6: They won't leave me alone with her? Will they?

        Hey guys did you miss me??? Lol

So i am super excited for this chapter for the character i added has to be my favorite next to Jenny.

So everyone let me introduce you to Lily!! Her picture in the side

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter please let me know what you think!!! And THANKS FOR READING!!

Chapter 6

                       "Let me know when she wakes up. My pack doctor is on her way." I heard Ryder's voice explain once I felt Jenny lay me softly on the soft bed. The scent of forest vanilla covered the room that I was in like second skin.

She quickly and softly put the covers over me tucking me in as if I was a child. But not before sending me a quick pinch to my arm.

        "We don't need your dog doctor." Jenny scoffed.

 I mentally rolled my eyes at her attitude. She needs to stop with this attitude towards the wolves. I have to talk to her about it soon. If I am staying here she needs to be nicer to the wolves. If I am to gain their trust I need her to be nicer.

Thinking about it now. This situation can help me immensely in my quest. It will be hard at first, but I believe I can do this. It seems the Alpha has some sympathy towards 'Abby'. I can use this to my advantage. I can feel myself getting excited just by the thought. This is the first stop of many to further to help my species for the better. I can do this.

Now to explain about myself. Jenny did a marvelous job in telling them my power and why I fainted. But I know they smelled the blood.

My curse.  

        "Show some damn respect, Bloodsucker. My Alpha was nice enough to let Abby stay in his bed until she wakes up. And to send our pack doctor to make sure she is ok." I can hear Evan's voice hiss.

                "What good will that do, dumbass! We are not dogs! We are a different species. They won't be able to help. What Abby needs now is some rest and animal blood. Now unless you two are planning to donate I suggest you go catch a fox." Jenny exclaimed causing them to growl at her.

She can't say anything nicely. Can she? What am I to do with her?

                "We will be back soon. Let us know if she wakes up." I heard Ryder breath out followed by the sound of a door slamming closed.

Upon hearing the sound I let my eyes open softly. I stared up at the white ceiling as a smile graced my lips. I am in his room on his bed that is covered in his scent. I sat up studying the large dark room curiously. His furniture was a dark cherry wood color as his bed sheets was a dark green silk. He had a large flat screen tv mounted on the wall facing the bed. A dresser underneath holding a game system as well as multiple games. I turned to see a night stand on either side of the bed containing a lamp on top. The night stand next to me contained a lamp as well as an alarm clock telling me the time was a little past 6.

"Like hell I will let those dogs know when she wakes up." I heard Jenny grumbled in annoyance. I looked at her with amusement to see her facing the door with a scowl and her middle finger in the air. I let out a chuckle shaking my head at her antics. No matter how much I complain about her behavior there is no doubt I prefer her like this. Upon hearing me, Jenny turned towards me with a smile. "You're awake!" She exclaimed running towards me giving me a soft hug.

I hugged her back laughing to myself.

"I was never asleep." I told her once she pulled away. I felt the bed dip down next to my leg where she sat. Her dark eyes stared in confusion then glared. "You know we don't sleep."

"I know. I seriously thought you passed out. You know sometimes you do that after you used your powers." She explained. Her face fell instantly. "I'm sorry. That was unacceptable of me."

"It is alright. But you have to learn to control your temper, Jenny. If I have not stepped in you and Evan could have risked a human seeing you both fight." I scolded. Jenny bowed her head in shame. I smiled softly at her putting my hand on her shoulder. She snapped her head up in shock staring at me seeing in my eyes that I forgave her. No matter the circumstances and no matter how pissed I am at her, I will always forgive her. I owe her that much. "It's alright, Jenny. I forgive you."

"How are you?" She asked in concern.

Her eyes scanned my face for any signs of pain. She worries too much about me.

"I'm fine. Just thirsty." I told her truthfully.

I was quite thirsty using my power took a lot out of me even though it was only a small amount. It's not supposed to, but since I drink animal blood it makes me weaker. I'm quite surprised I was able to do that much. If you want a description on how weak I feel just compare to a person with anemia who refused treatment for months.

