Untitled Part 4

Kavya had always had this ability to keep a cool head during tense situations . Always . It had come in use loads of times and had never failed her . It was the secret behind her good marks . To remain cool under pressure . And deep down Kavya knew it was the reason why she was alive yet . She had no doubt that if she hadnt steeled herself and made a move  that day years back , she and her brother would have been dead . Her talent was also probably the reason that ,after a few panicked moments ,she calmed down and forced herself to think clearly .

She could not see her captors' faces  . Kavya wondered if they were just going to kill her . Or torture her . Or ....

''Far enough ''one voice barked . 

Kavya was pushed away harshly and she fell to the ground , her cheek grazing the dirt of  the forest .She tried to get up . But she couldnt . Of course she couldnt . Somewhere in the struggle ,they had firmly tied her hands with a piece of rope . Kavya just pushed herself up a bit and leaned against a tree . She felt a distinct disadvantage , with her hands useless and the two men looming over her . She knew running was useless . By the looks of the men , if she tried to run now , it was a  sure ticket to whatever happened after death . 

''So''said the man with the bark like voice and scowling face .''Give it to us .''

''Now , now James , do we ever start a conversation so bluntly ?"admonished the other man . Kavya looked at him and felt a shiver of inexplicable terror . The man was handsome . Really handsome,with raven hair , a good body and beautiful dark eyes . But it was these beautiful dark eyes which scared Kavya . They were amiable. Just like the  man who had killed her mother . Their eyes  showed  what they were . That they could enjoy murder . 

The good-looking man studied her face, watching every expression . Instantly , Kavya made her expression go blank . She was not an expressive person in general . Poker faces , she could make easily . 

''Mind telling me , how you and your brother happened to travel this far ? Made our job quite more time-consuming .''he said delicately , his voice deep and pleasant . 

Kavya realized that they werent going to kill her . Atleast not rightaway . They needed something from her . What she couldnt imagine . But she knew she could afford to be a bit more daring . 

"Mind telling me , how you found me ?'' Kavya asked . Answering a question with a question , really saves the hide sometimes . 

The scowling man's expression turned to something close to happiness . 

''She knows!! Henr-''he was cut midsentence

''Shut up'' the good - looking man said flatly. Then he turned back towards Kavya . He picked up a broken piece of branch with a jagged end and ran a pale finger lightly across its tip . The other man's eyes widened . Kavya's blood ran cold.

''None of your business.''he said coolly . 

Kavya couldnt believe this was actually happening . It seemed like a movie becoming life , which it probably was . 

And then it happened . A clear voice rang out through the forest .

''Well if I'm not interrupting something , Id like to take the girl back to school . Her teachers rather require her service .''

Kavya was so surprised , she actually momentarily forgot her terror . From behind the two men came the third .This one was another hot guy with  carelessly flawless blonde hair and deep blue eyes  . Blue eyes which stared right at the the man who wordlessly threatened Kavya . 

''I wouldnt '' he told the other one who had made a move towards him . ''I actually took a pic of you guys in this wonderful pose . But I'm not sure the police would appreciate it .'' He held out his mobile which displayed the scene he suggested . 

''We could just kill you '' the cool one said casually ,

''Yeah , but I'm just a clck away from sending it to a friend . That, I dont think, would be profitable for you . '' he said .

The scowling guy looked frightened . the other guy remained expressionless . Then he said,

''Next time then . You remember the orders James . No casualities besides the girl . ''

Kavya couldnt believe they were buying into it . They could just tackle him then and there . There must be countless ways in which they could still win the game . And they were just surrendering .

''Not surrending , dear friend . Simply postponing .''the cool guy said to her ,smiling . Kavya stared at him . He can read minds ?

With a final look , the two of them went deeper into the forest , disappearing .

The blonde boy let out a deep breath . Kavya did the same . She noticed vaguely that she was trembling . 

''You , miss, have a lot to answer.''

