Innocent But Insolent [Edited]

"Why? What happened?" Astoria worriedly asked.

Travis shrugged, "I don't know, but the thing I know is that Rose doesn't want to go to school today. When I went to her house, Rose was throwing a temper tantrum, hesitating to go out."

"I think she's trumatized by something, or someone." Astoria said.

"I wish I knew why she doesn't want to go to school today..." Ling Ling muttered.

"And by the way, where's Hawk?" Joy asked.

The others shrugged, until they saw a certain prince was being chased by dozens of princesses.

Astoria facepalmed, Ling Ling and Joy sighed.

"Why he must be the one who is being chased by the fangirls?" Travis questioned.

Meanwhile, back at Rose's house, the Cinderella covered herself with blanket, shivering.

"Rose, are you sure you don't want to go to school today?" Clara asked.

"N-no, n-not today." Rose stuttered.

"Okay, then."

Clara then left her room, leaving Rose alone.

'That stupid prince...'  Rose thought.

The previous day...

School was over, Rose was wandering through the school garden, admiring the flowers. Travis has left earlier to help his parents, so he left Rose alone at Regal Academy.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist, really tight. Rose winced, the person held her, and dragged her to somewhere else more quiet.

Rose was pinned to the wall, when her vision got clearer, she was so shocked, in front of her, the person who pinned her, was the one and only Hawk SnowWhite.

"Hawk! What in the pumpkins you think you're doing?!" She whisper-yelled.

The sly prince shushed her, then whispered something to her ear.

"You're mine."

Rose swallowed hard as she heard those words, she then lifted her head, making eye contact with the SnowWhite.

His electric turquoise eyes hypnotized her. Making the Cinderella melt under his gaze.

'Stop it, Rose, there's something wrong with him!"

Rose stared at him, 'His face is so red, is he drunk or something?'

"You're mine, only mine, and no one can steal you away from me." Hawk whispered.

Rose shivered under his touch, something was totally wrong with him.

Before school ended...

"Stop boasting, I told you she's mine!" Hawk roared.

Couglan clenched his fists, "Ugh, you'll take that back!"

Astoria and the others watched from distance. The princes kept arguing, fighting for the girl they liked, Rose Cinderella.

Travis groaned, "Until when they will keep fighting?"

The Rapunzel sighed, "I hope that won't cause any decreasing grades."

"You only care about your grade, not your friends!" Travis said.

"What did you say?"

It was their turn to argue, Ling Ling and Joy facepalmed.

"They always argue..." Joy muttered.

"I just realized something," Ling Ling said, "Where's Rose?"

Joy shrugged, "I don't know, the last time I saw her, she was in the school garden."


"Rose will never be yours, Hawk. Never!" Couglan shouted as he took a small vial from his hand, opened the lid, and threw it to Hawk.

"Ahh!!" Hawk cried.

Couglan cackled, "Instead, you'll hate her, forever!"

He left, leaving a dizzy Hawk behind, who then fell unconscious.

"Hawk!" Travis called, running to him.

The girls catches him up, "Wait up, Travis!"

Travis carried the unconscious SnowWhite, "Let's bring him to Dr. LeFrog!"

Little did they and Couglan know, the potion wasn't a hatred potion, instead, it was a love-struck potion.

The Charming took the love-struck potion instead of taking the hatred potion without even knowing, so, Hawk wouldn't hate the girl he love, but making him crazy about her.

Back to present...

"Hawk, please tell me what's wrong!" Rose pleaded.

Hawk didn't answer. Instead, he gripped her wrist tighter than before, making her winced even louder.

"Hawk, stop it! It hurts!" Rose cried.

Hawk loosened his grip, the Cinderella sighed in relief, but, there was one problem...

What was he going to do with her?

The prince swung one of his arms, placing it on her waist. Rose could figure it out what he was going to do.

Hawk leaned over, trying to kiss her. Rose struggled from his grip, and she was still pinned.

"Hawk, stop it!" Rose yelled.

She tried to yell for help, but it was useless. Hawk kept covering her mouth, to keep her silent.