"When did you last drink?" Jenny asked.

I tried to think back to when I last fed. It has been awhile. With all the problems I have been facing lately I forgot to do the most important thing.

I know what you might be thinking. How can you forget to fed? Won't you develop a strong bloodlust? My bloodlust isn't as strong as other vampires. It could be because I have learned to ignore it to a point I don't feel it. A practice I don't recommend anyone to take up. The problem with that is because if I ignore it for too long I was bound to snap and turn back to who I used to be. I shook my head at the thought.

What am I doing? This is unacceptable. I could have hurt people if I went to long without feeding. I am such an idiot. How could I let this happen?

"A while." I breathed out weakly.

Jenny breathed out shaking her head at me. Mostly likely thinking along the lines that I was thinking. She knows it is unlike me to go long without feeding. I am very adamant about it.

I never want to lose control because of my hunger.

I never want to be that monster ever again.

"We gotten ourselves in deep shit, haven't we?" Jenny spoke after much silence.

"Yes. We have."

"What do we do?"

I looked at her poking my fangs with my tongue as I thought to myself.

"No doubt they smelled the blood. There is no way we can hide that." I spoke softly so no wolf in this house can hear.

 I can hear them all gathered downstairs whispering about their concerns about us being here. Some even getting angry about the situation, but they would never do anything about it. Their Alpha ordered for I to be here. They can't disobey their Alpha's commands.

I have a feeling I have many complicated days ahead of me.

"What if we told them you threw up the blood?" Jenny spoke. I looked at her tilting my head to the side in confusion. "I already told them you're physically weak because you drink animal blood. We can just say that sometimes your power can be too much that it makes your body reject the animal blood."

"That may work. But they will question why I keep insisting to drink only animal blood when it is hurting me like this." I thought out loud.

"Tell them the truth." Jenny shrugged like if it was the simple. I looked at Jenny with shock. The actual truth as to why I refuse to drink human blood? I can't. I haven't even told Jenny. No one knows so why should I tell the wolves. "You know what you tell me all the time. Even though they are dumb animals they will accept it." I stared at Jenny for a short while thinking.

It can work.

"Alright." I agreed seeing there is no choice. Now to deal with the other matter. "Jenny, I need you to head back home." I informed her.

Jenny's eyes widen with shock as she shook her head no at me. "Hell no! There is no way in hell I will leave you alone with these dogs!"

"You have to, Jenny. Anna is most likely worried to death and Father will send an army out if you don't return soon to explain."

"What the hell am I supposed to tell them!" Jenny exclaimed in panic.

What is she supposed to say? Anna is quite easy. Just tell her the truth, she will understand. But Father? If he knew the truth he will happily slaughter the wolves in order to get me. His excuse being that they 'kidnapped me'.

"Let Anna know the truth also that I'm sorry that I can't go home tonight. Tell her I will make it up to her."

"And you're Father?" Jenny questioned.

I stared at her to see fear in her eyes. Furrowing my eyebrows I thought hard on what to say. Father can't know I am here. He will enjoy the great havoc with laughter that he will cause in getting me. This will just be an excuse to him to kill off the Half Moon pack.

I can't let that happen. He will not know. He will not hurt this pack!

"Tell Father I have gone to pay respects to mother and wish to be alone." I breathed out knowing Father will accept this. It wouldn't be the first time I have left for the night to visit the site where mother has died. "Tell him I will remain there for the night that I will return tomorrow. If he insists on coming or even on why I have gone alone, just let him know that I thought I saw mother today."

Jenny looked at me sadly knowing what I am talking about.

Father will accept this without complaint. I looked down at my hands playing with my fingers thinking back as to why I know this will work.

