Fight For Sacrifice

"Why won't you listen to me?!" Rose cried.

"You're the one who won't listen to me!" Hawk shot back.

A villain has just attacked Regal Academy recently. Rose and her teammates, of course, defeated the villain. But, there was one problem, Rose's arm was badly injured.

The villain had tried to attack the Cinderella using her sword. Hawk tried to dogde her, but failed. Rose ended up having her arm injured.

"You didn't have to do that, Hawk! I didn't want you to get hurt, too!" Rose said.

"But you hurt yourself!" Hawk said pointing her injured arm.

"I'm fine, Hawk!"

"You're not fine, Rose!"

Astoria and the others could only watch their friends fighting. They didn't know what to do to stop them.

Travis sighed, "Those two were too heroic before.."

"But, Rose sacrificed herself, her arm was terribly injured!" Ling Ling scolded.

Astoria sighed, "Let them finish their problem theirsleves."

Rose was nearly crying, "Y-You don't know how much I care for you!"

"You don't know how much I love you!" Hawk shot.

Rose's eyes widened, "W-What did you say?"

Hawk quickly realized what he said before, and covered his mouth due to embarrassment.

"N-Nothing, just ... Leave me alone!"

Rose gasped, Hawk coldly walked away. She could see anger, coldness in his eyes. She couldn't hold herself anymore, so she ran away, crying.

"Rose, wait!" Astoria called, was about to chase after her before Travis hold her up.

"Give her some time alone." He suggested.

"Hawk can be cold sometimes ... I hate that boy..." Astoria said, groaning, "He hurt her even more, but he didn't realize that!"

"Astoria, calm down!" Ling Ling said.

"Poor Rose..." Joy said, full of concern, "When that prince comes back, I'll give him a piece of my mind.."

Rose was at the school garden sobbing.

"How could he..." She muttered under her breath.

Rose played with her hair, "He could also get hurt, I didn't want that to happen..."

She remained silent for a moment. Thinking about her crush getting hurt, that would be very horrible. So instead, she was the one who got hurt. But, Hawk wasn't concerned, instead, he was mad, really mad.

"I wish that villain didn't attack before..." Rose mumbled.

She let go a deep sigh, then decided to have a walk for a while.


"I wish that villain didn't attack before..." Hawk mumbled, and sighed.

His pet Doc just flew around him, cooing.

"She's hurt, and I shouted at her, that sure made her hurt even more..."

He gazed at the beautiful view of the Enchanted Lake.

"What have I done?" He questioned himself.

"Coo... Coo..." Doc cooed.

Hawk sighed, "You're not helping, Doc."


"Wait, you're saying I should apologize to her?"


Just in time, he saw the beauty walking at the lake's side, looked depressed, she also hold her injured arm, wrapped in bandages.

"Rose..." Hawk muttered.

He ran towards her, "Rose!"

The Cinderella turned her head, "Huh?"

The SnowWhite grabbed her wrist, and hugged her tight.

"Rose... I'm truly sorry..." Hawk apologized.

Rose widened her eyes, "Sorry?"

"For what happened before..." Hawk answered.

"You're not joking, right?" Rose asked, still irritated.


Hawk took her bandaged arm, Rose squeaked in pain.

"You got hurt, I didn't want that to happen before. But, I let this happen, and I got mad to myself, even you.."

Rose rolled her eyes, "I don't think you're really that sorry."

Hawk felt a little offended, "Rose, I really mean it."

Rose sighed, "I did that because I didn't want you to get hurt, too. The villain was very strong, and I couldn't let you injured."

Hawk let go off her arm, "I promise that won't happen again. I don't want us to fight again."

The Cinderella gladly returned the hug, "Alright, I'll forgive you."

Hawk smiled heartily, "Thanks, Rose."

After sharing a warm hug, Hawk gave her a deep, passionate kiss.

Little did they know, their friends were watching them all time.

"Glad they made up." Travis said, sighed in relief.

"Astoria, Joy, calm down, they're all good!" Ling Ling reassured. The Frog Princess and the Rapunzel were still full of smoke.

"Still, I'll teach him a lesson." Astoria said.

Ling Ling and Travis facepalmed, "Those two.."

