
"Lily, go make some tea for us please?" Selena spoke softly without taking her eyes off of me.

We were all sitting down in her herb filled home. You can see the different bottles of potions placed along the walls with the different colors. Vines were grown along the walls they seem to hold the different assortment of pots. Selena's couch was quaint and comfy as a coffee table was standing tall in front. Selena stood in front of us with her hands on her hips. Her long slender figure stood with pride as she glowered at me.

"Ummm." Lily spoke unsure as she looks back and forth between Selena and I. She along with Ryder can feel the tension in the between us.

"I'll be fine, Lily." I breathed out without taking my eyes off of Selena. Lily muttered an Ok as she got up making her way to the kitchen. Selena's hazel eyes sparkled with amusement. "Grand Witch Selena, It is a pleasure to meet you. My name's.."

"I know of you." She let out interrupting me. I narrowed my eyes at her in warning. I do not like the way her eyes sparkled. Ryder looked at us both in confusion. Selena is not supposed to know Abby at all. Selena is trying to imply that she knows me, is it not? "Of course, you are the vampire I made a sun amulet for. Are you not? Oh whoopsy. Why am I speaking in such old tongue? I am to old, young ones. Keeping up with the modern language is difficult. What do they say now 'hashtag lol'?"

Ryder eyes widen in shock as he stared at Selena as if she has grown two heads. I couldn't help a snort escape my mouth. From the kitchen, I can hear a glass fall to the ground shattering into a million pieces. All of us immediately snapped our heads towards the kitchen to see Lily standing there. She stood in the doorway with her mouth agape pointing her finger towards Selena.

"H-hashtag? Grandma! No!" Lily yelled walking into the living room. "No! You are never allowed to say that. Grandma I am serious! Never say hashtag, lol, or even omg!"

"I don't see the problem!" Selena answered looking at Lily with annoyance.

"A problem! Grandma, you are almost 500 years old. You are not allowed to say that."

"Lily dear! I look around your mother's age maybe even younger. I have to say this speech to keep up with this century." Selena scolded her. Selena's bright hazel eyes then focused completely on me. I narrowed my eyes at her in warning as if telling her to behave. She just smiled at me deviously. "You came here for my help, am I right?"

"Uhh..Yeah." Ryder spoke up in confusion. His dark eyes looked back and forth between Selena and I, who are still engaged in a staring contest. "Selena, we are in trouble. Lily and Evan are in danger."

"The vampire from years before now comes to haunt our family again?" Selena questioned. Ryder and Lily nodded silently. Lily looked down at the ground in saddness and fear. Selena lifted a dark eyebrow. "Have you told the princess about it?" She asked looking right at me. A smirk plastered on her youthful face. If I could I would growl at her in warning. She is playing with me. It is always like this with Selena. All fun and games till someone gets hurt. "I'm sure she will help you. In fact.."

"No! This is our problem not that damn bratty Princess Raina! That bitch doesn't care about other species or even anyone but herself." Ryder growled. I looked down to the ground trying in cover my guilty expression. Being the vampire princess doesn't make you the most likeable person in the world. As you can all tell. I admit I have done somethings considered cruel and inhumane. I proceeded my image of the Vampire Princess with absolute profection. Making my father proud, my people fear me, and other species hate me. "She will never be involved in this, Selena! I rather be Lily's bitch for a year than involve her in this. I don't even want her to know."

"Can I get that in writing?" Lily spoke up.

"Shut up, Lily!"

Selena's eyes never left me during Ryder's speech. She studied my expression, my eyes, my movements. My everything. I looked up at her. Our eyes connected. I sent her a silent plea to not pressure this any further. The subject of my true identity was a sensitive one and she knows it.

The Grand Witch's hazel eyes held much curiousity as she silently agreed for me. I let out a sigh of relief, but inside I knew it will be a long day.

"I am sorry, Ryder. I did not mean to bring her up. I understand the subject of the Vampire Royalty is a sensitive subject for you." Selena spoke up. She focused her attention on Ryder, who just nodded his head with a clenched jaw. His eyes held a fury like no other as he attempted to hold his wolf back. Without thinking of the consequences, or even on what I was doing. I slowly reached my hand out to grab his. Ryder looked at me in shock. Brown eyes wide. Heck, even my eyes were wide at the action I just committed. I went to pull my hand away, but Ryder just clenched it tighter keeping it in place. Refusing to let go. We stared at each other not realizing our audience. What is it about this wolf? "Ryder, I believe you can't hold your hatred forever.. The moon goddess has a way of surprising creatures with her plans espically those involving Raina." My head snapped to Selena. Eyes narrowed, I glared at her smirking face in warning. Selena just shrugged off my silent threat. "Now I believe you all came for a reason. Shall we get to it?"

All of us nodded.

"I believe you have already prepared everything, have you not?" I breathed out.

I can sense the shield over Ryder's pack territory. The shield is strong and powerful. It may last more than the three months we expected. Selena let out a loud laugh.