12 years ago, I witnessed my mother die in front me by a pair of skilled hunters. She tried to protect me from them. And, eversince that day my mind would play tricks on me every couple of months. I see her staring at me. Her mouth would move as if she is trying to tell me something. Trying to warn me. But I could never hear anything. Then when I try to go to her she would disappear right in front of my eyes. Every time that happens I instantly run to the site where mother passed and stay there all night recalling memories from when I was younger. Begging her to show herself to me again.

"You ok?" I hear Jenny whisper softly as she grabbed my hands softly. I looked up at her to see her staring at me with concern. "Have you seen her lately?"

"No." I breathed out shaking my head softly.

"How long since the last time you saw her?"

"7 months. Before I decided to go to the human school." Jenny nodded still looking at me with worry. I sighed smiling softly at her. "I am alright, Jenny. There is no need to worry about that. For now we have to worry about the matters at hand. Remember the things you have to tell Father and Anna."

"Ok, but I won't leave till the dogs return from hunting." She spoke.

I nodded my head at her smiling.

"Please try to act civilized, Jenny. Remember I have to stay here from now on. Before you even try to argue about this know this can work to our advantage. It could speed things along for me." I tried to reason with her. Jenny rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. "Who knows, maybe, I will finish this faster than you know."

"I know no matter how much I fight with you, you won't back down. So I trust you know what you are doing. But that doesn't mean I like it!"

"You don't have to like it. Just support my decision." I breathed out smiling at her. Jenny smiled back shaking her head at me in disbelief.

"I can't believe this is happening. Are you sure you can trust them?"

"Yes. I can. At least enough to not do anything towards me." Just then I heard the front door of the pack house slam open then closed. The pack's whispers immediately quieted as they greeted their Alpha. I can hear three pairs of feet make their way up the stairs towards us. Jenny stiffened as she turned glaring at the door. She handed my fake glasses to me to put on without looking at me. I smiled slowly putting them on then making sure the black wig is secure on my head.  Once done I stared at the door waiting. "Remember the messages I have told you to relay to my family."

Jenny simply nodded seriously. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off when the door slammed open revealing Alpha Ryder and Beta Evan to us. Ryder looked into the room with a serious expression. I watched as his dark eyes landed on me a sigh of relief escaped through his lips as his dark brown eyes softened. I smiled weakly at him leaning back on the headboard of the bed.

"You're awake?" He questioned walking in the room followed by his Beta and a woman. I looked at the woman with confusion even though I know she is the pack doctor. The door closed behind them as they just stared at me. I looked back to Ryder nodding my head at him. He smiled turning his head to the woman. She was tall and quite beautiful. With long blonde hair to her shoulders as well as piercing green eyes that looked similar to the Beta's. They must be related. "Abby. This is our pack doctor..."

"I'm Lily!" The blonde woman spoke with excitement interrupting Ryder. She stepped forward towards me holding out her hand showing me a friendly smile. I stared at her shocked by her actions. She is a wolf, but she doesn't seem to care as to what I am. Her eyes sparkled with innocence staring at me with excitement. I smiled lifting my hand weakly to her shaking it. Her skin was warm against my cold skin, but not extremely warm like Ryder's was when he touched me in the library. I shivered recalling the memory. Lily seemed to notice as she stared at me with concern. "When did you last feed?"

"Three days?" I guessed looking at her unsure.

Lily shook her head at me in disappointment. I can feel everyone's eyes on us as she turned around grabbing a large canteen from Ryder. She opened it letting the smell engulf the room.


Judging by the smell it was mountain lion. I felt my fangs extending in my mouth as my eyes redden staring at the canteen as Lily came towards me with it. I started to breathe heavily as I fought myself to remain seated and not launch at them. The predator instincts fighting to take over.

Was I really this thirsty? I didn't even notice. Suddenly I felt fear engulf me as I looked at the three wolves. I could hurt them. They need to leave. I tensed immediately as the bloodlust got stronger.

Why now? It is usually never this strong.

 "Maybe I should give her the blood." I heard Jenny mutter out.

