especially after last year.

"I'm ready," I motioned toward my clothes and books.

"You need to take this year seriously Patrick, everything from this day forward will start setting your future in motion...so no more messing around thinking things are just going to get shit handed to you."

I bit my tongue.

As much as he was irritating me at the moment...he is still my Alpha, and my actions toward him would definitely have consequences.

"You know I'm surprised to see you here so early...shouldn't you be with Harper?"

"Well as much as I honestly would like to be with my mate this morning...she left to meet up with the girls before class."

I halted my actions.

"The girls?" I questioned.

"Yeah Ellie and Mariah, they're all starting school today too."

"That's cool." I said as I got up now. "I guess I should probably start heading out...see ya around B."

I grabbed a notebook to take a few notes down on and a couple books that two of my classes had asked for.

As I walked toward the university (as the frat house isn't too far from the campus) I had let my mind trail back to Elise's wedding a month ago.

"My brother was left the house in the will, our stuff should be arriving in two days."

She had spoken the words, I had heard her say them.

I didn't quite know how to react at first.

I wanted to be excited.

I felt like she was coming back for me when I had heard it.

As brash as it sounded, her mother wasn't hear anymore, so why come back? She could go anywhere.

Everything that I had done since she left slowly crept forward, and even though all of the girls seemed like faceless beings to me, they were an instant release of my pent up aggressions...the very ones she had caused when she left me that evening.

"I don't need you."

How those four words had taunted me every night since then.

But none of the even mattered anymore, I vowed to myself that I would NEVER be with her, I had rejected her as my mate.

I just wish my wolf would shut the hell up about going to see her.

I had mindlessly been walking toward my first class and upon entry I found the class had already begun.

I took a seat in the very back and even settled to begin taking notes when my wolf suddenly had my head turning slightly toward the left...and there sitting happily, smiling and giggling was Mariah.

I had crushed the pen that I was holding in anger...how could she so calmly sit in this room fucking flirting with another guy right in front of me?

I looked at the guy, my wolf beginning to analyze him, size him up...we could take him.

I was utterly lost as to what the professor was up there talking about as I couldn't tear my eyes away from Mariah.

Then out of nowhere, she looked back.

I held myself completely still. I was afraid if I blinked she would be gone again...and it always kills me when she leaves, therefore I always take it upon myself to leave first now.

Maybe I hoped that by my leaving she would feel even an ounce of the pain I felt that night she left.

I could see that she wasn't expecting to see me in there, furthermore it had taken her completely by surprise...this was my cue, I smirked a little at her before I got up and left the class...I would get the notes from somebody else if need be.

I knew there would be plenty of time before the class let out so I decided to go seek out the one person I could get answers from, the admissions lady...my mother.

When I walked in a young man looked at me but recognized me so he waved me in, my mom was on her phone but waved a hello. I motioned that I was going to use her computer and she unthinkingly nodded her head 'yes.'

I was hoping that she'd be preoccupied.

You see college wasn't exactly my first choice, but with no real skills to fall back on I didn't have any other options...and as mom is the only one working, she couldn't simply afford to send me to an out of state university...so she took the admissions job knowing that I would get to go here for free.

Still logged onto her account I didn't really know what to do but I went through a few folders before I found the program I needed.

My mom kept looking back every so often to check on me so I opened up my own personal email to play it off.

I typed in Mariah's name but quickly realized I didn't known her last name...it wasn't something we had honestly discussed on our short live road trip.

I shook it off and deleted her name...there was one person who would definitely know Mariah's schedule...I typed in Elise's name with ease and memorized her next class, I would cut her off as she was going in and ask her about Mariah.

Elise isn't stupid, she had put two and two together that night.

Even during all of the stress and chaos Elise had noticed Mariah and I practically attached at the hip and then as the night progressed she took note of how Mariah was suddenly gone And how I was suddenly an even bigger dick toward everyone.

Of course she confronted me about it once she healed, I tried to deny everything but after finally telling her everything I felt better knowing that at less one person knows.

My mom came over just as I had closed out of the program revealing only my email address.

"All done honey, I need my computer back?"

"Yeah," I said getting up, "thanks mom."

After that I raced to find Elise but upon approach I noticed Mariah standing around waiting for someone, I smiled...perhaps she had known I would come looking for her, then I saw some guy checking her out and it pissed me off.

Maybe she was waiting for someone else...another guy?

I walked up right behind her, "Hey Duchess."

I picked up on her increased heartbeat and I smiled. She turned but openly tried to ignore me.

"Are you trying to ignore me Mariah?" I asked as I stepped forward, causing her back to bump into the wall before I placed my hands on the wall.

Her scent was all around me now.

My wolf was excited to be so close to her again.

This action only brought me so close I could hear her ragged breath as she was growing excited, her excitement damn near called to my wolf and the raging flames she ignited inside of me wouldn't stop flickering throughout my veins right now.

The arousal was growing between us and I knew the longer we stood so close to each other the more intense it would grow until we acted on it.

She looked up and met my eyes. "I hadn't realized you'd taken up stalking me this semester blue eyes."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her remembered wit and her little nickname for me. Her boldness pulled me back to reality and I pushed myself away from her. "Mariah you made it clear that you don't want anything to do with me...that you don't need me."

I knew it was a low blow, but after what I had gone through, she deserved it.

Of course my wolf thought otherwise when the smallest glimpse of pain flashed over her eyes.

"Don't act for one minute like you actually care what I do Patrick."

"I saw you this morning, already talking to other guys." I said losing my cool.

She only laughed...it made me feel idiotic.

"Let me make this very clear Duchess...you are my mate, and I will make sure I will do everything to ruin any chance you may have with some other jackass."

"Yes because you are clearly the only jackass for me." She replied harshly.

I had set myself up for that one.

But she wasn't finished as this time she stepped forward, "Let me make THIS very clear blue eyes, your dick has made it more than clear that we aren't anything and never could be anything, but if you think I'm gonna let you mess something up with anyone you're wrong so just stay away from me...and FYI, Jack is gay!"

I had to pause, who the hell is Jack?

But as I thought about this Jack guy she took it upon herself to walk in the classroom and leave me standing there like a moron.

I had half a mind to storm in there and drag her out of the classroom and into some random closet to let her know just what my dick really was capable of.

Mariah had actually shaken me and I needed to get some frustration out.

The passion in her words clearly meant that she felt even the smallest of feelings toward me, but feelings none the less...and until she figures out what the hell she really wants I would still need some help "de-stressing"

I pulled out my phone and shot a text to one of the many random females in my contacts.

[Patrick: it's so fucking early and I already need to see you.]

[ --- : that can be arranged ;)]

I didn't bother trying to sugarcoat anything.

[Patrick: PAK house, my room, after your last morning class]

[ --- : Sure thing, I'll txt when I'm OMW]

I went trough the rest of the day thinking about Mariah and then brushing those thoughts away.

Mariah being back would only confuse things.

She'd made it clear she didn't want to be with me, and I rejected her...I have been trying to move on from her, but every time I see her I just can't help but get drawn in all over again.
