Kind demon and a vengeful survivor

Narrator pov:

It was a very cold and snowy day, so cold that you would need to wear at least two sets of clothes inorder to keep your self warm.
most would stay indoors and not playing in the beautiful white snowy as to not catch a cold.

except one person, unlike other children at the age of 13 he would definitely go outside and why is that?
it's because of his job, he has a job and it MUST be done no matter what the circumstances are the job MUST be done, because he knows.........he knows that his family were poor..........he knows that they wishes for things that are hard to get without money........he knows that all too well but despite that they were happy, they were happy because they had each other

now we will follow the small adventure of Tanjiro Kamado, The Eldest Son in the Kamado Family

{ note from the author: I don't remember exactly what they said so the words in the anime/manga are not 100%, please forgive me}

Tanjiro pov:

'I was outside and it was cold but I had to prepare myself, packing the basket with charcoal so that I can sell them at the village which was down at the bottom, the road will  e dangerous but I knew that my family needed money
after all it was new years and we had to celebrate with a nice warm dinner!'

"fuuu  Okay that's the last piece, first step complete, second is to go down to the village and sell them, I hope there will be a lot of people who wish to buy it" *puts the basket filled with charcoal on his shoulder*

???:"tanjiro wait!"

'just as I was about to go my mother called for me'

*goes to Kie* "hm? what is it mom?"

kie:"you shouldn't go tanjiro, it's a snowy day and the roads might be slipper" (foreshadowing by accident)

"mom don't worry, it's not my first time, besides I have a great sense of smell so I know which direction to go even through the mist, not only that I want to keep everyone fed it's almost new years eve"

kie:*gets a small cloth and cleans tanjiro's face which is dirty from the charcoal* "hmm alright if you insist but please be careful"

"I will, take care of my sibling-"

???#1:"huuuh!? your going!?"

???#2:"take me with you big brother!"

'I thought my problems were done but I was so wrong Hanako and Shigeru came out of nowhere, they always wanted to go with me and I wouldn't mind......if it wasn't snowing'

"h-hahaha uhh forgive me you two but I-"

Hanako:"please! please please! I promise to be good!"

Shigeru:"me too! I also want to help you big brother"

kie:*sighs while smiling* "kids listen, your brother is going alone, he can't bring the cart if you two fell asleep along the way"

hanako:"but big brother always does these on his own, we want to help"

shigeru:"we're just bored and Big brother shouldn't do them all by himself"

(a-ahahah they took inspiration from my personality, I should be more careful) *smile's and bends down to their level, puts a hand on their shoulder*
"perhaps next time, alright?"

Hanako & Shigeru:*pouts* "okay..."

???:"huh? your going already?"

'and now another one showed up'

"yeah I am Takeo is there anything you need?"

Takeo:*looks away* "I.....was kinda hoping to chop some wood with you"

(he never likes to admit things like this) *smiling* "maybe next time"

Takeo:"you always say that"

"and I always end up doing them Don't I?"

Takeo:"I.....stop screwing with my thinking!"

the family except Takeo& Nezuko and Rokuta:"Ahahahahahaha"

Takeo:"Stop! it's not even funny!"

kie:"okay okay settle down kids, let's say our goodbyes before your brother goes"

'hearing those words it was a cue to leave but I still looked back while walking'

hanako:"Take care big brother!"

Takeo:"You better hurry or I might beat your score!"

Shigeru:"come back safe!"

kie:"stay safe and watch where your going!"

'I replayed their concerns with an understanding answer, after that I looked ahead and walked towards the village'

*still walking* "I don't like problems but when it comes to my family I just can't hate them, hm? Oh! nezuko!"

Nezuko:*holding the sleeping Rokuta* "Big brother! are you off again to sell?"

"you know it, is that Rokuta?"

Nezuko:"yep, it's a good thing that I put him asleep or he might've never stopped nagging about going with you"

*pets Rokuta hair* "yeah, thanks for the save"

'I gave nezuko the same thankful smile that I always give but I saw the look on her face'

"hey is there something wrong?"

nezuko:"it's......well.... it's just that everyone started to get attached to you after our dad died"

"well....I do resembles him the most, and with me begin the eldest son I have to take care of my family"

nezuko:"yeah and I'm so glad to have a brother like you but.... isn't too much? shouldn't you take a break?"