I felt the weight lift off the bed. A searing pain engulfed my throat as I am starting to feel as if I am choking. My other hand clutching the sheets as hard as I can. What is going on? It has never been this strong. Without thinking I breathed in. The scent of the blood as well as forest vanilla filled my nose. Forest Vanilla? I groaned in pain as I bent forwards. Ryder's scent is mixing with the scent of the blood.

"No! I will take it to her." I heard Lily protest.

What! What the hell is she thinking? Give it to Jenny!

"Hell no! You are not going anywhere near her, Lily!" I heard Evan growl at her. "She is dangerous. We never should have brought her here Ryder. She shouldn't be here! This is a bad idea!"

"I agree with the poodle! Give me the blood I will give it to her. Then I will take her!" I heard Jenny say frantically.

They seemed to argue back and forth for Lily to hand the blood to Jenny.

"Stop, Evan! I trust her she won't hurt me!" Lily yelled silencing everyone. I snapped my eyes open in shock staring at the blonde. Is she crazy! I continued to breathe heavily staring into Lily's eyes. She stared back at me with trusting eyes. She forced herself off of Evan's hold coming towards me. I shook my head at her telling her 'no'. "It's ok, Abby. I know you won't hurt me. I trust you." Evan growled in warning at me once she stood next to me. I watched shocked as she held the canteen towards me. And in a blink of an eye, I grabbed the canteen swallowing the blood by mouthfuls. I felt the pain in my throat slowly dull down. The warm liquid filling my body is helping me to calm down. I felt the bed dip down. I looked at the source to see Lily sitting down next to my legs with a smile. "See she didn't hurt me." I tilted my head to the side as I continued to drink my blood.

I feel like a stray hurt beast that she is nurturing back to health. I can feel myself getting stronger just by her presense. As if her aura was strengthening me.

"Thank you." I breathed out once I was done with my food.

 I placed the canteen down on the nightstand. I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth then lick the blood off my hand. Although animal blood isn't as good as human blood it satisfies me immensely. I stared back at everyone's shocked face with a guilty smile. Ryder emotionless while Evan had a look of disgust he even looks like he wants to throw up. Lily's smile seemed to widen as she lifted her hand to my forehead. I flinched back.

"I'm just checking to make sure you are alright." She breathed out. What a weird woman? I simply thought as I let her touch my forehead. When her warm hand made contact with my forehead I let out a small gasp as I felt a weird cold tingling sensation enter my head and engulf my body. I stared at Lily with shocked eyes realizing she was part witch. A hybrid. "You seem fine." She looked relieved as she pulled her hand back.

I watched her as she stared at me mischievously. As if she knew something I didn't. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You are crazy!" Jenny and Evan yelled at the same time towards her.

They looked at each other with a scowl then turned back to glare at Lily. Lily looked back at them with a smile and to our surprise she laughed loudly at them. I just simply stared in confusion at her still shocked at what just happened. When she touched me, I felt as if she was examining me from the inside out.

I shivered at the thought. That's just wierd and gross.

I felt eyes on me pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked towards the source to see Ryder staring at me with an unreadable expression. His jaw clenched as he just stared. Upon noticing my gaze he shook his head then focused his attention at the still laughing Lily.

"Lily, that was dangerous! You could have gotten hurt." Ryder scolded causing her laughter to cease.

I could hear the concern in Ryder's voice towards her. Lily looked up at him with a smile. It was clear she didn't care what they thought. She does whatever she wants.

"She won't hurt me." She spoke again. Turning her head towards me her green eyes sparkled. "Right..... Abby?"  

I narrowed my eyes at her as she enunciated my name with a mischievous smile. She knows something. I nodded at her agreeing.

"Still that was dangerous." I breathed out. "You never should have done that."

"Okay! Fine." She pouted crossing her arms over her chest looking away from me. "And here I thought we could be BFFs."


My mouth opened in shock. She knows what I am, right?

"Hey! Best friend slot is filled!" Jenny growled dangerously. "Find another bloodsucker!"

