Sensing Powerful foes

{- I want to mention something, I realized that kanae died before the series has even started, so I'm going to make her time of death a little bit late to match the current events that will occur during the story.
again I am deeply sorry if this upset anyone-}

tanjiro pov:

'a week have passed since I created my sixth sense which reacts to incoming danger I call it Demonic Instincts, while I don't like to think myself as a demon but denying the reality is not right, have to except what's been done to you and others'

*Multiple logs and a few knifes come flying at Tanjiro but he weaves it like it was nothing*

'I decided to train my reaction speed and in turn I managed to reach the reaction speed of 10 milliseconds almost 5 if I'm spending my energy, apparently I can use my stamina in three ways:

1-increase my strength and speed as well as endurance and durability

2-my regeneration would be almost instantaneous but I need to do some work on it so it's only about 1.5 seconds

3-well....I'm not really sure because I only managed to use it by accident'

*finishes dodging* "alright, I think that's how far my Demonic sense can go, any less than that then I think it's nearly impossible, urokodaki is still training nezuko, welp guess I should-" *suddenly turns his body 360 and looks towards sunset*

{- I did the research and I could not find the location where kanae died in the anime/Manga so where I'm putting her is completely not related or even close to the anime/manga, since her fight with douma isn't that much I'll add somethings to my own story-}

'my Demonic instincts suddenly went skyrocketing, I was sensing the presence of a powerful demon, I don't know who it was but I was also able to pick up another one which was human, they were not close but still they were near each other'

(from the looks of it they are in a village 3 kilometers away from here, sorry urokodaki nezuko but I'll have to leave the mountain for a while, I don't know if I'm making the right choice but I can't let a person die if I have the opportunity to save them should grab my umbrella just Incase)
*grabs the umbrella ,use's his energy to enhance his speed and starts running towards the village*

Narrator pov:

'night came, the moonlight was shining all over the forests, roads and villages, the sky also appeared to have small sparkling dots which are known as stars, the air had a nice breeze to it.....calm and during this beautiful.....was a battle that was about to happen'

???:*walking through the streets* "hmm there isn't that many the demon somewhere around here?"

'only a lady was walking around the street, she was 17 years old girl wearing a strange uniform that normal people wouldn't wear along with a butterfly kimono and she wore two pink-green butterfly hair clips, her name was Kanae Kocho and her occupation was a Demon Slayer'

kanae pov:

'I still looked around the village, it was like a ghost town I couldn't see anyone around and I couldn't smell any scent of blood, either all of the villagers went to sleep or the demon knows how to clean up blood scent'

"I really wish that we can be friends with a demon....even if it's just one"

???:"HEY! MA'AM!"

'I stopped in my tracks and turned to the voice and to see a red-tip haired boy coming running at me, I looked at him closely and soon realized what he is'

(He's a demon! but why would he call out where he is!? whatever he's planning I have to proceed with caution....hold that a straight freaking umbrella he's holding?)

tanjiro:*panting a bit* "okay... okay I made it just in time, I had to run 3 kilometers away just to get here"

"uhh.....w-who are you demon?"

tanjiro:"doesn't matter what matters now is to get you out of this village safety and killing the demon"

'I was perplexed at his sentence, getting me out of the village and killing one of his kind? it had to be some sort of trick I thought to myself'

" can I trust your words?"

tanjiro:"you don't need to, either way I'll protect you and kill the demon, hey wait a minute....why do you have a katana? as a matter of did you know I was a demon in the first place?"

"uhhh...well I have a katana because I am a demon slayer, my katana is used to kill demons like you, I can tell easily your a demon because of your eyes,nails and pale skin"

tanjiro:*looks at his body* "ohhh okay, no wonder why he was able to tell if I was a Demon from the beginning"


tanjiro:"well if your a demon slayer then you can help me kill the demon easier! since I don't have a nichirin blade of my own"

(he's..... begin friendly with me...why? infact I can't feel that Demonic presence in there's nothing demon bout him.....and yet he has the features of one)

"hey.....what are you really? because It doesn't look like your a demon to me"

tanjiro:"hmm well....I'm not sure if you'll believe but it's up to you, I am in fact a demon but I don't need to drink blood, in other words I don't harm humans"

'I was taken back by this, a demon who doesn't harm humans? I couldn't believe it at first I was about to call him a liar but then my dream of living with demons came through my mind, maybe my wish came true? I couldn't tell exactly but nonetheless I still didn't trust him'

"well if you really don't harm humans, then you wouldn't mind telling me what your abilities are hm?"

tanjiro:"yeah I don't mind"

"wha-? o-okay then tell me what they are"

tanjiro:"okay, I got enhance strength,speed, endurance, durability,my regeneration speed is 1.5 seconds but I think with more training I'll be able to make it instantaneous oh! I also have my Demonic Instinct!"

(no wonder he's like this, he's too overconfident but I shouldn't be so quick to judge, I should try and get more information.....ah ha! I know!)