"nezuko it's fine really, it's my job to keep you and the others safe and sound as well as fed while making money, your already cutting my work by helping mom, sewing ripped clothes, playing with our siblings and especially putting Rokuta to sleep"

nezuko:"pff yeah....but still you should take a break sometimes....hey how about you let me do it this time?"

"do the selling? nezuko are you even sure that you can lift the basket?"

nezuko:"c'mon it can't be that heavy!"

*sighs* "nezuko seriously I Really appreciate what you have done for me and everyone seriously, I can handle this, what's making you worry about it?"

'just then I caught her flinch a bit, I smell worry and fear from her I thought it was because I was going to sell but I guess not'

nezuko:".....I don't want to lose you"

"....oh......well I don't want to lose you too!"


*puts hand on her shoulder* "no matter what, I will never leave you all you have to do is just stay strong okay?"

nezuko:*smiles* "okay big brother, be Extra careful on your way!"

*starts walking* "you got it! Let's hope that I don't get stuck helping others too much because if I do then I won't come back until either tomorrow or in midnight!"


'after exchanging our happy reply I went to the village without a single moment to waste, I have a job that I need to do, and is to my any shape or form.....I would consider doing the same for friends but I don't have anything, still tho If I did then I would do the same thing I would do for my family'

Nezuko pov:

'it's been almost 12 hours since big brother left too go sell the charcoal, I'm still a little annoyed at the fact that I can't help him but...... it's just like what he said I have been helpful towards our family, I knew....even from a young age that my brother cared for our well begin more than himself'

*sewing up some clothes*

kie:*comes into her room with Rokuta* "ah there you are nezuko"

"mom? what are you doing here?"

kie:"well..... It wasn't really me who wanted to come here but it's Rokuta"

Rokuta:"hey sis? can you sing me another song?"

"eheheheh I already did it five time to you this day, you gotta calm down or I won't have any song left to sing for you"

Rokuta:"but I really like your-"

'just then we heard a knock on the door it was calm but there was some force to it'

Rokuta:"IT'S BIG BROTHER!" *runs to the door*

kie:"oh I should go and stop him, I bet tanjiro I bet exhausted and the last thing he needs is some loud lovely noise" *chuckles and follows Rokuta*

*smiling and decides to meet her brother* "I'm glad that you came back safe big-"

'I was talking to my self and I was about get up when suddenly, the door burst Opened and out of nowhere......a wip-like object was thrown across the room, it took me a moment to realize.....the horrible and painful scene that I have witness"

"n-no.......M-MOM! ROKUTA!"

'I went out of my room and into the living room only to find the corpses of my younger siblings, I couldn't move after seeing something like this, my legs lost strength in a moment, I hoped....I was BEGGING that this was just a bad dream'

*sits next to her mother* "M-mom! p-please wake up! T-This is a p-prank r-right?! p-please! wake-"

???:"hm it's seems like I have missed one"

'I look up to see a man who looked very pale and was wearing western clothes,but the most noticeable and scariest feature I saw was his eyes, nails and he had fangs, I was feeling a something bad engulfed me....I couldn't move....I couldn't think....I started to take short breaths it felt like I was going to pass out just by being near him'

???:"since you survived I'll give you some of my blood maybe.....just maybe you'll be the one to conquer the sun"


'I didn't finish my sentence because the mysterious man raised his arm a little bit and then clenched however he left his index and middle finger Open after that he pointed at my neck, I stood still not moving my mother in my arms I saw out of the corner of my eye Takeo, hanako, shigeru and Rokuta dead....there was no life in their eyes and I couldn't do anything to stop it.....for the first time in my life I felt......I felt like a....'

(a failure..... f-forgive me m-mom....d-dad.... takeo.....h-hanako... shigeru......a-and big brother..... f-forgive me for not being strong....I'm-)

tanjiro:"NEZUKO!" *tackles the man and headbutts the sh#t out of him*

'just as I lost hope big brother came and saved me, I watched him as he was now on top of the man who was looked like he didn't get fazed by big brother's attack but he did look surprised and scared me'

tanjiro:"Nezuko go!"


tanjiro:"I SAID GO!"

'I didn't even think twice about it, I always listened to my brother...he knew better than me and handled all kinds of situations so I listened without hesitation because of old habits '

*running from the house* (I...b-big brother... everyone...I....w-what am I doing!? W-why am I running when my brother is fighting!?)