"hahaha!" Lily laughed looking at Jenny's annoyed face then back at my shocked face. She quickly grabbed my hands in hers not caring that I flinched. "Finally entertainment that isn't those two idiots right there. We are going to have so much fun!"

"Lily, she isn't here to play with you. Anyways she is a bloodsucker. She shouldn't be here, let alone be friends with you." Evan growled looking right at Ryder.

Ryder glared back at his Beta in annoyance.

I looked down in sadness he is right. The situation that just happened now is proof. I wasn't thinking. I am in way over my head, but I won't give up on my cause.

"Oh shut up, Evan! Just because they are vampires doesn't mean they don't have feelings." Lily yelled at Evan. I stared at her in shock as she continued to yell at the Beta. "Not all of them are bad. What right does it give you to kick her out and isolate her? What right do you have to hate her? Just because she is different? Just because she sucks blood? She needs it to live. She didn't choose this life. Don't make me tell mom that you're being an asshole!"

I stared at her in shock. No one has ever stuck up for my race like that, especially a wolf. Even Jenny stared at Lily with her mouth agape. It seems this woman is completely unpredictable.

"Damn, sister!" Evan growled under his breath looking away.

He fisted his hands in anger. Ryder let out a soft laugh as he slapped Evan's back playfully. Evan turned to look at Ryder with a glare making him laugh again.

"Your sister is right." Ryder said. He then looked at me with a small smile. "I'm sorry, Abby."

"uh...I-It's ok?" I let out in confusion.

What is he apologizing for?

I don't understand what is going on at all.

"Are you alright now?" He asked.

I nodded at him smiling softly in response. He smiled back at me. Lily looked back and forth between us with confusion then smiled knowing at me. I looked at her in confusion as she nudged me wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. What is she doing? Why is she doing that? Stop that.

"Well I should go!" Jenny spoke up. Ryder and Evan looked at her in shock that she would even leave me here. "Remember I snuck out to come to school with Abby today. Anyways I should tell Abby's family she is alright." She said looking at me. She looked a little unsure in leaving, but then she looked at Lily and relaxed. It seems she trusts the blonde woman. Which is wierd because Jenny doesn't trust anyone besides Anna and I. "Be good." She mocked.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Tell them I'm sorry and I will see them tomorrow." I breathed out.

Jenny nodded and with that she vanished out using her vampire speed.

"Did she seriously leave you here without complaint or even fighting?" Ryder breathed out in disbelief. He then gave me a stern look. "She is going back to the vampire territory, right?"

"We had a talk when I awoke." I explained. He nodded taking in my explanation.

"Well I say we had enough excitement for one day." Lily spoke as she clapped her hands together. "I even say we call it a day and we will return to serious stuff tomorrow. You kiddies shouldn't have school since it's Saturday, Right?"

"No." Ryder finally spoke shaking his head at her. "But we have a lot to talk about." Lily pouted at him shaking her head at him. "You should leave."

"No!" Lily argued.

Ryder and Evan let out a sigh rubbing their foreheads. I am guessing this blonde woman here seems to cause them many headaches. I smiled in amusement shaking my head.

"Lily, Don't fight. Just listen."


"Lily! Just go. You're not wanted. Anyways we have to talk to bloodsucker here about important matters. Such as what coffin size we need to get her." Evan groaned grabbing his sister's arm. In an instant Lily twisted Evan's arm behind his back she then proceeded to lift her foot kicking her brother in his behind away from her. Evan stumbled forward landing on the floor quite clumsily might I add. Ryder snorted at his Beta as he tried to hold his laughter even I had to fight my own laughter when I saw Evan stare at his sister baffled at what she has done to him in front of his Alpha. "What the hell was that for!"

"For being an asshole. You could be nicer to her. She isn't mean to you." Lily scolded her brother. She then turned towards me with an apologetic smile. "He is an idiot that I am sadly related to. I am sorry. He means well deep down. You just got to give him a treat and he will like you."

I let out a soft laugh. Lily looked at me smiling proudly. Evan growled at his sister in anger.