"alright then... here's another one, where is muzan kibutsuji base located at?"

'I was still doubting him so that question should show his true colors, most demons don't dare to say a word about muzan but instead they let them selves be killed, not only that if I remember correctly they also seemed to die if they ever spill his name by accident so this question should get him to talk or mess up his act a bit which would mean he is lying suspicions and thinking would fall and crumble with his unexpected reply'

tanjiro:*says really fast* "who the fuck is muzan kibutsuji?"

"......your joking....right?"

tanjiro:"no I don't do jokes anymore, not since......."


'the boys eyes became soft and we're tearing up, his cat-like eyes were slowly going back like a humans pupils, heck his bright red eyes now are dim you can barely notice if he has any color that is related to red'

tanjiro:"......six family....they were murdered...."

" my condolences but m-maybe I ask.... did you....?"

tanjiro:"No...I never did and never laid a hand on them...but it was...that man..." *clenching his Teeth and fist hard*

" who was this man exactly?"

tanjiro:"just even thinking about him makes me sick down to the stomach, he was wearing western clothes and he was definitely a demon....I...Will Never Forgive Him"

'the boy's eyes once again bright red but it was more intense than before, his pupils were now vertical slit even more'

" when did you become a demon?"

tanjiro:"the same night that my family died"

"then...I think I know who killed your family"

' immediately the Demon's head shot up and was looking at me, he started to beg me for more on him, I don't know if it'll help him but nonetheless I still want to believe in my dream of begin able to live peacefully with demons'

"his name is muzan kibutsuji, the progenitor of demons he's the only one who can create other demons , since you became a demon six months ago and you said there was a man who killed them that means-"

tanjiro:*veins appear but stays calm* "he's the one that killed my family,I suspect that you don't know where he is right?"

"sorry I'm just lost as you"

tanjiro:*calms down* "it's fine, at least I got some information about him, hey we didn't introduce our selves did we?"

"oh yeah we didn't, I'm Kanae Kocho nice to meet you and I hope we can be friends" *extends her hand*

tanjiro:"yeah the same thing can be said to you too! the name's tanjiro-"  *Demonic instinct activated*

"huh? what's wrong tanjiro?"

tanjiro:*slowly turns around* "you might want to get your sword ready"

"why? I thought we won't fight each other"

tanjiro:"not us....but that guy over there" *points at the person standing with two golden fan's*

"what in the.....wait his eyes!" *immediately goes into her fighting stand*

???:"oh would you look at that! s demon and a human are having a conversation, would you mind if I join in?"

tanjiro:"how about you tell us who you are and then MAYBE we'll consider the thought" *gets into his own fighting stand*

Doma:"my name is Doma, uppermoon 2! and I'm demon so now will you let me join please~?"

(U-uppermoon 2? d-do I even have a chance at beating him!?)

tanjiro:"what the heck is an uppermoon 2? do you know Ms Kocho?"

"wha- you don't know!?"

tanjiro:"sorry but no, could you fill me up to speed?"

doma:"ooh! let me do it instead! uppermoon 2 means that I am the second strongest demon! well technically third since our master is the progenitor"

tanjiro:*looks at kanae for confirmation*

'I surprised by how little tanjiro knew of the demons, it's almost as if he's just met them for the first time and has no clue whatsoever, but nonetheless I gave tanjiro a nod confirming what doma is stating'

"tanjiro, will you fight with me or no?"

tanjiro:*smirks*"what kind of question is that? of course I will besides I can't stand by and let an innocent person get killed"

(he's... really not a threat to us? If I managed to survive then I have to bring him back to Mr Ubuyashiki)

doma:"hm? are you siding with them? you do know that master-"

tanjiro:"Fuck muzan! he can kiss the ground for all I care! I will never fight alongside him! I would rather kill myself than ever work with him!"

doma:"tick tick you can't do that you know?~ master will get very mad and he'll punish you hard he'll probably murderer you or torture you" *says in a childish tone*

(huh? what is wrong with this guy? he's speaking so violently but he doesn't speak in a very scary tone)

tanjiro:*whispering to him self* ".......he's emotionless"

*hearded what tanjiro said* (e-emotionless? now that I think about it.....)

doma:*still ranting and talking to himself*

(yeah...... emotionless is what I would call him did tanjiro know that?)

doma:"I'm giving you one last chance to join the powerful and dominate side that is on this planet, if you fought with them then you'll end up killed, besides they would never accept a demon fighting alongside with them"



"...... tanjiro.......are you...really dead serious about not harming a single human?"

tanjiro:"so what if I am a demon, doesn't change who I am and what are my beliefs, as for you..... doma" *enhances his speed and strength and punches doma in the jaw which sends him flying to a nearby wall*


doma:*jaw completely ripped off* "hmmaha!??"

tanjiro:"I'm sorry but you kept ranting and talking for 5 minutes, I got bored and went in for the attack since you were wide pen, now get up and give me everything you got"