"My aren't you an observant one. You must be more powerful than you appear." She let out. Her words holding an underline meaning. Lily glared at her grandmother now. Her annoyance can be felt through the room as she said her grandmother's name in warning. Selena waved off the tall blonde. "You drink blood of the forest." She stated. I nodded at her. "The blood in this forest is more powerful than most. I have charmed the animals here to hold the energy of nature to keep the forest alive and well. Since you drink the blood that means you have some of that spell in your veins. Which makes you able to sense all magic from witches even powerful ones such as I." She explained.

Ryder let out an 'ooh' understanding what she said. I looked at Lily to see her rolling her eyes. Even I had to resist doing it. Everything she said was a load of bull and they know it. The reason I felt Selena's magic is because of how powerful I am. Only other witches and creatures of greater to equal power of the Grand Witch can sense her powerful invisible spells. Invisible spells such as shields.

Selena focused her attention to Ryder. Leaving me alone for now.

"The spell is up. It will shield your territory from those creatures who have violent or ill thoughts towards our people. But keep in mind it will not work on humans, so hunters may still enter in." Selena explained. Ryder gave my hand a squeeze as he unconsiously traced circles with his thumb. He nodded seriously at Selena. Her hazel eyes focused on our joined hand. A perplexed expression taking over her face. "Be wary. For within the next 6 months the shield will fall into the hands of the vampire who causes all this distruction." Her eyes looked right at me. All the games gone. She was completely serious. "He is stronger than you can ever imagine. He feeds on the blood of other creatures to remain powerful, but he craves the blood of a hybrid. Don't let him. For once he obtains this power.." She stopped. "He will destroy all you hold dear. The Royal family will be completely wiped making it the end of the pureblood line."

My eyes widen. I can hear Ryder's and Lily's heart race in fear. Hell, if my heart worked it would do the same.

The pureblood vampire race is the most powerful creature besides the Grand Witch to walk the earth. For someone, to kill not one but three purebloods would mean...

"Abby?" Ryder's deep voice spoke up taking me out of my dark thoughts. Selena kept her eyes on me. She sent an almost silent message telling me she wishes to see me in private. "Abby?"

"Yeah?"I answered now looking at Ryder.

"You ok?" I nodded. "Are you sure?"

I put my free hand on top of our intertwined hands. The heat from his hand encompassed my freezing hands becoming the dominate temperature between our hands. I can feeling his pulse hammering erratically in fear. I let myself smile just a little as I looked down at our hands. Mine look so weak and fragile compared to his. But in actualality, his are more weak and fragile compared to mine.

"I am fine. I fear for the future and what power this vampire holds. If Selena says that he can wipe the whole pureblood family then we have more to fear than we thought." I looked up into Ryder's eyes with fierce determination. I have already made up my mind about this. Selena just drove me to continue to fight for them. They must be protected. " We will win this battle. I will fight. I will protect your family, I swear to you. I will kill the one who has broken the laws of the Vampires. When I am done with him. He will wish he burned in hell instead of my fi.."

"Whoa!" Lily yelled inturrupting my furious rant. She stepped up extending her arms to her sides. Her eyes held warning as they glared at me. I bowed my head in apology letting go of Ryder's hands. I instantly missed the warmth, but I knew I went to far. "How about we stop talking about this depressing stuff and eat something." Lily moved forwards grabbing the shocked Ryder's arm and pulling him to the kitchen. "Help me make dinner and clean up the mess, Ryder. We are gonna have so much fun."

The sounds of Ryder's complaints echoed from in the kitchen. They left Selena and I in the living room in silence. The atmosphere tense as if sensing our history together.

"You showed some of your true self." Selena spoke cutting the silence. I looked back at her with narrowed eyes. "Don't worry about them hearing. I have put a spell in the living room so that it is soundproof so that any creature, human or mythical, can't hear anything outside. Ryder and Lily won't hear anything. In fact, no one will. It is just us hearing each other. You can be yourself, Raina."

I let out a heavy sigh. As if all the weight of keeping up with this image left my body, I looked at Selena with a thankful smile. She nodded her head in response then continued to speak.

"You shocked the poor Alpha with the amount of venom in your voice." She chuckled. "Has he never seen that side of you?"

I shook my head.

"No, to him I am a sweet human loving vampire who is to weak to even break a twig." I answered.

Selena let out a loud whimsical laugh. The sounds of bells can be heard echoing through the room as if making a lovely song with the sound of the laughter. I rolled my eyes as she continued with her foolishness not caring at who is in her company. Same Selena. Although, she tried to kill me when I was an infant. I can never blame her. I can never hate her. Even with her curse on me. I don't loathe a single inch of this woman. She did what she thought was good for man kind. Sometimes remembering how evil I was before, I wish she did.

"Oh goddess!" Selena breathed out wiping her eyes from the golden tears that fell from its sockets. "In all my centuries of living, I must say. The fact he believes this obvious lie drives me to tears."

"It is not obvious, Selena." I hissed.

"Now look at you pout."

"I am not pouting." I agrued. Scowling in her direction, I fisted my hands together resisting the urge to hurt her. "I don't pout."

"You care for him." She simply stated. Her eyes looking at me with an all knowing gaze. "Before you lie to me, know that I advise you against it."