"Why the hell did we bring her?" He grumbled to himself.

"Back to the matter at hand. Where are you going to sleep?" Lily asked looking right at me.

"No need? I don't sleep." I stated.

They seemed to all stare at me in confusion.

"You can pass out, but you can sleep? That makes sense." Evan breathed out sarcastically.

"Yeah. I don't know why. But, it could be because I am weak that I tend to pass out when I use my powers." I shrugged smiling at them sadly.

 It was not a complete lie. Due to the fact I drink animal blood when I use excessive amounts of power I pass out. I am not as powerful as I used to be with human blood. Not that I mind. I prefer it this way. It is easier for I to hide how powerful I truly am. Also I don't have to hurt any humans for I to survive.

"I do have a question." Ryder spoke up. I looked at him nodding my head as if telling him to continue. "Earlie-"

"NO!" Lily yelled at the top of her lungs glaring at Ryder. "I said deal with serious shit tomorrow. Tonight she needs to rest!"


"Don't Lily me with your deep husky yet sexy Alpha voice." Lily hissed pointing at finger at Ryder. Ryder shook his head trying to suppress a smile. I found myself mimicking Ryder's actions. I have a feeling that this woman and Jenny will become best friends soon. And when that day comes I don't believe anyone is safe. "You heard Abby earlier. She is weak. She needs rest."

"But...I don't sleep." I told Lily.  The blonde immediately snapped her glare towards me.

I leaned more back into the headboard if that was possible. I believe this woman would find an inhumane way to torture me if I keep on talking. I could almost laugh at how she seems to affect the boys and me, but that would make matters worse.

"Shut the hell up! I'm trying to help you." She growled lowly.

"But." Her glare intensifed.

Choose your battles wisely, Rania. 

"Anyways she is stressed beyond belief that she could use the night off. So both of you out now!" Lily ordered pushing the shocked boys out of the room.

I stared at them in shock. They won't leave me alone with her? Will they? They can't.

"Wait this is my room!" Ryder protested trying to get back in the room just when Lily went to close the door.

Lily opened the door slightly looking at Ryder with a challenging gaze. A sadistic smile playing on her lips.

"That is more of a reason you need to get your little ass out the room because with the looks you were giving her I am afraid you would break out little Ryder to break through that poor girls valley of wonderland. So get out, Alice. You are not jumping in that rabbit hole anytime soon." She yelled out in a breath. Ryder and Evan stopped struggling to stare at Lily in shock and disbelief. This woman is crazy. Lily smiled at them satisfied with herself. "Now have a good night boys." She said just before she slammed the door in their faces.

Leaving just me and her. Alone in this room. I stared with wide eyes as Lily turned around smiling broadly at me. Her green eyes dancing with danger. I swallowed a gulp of air as I looked around nervously. I am not a person to be afraid. I am the most powerful vampire in the world. I lived 200 years torturing and inflicting fear in other species. I had thousands of species after my head. I am not afraid of anything.

Anything except for the smiling blonde in front of me.

"Lily?" I breathed out nervously.

She came closer to me still smiling. Once she reached me she grabbed my hands forcing me to stand up off the bed. My feet touched the ground in an instant. The bed sheets falling to the ground.

Looking up at her in shock. I prepared myself for what's to come. Before I knew it she let out a loud piercing scream as she engulfed me in a tight hug.

What is going on? I felt my body being lifted in the air as she continued to squeeze me in a hug. My eyes widen.

"We are going to have so much fun! We are going to have a sleepover. I'm so excited you don't sleep because I have insomnia. Ahhhh we are going to stay up all night playing video games." She breathed out in excitement finally putting me down. "I am so glad I have someone here to keep me company. All the sluts and whores here aren't worth my time anymore. It is no longer fun to mess with them. You are so much more interesting and fun. Right.....Raina." She breathed out my real name in a whisper.

I stared at Lily in complete shock as she just smiled at me knowingly.

Wh..What...H..How did she even know?