"You're not going anywhere, princess." He whispered.

This time, his grip was very strong, so Rose couldn't even move. He leaned in again, Rose tried to avoid him, but failed.

His lips crashed onto hers, he kissed her deeply, spilling out his emotions. Rose totally didn't enjoy it, her eyes were wide open.

'His lips are so soft and- wait, ROSE! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?'

But, she couldn't even resist it, Hawk was the boy she loved, and, he was kissing her.

She, somehow, enjoyed the kiss, she swung her arms around his neck, and kissed him back.

Maybe it was the effect of the potion, making the girl return his affection.

Hawk pulled her closer, tightened his grip on her waist.

They pulled away, gasping for air. After some time, Hawk kissed her again, but this time, he kissed her neck.

Couglan, who was wandering alone, saw them kissing. He then realized the potion he took was a love-struck potion, not a hatred potion. He then clenched his fists, tried to control his temper.

He decided to deactivate the potion, using his wand, he threw a spell on them, freeing them both from the potion effect.

Rose was the first who realized their position, she was hugging Hawk's neck, and Hawk was hugging her waist, her eyes widened as she saw Hawk, still in his previous position.

"AHH!!" She screamed as loud as possible, punching Hawk as hard as she could.

Hawk was thrown and crashed a tree, making him howl in pain.

"Ow!!" He cried.

Couglan immediately left the scene. Rose realized what she had done and completely regretted it.

"Oh my pumpkins! Hawk! I-I'm truly sorry!" Rose apologized, as she helped Hawk stood up.

She saw a big, red bruise on his right cheek, she swore his grandmother would kill her the next day.

Hawk couldn't remember anything clearly, except the kiss, he then saw a small mark on Rose's neck, and completely regretted it.

'Her dad will kill me later...'  Hawk thought.

"Honestly, what you did before, that was so unacceptable, you insolent prince!" Rose scolded, fully in her defensive mode.

Hawk then smirked at her, "I think I deserve that name, The Insolent Prince."

It was true, even though he looked innocent outside, he has a wild side, innocent, but insolent.



The next day...

"Hawk?!? What in the apples happened to you?!?!" Professor SnowWhite worriedly asked.

Hawk touched his bruised cheek, "N-Nothing, really, I just hit the tree branch, that's all!"

He chuckled nervously, his grandmother looked at him suspiciously.


"Rose, you okay? You're shivering all the time!" Astoria said, concerned about her friend.

"I-It's nothing, r-really.. he he.." Rose nervously answered.

She then spotted Couglan, who was walking casually around the garden.

'Screw you, Couglan.'

"Rose, you keep touching your neck, is something wrong?" Travis asked.

The Cinderella swallowed hard, "U-Uh, it's nothing!"

The Beast removed her hand, then, he saw a faint mark plastered on her neck.

"Uhh? What happened? There's a red mark on your neck."

'Oh, no. Ugh, Hawk, you are so dead right now.'

Astoria's eyes trailed down to her wrist, "Your wrist is terribly red!"

"Something is wrong with you, what happened?!" Joy asked.

Travis immediately recognize the mark on her neck, "Wait, is this.. A HIC-"

Rose whacked his head before he could say the word, "Shut your mouth!"

"Ouch.. Do I really deserve that?"

"What is it, Travis?" Astoria asked.



Rose whacked him once more, "OW!"

"Hic? What do you mean by- wait, you mean, a hickey?!?!" Astoria asked, jaw dropped.

The Cinderella's jaw also dropped, 'Even the fairy tale citizen know what that means?!?!'

"Who did this to you?!?!" Joy asked, increasing her volume.

"Uhm... Well..."

Rose let out a deep sigh, "I'm super embarrassed to say this, but, Hawk was the one who gave me this."

Everyone's jaw dropped at the same time.

"That insolent boy is so dead!!" Astoria said.

"Don't blame him, Astoria," Rose said, "Couglan is responsible for this."

"But still! I want to kick their butts!!" Ling Ling added, "How dare they did this to my poor Rose!"