"I wasn't going to lie." I hissed. Selena just shrugged her shoulders as she leaned back more into her. She gave me a look. I better spill everything to her before she puts a spell on my hair to move like snakes while changing colors. She has done it before. Almost made my sister wet her pants. "I don't need another inscident like the last."

Selena let out another laugh.

"Yes, your poor sister suffered a great fright because of it along with that fiesty guard of yours. I was so amused with the way she cursed me in the interesting modern language of the 21st century. Oh, how is the little firecracker? I imagine she is not happy with your current predictament."

I snorted.

"Not happy, is an understatement. We fought in the forest when she first discovered it."



"Hahaha! Oh how I wished to have witnessed that." Selena laughed shaking her head. "That bodyguard of yours has a temper to rival the wolves. I expect your next few months will be quite entertaining."

"You have no idea. She and your grandson already fight like cats and dogs."

"Really? My I did not see that coming."

"Selena?" I asked not wanting to continue this carefree conversation we are having now. Ryder and Lily can come back anytime soon. I want to know what she has to tell me before they come. Selena let out a hmm in response. She used one of her hands to play with her dark hair between her fingers. "We are getting off topic."

"Yes, we are. But before I proceed to tell you what I need to tell you, I must know. You must answer my question I originally asked not long ago." She breathed out. Her body leaning forward towards me as her hands grabbed mine. I can feel her magic flutter through my body. Her hazel eyes stared into my dark eyes with authority. Demanding to have answers. Demanding them now. "Do you care for Ryder."

"Yes. I care for him as well as the rest of the pack. Including your precious grandchildren." I answered honestly.

Her hands squeezed mine slightly in annoyance.

"That is not what I meant and you know it, Raina." She said sternly.

I rolled my eyes at her attempt at intimediating me. I know Selena will never hurt me. Believe it or not, she cares deeply for me and Anna. She sees us as lost children in need of guidance and care. And for that I will be forever in her debt. For Selena, was the one who trained me into controlling my thirst when I refused to drink human blood. She taught me how to lock my strength and powers away in order to survive off of animal blood. She held me when I came to her cottage in tears and covered in the blood of my mother's killers. That night. It was like she knew I would go to her. It was like she knew that I changed within myself. She knew everything that happened.

Including the reason as to why I am the way I am now. 

No one besides Anna knows about our realtionship. They believe the Grand Witch and Raina have an agreement in order not to kill each other. An aggreement that the Grand Witch has sealed in a form of a curse. They believe that Raina loathes the Grand Witch with all her being for the curse. They believe that Raina is waiting in silence for the day the Grand Witch will slip up in order to kill her.

But what they don't know is that I love this woman like family. I stared at Selena to see the same fondness towards me refected in her eyes. With a heavy sigh, I answered her.

"I know." I spoke. "But in all honesty, I don't even know myself. I feel a strangness around him. As if I can trust every word that comes out of his mouth." Selena nodded taking in my words.

"I cannot tell you much" Selena breathed out. She let go of my hands while leaning back on her chair. "but I will tell you this." I leaned forward towards her taking in her every word. "This will help you in everything you feel." Anything to help me with my feelings and confusion towards him the better. She thought for a moment studying me. I grew annoyed as I witnessed a sly smirk fill her features. She won't tell me. "Figure it out on your own."

"Figures." I scoffed leaning back. I crossed my arms over my chest. I don't know what I expected from her. She will never tell me. That would be to simple. And anyways, this is how Selena finds her entertainment. "I am not one of your morning dramas that you see on television, Selena."

"As if those humans can be more entertaining than you." Selena scoffed.


"Don't hold that tone with me, Raina. It does not work on me." She scolded with a smile. I rolled my eyes at her. I know the warning tone doesn't work on her, but I still want to use it. She deserves it. Mechivious little.. "Before Ryder and Lily come back, I must warn you about something." All joking gone. The atmosphere thickened as her face aged with stress. I sat up with eyes narrowed ready to rescieve the worst new possible. "Raina, child, I have to warn you about the dangers you will face. This vampire is not like any other foe you have faced. In order to beat him and save our people. You must break your most sacred promise to yourself. You must awaken the monster within you."

I stiffened. My eyes widen in horror as I stared at Selena's sad face. She knows what it means if I awaken the monster within me.

"No. I can't." I muttered out shaking my head.

"You have to."

"I won't."

"You won't have a choice." Selena spoke. Her voice laced with sorrow. Hazel eyes refusing to look at me. There is more. There is always more. I whispered out her name getting her attention. Selena looked at me. Her hazel eyes didn't hold any brightness or sparkles. Now they hold an ocean of sorrow as tears refused to leave them. "The monster within you will awaken by the blood of someone you hold dear." Anna? Jenny? "The blood and rage will fuel a new power to awaken within you." I jumped up to my feet not able to sit still anymore. My body shook with amazing intensity. Selena kept eye contact with me. Her sullen face never changing exprssion. "It will release a new fire." It is not a joke. She is not messing with me. This is serious. Everything she says will happen. The moon goddess has shown her the truth through vision. I can... "As well as a new darkness that will destroy you."