'I was pretty far from the house but I wasn't far enough to see what happened to tanjiro'

???:*holding tanjiro by the neck* "to think a brat like you, knocking someone like me"

tanjiro:*gasping for dear life*

???:"hm you might be a better candidate than that girl" *proceeds to dig two of his fingers straight into tanjiro's neck"

*all of his arms and legs go numb*

'I heard that sound, it was absolutely heartbreaking and painful for me to watch, I was about to go back And help my brother even tho I knew...deep down....he wasn't going to make it out alive but even so....I couldn't abandoned him..... although fate...has other plans'

*slips on the road and falls down a cliff* "b-BIG BROTHER!!!"

???:"hm......well...that girl won't bother me anytime soon, she'll die from a fall like that" *drops tanjiro on the cold snowy ground and leaves*
- few hours later-

Narrator pov:

'the sunrise was coming but it wasn't visible nor can anyone feel it's warmth because of a strong fog.... it was cold and lonely....once your in it there is way for you to know what direction you were going...just like a certain girl that lost her family'

nezuko:*descending the mountain while breathing heavily* (w-why? h-how? n-no I shouldn't think about what happened, m-my brother needs me, I have to get him to a doctor!)

tanjiro:*is on nezuko's back while unconscious*

nezuko:*struggling to run and hold tanjiro* (H-he's heavy, I-It's hard to breathe, s-see N-No! Stop thinking negatively nezuko! your going to save your brother just like he did to you! t-tanjiro I promise you I won't fail you!)

tanjiro:*slowly begins to wake up* "grrrr......."

nezuko:(H-huh?! w-was that big brother!? No it m-must be my imagination r-right?)

tanjiro:*slowly moves his head up* "u-ugh......Grrrrrr!"


tanjiro:*comes crashing down on nezuko*

'the poor young girl did not know what was going on, her mind couldn't keep up with what was happening tanjiro for some unknown reason was moving like a wild animal, this action alone results in both him and nezuko falling off a cliff'

nezuko:*falling in slow-motion* (AGAIN!? WHY DID HE DO THAT!?! N-NO! I-I CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS! MY BROTHER NEEDS ME!)

- flashback -
nezuko:*slowly wakes up* "ughhh....what.... happened....! BIG BROTHER! He's...He's H-hurt! I have to get back up there!"

'nezuko looking around sees she was in a hole that was too deep but she climbed up and managed to get out of it with some bruises but she didn't care what mattered most to her was her brother, nezuko was crying because of the events that occurred yesterday, she was still hoping that all of this was a bad dream and someone would just wake her up, the girl arrived at the small house where she and her family called terrified her'

nezuko:*at the front door sliding down slowly while crying hard* "e-everyone.......w-wait! b-big b-brother!"

'she finds his body outside a little bit far from the house and checks on his injuries but surprisingly there wasn't any scratches on him but his clothes were bloody stained with his own blood however nezuko felt an pulse although it was small that alone filled her with hope'

nezuko:"H-he's...s-still alive! Big brother is still alive! j-just hold on for a while longer big brother! I'll g-get you to a doctor!" *puts tanjiro on her back and starts running*

- end of flashback -
kie:"nezuko.....I'm sorry.....
forgive me for leaving you behind but your brother needs you now....take care..the both of you"
nezuko pov

*Gasps for air hard* "m-mom!?.....what was that?......n-no time to think about it the snow made the road slippery but it also saved me and BIG BROTHER!!? C-CRAP WHERE IS HE!?"

'I moved away any other thoughts except for my brothers, it was a little foggy, cold and it was hard to move but to my luck I found big brother laying on the snow, I looked over at him and thankfully no injuries but he showed small signs of moving'

"b-big brother! your alive! p-please d-don't move to much I-I'll get you to a doctor j-just p-please s-stay with me"
*trying to move his body but she fails*

'I was exhausted and I barely could even walk but that didn't stop me from trying, I had to keep going just like how tanjiro always did, if he can handle walking down the mountain and going back up while holding a basket full of charcoal then I couldn't complain about this especially not now'

*Trying really hard to get tanjiro on her back* "C-Comn on! A-Almost there"

'I was getting close but still it wasn't fast but I was progressing however I heard the sound of a person's foot coming, happiness and joy were washing over me I thought that this person could help me and big brother'

*looks at the person* "S-sir! p-please help my brother h-he isn't moving and can barely breathing!"

???:"" *moves and grabs tanjiro*

nezuko:*falls to the ground shocked* "h-huh!? w-wait sir please! I'm b-begging you to help him!"

???:"sorry but I can't help a demon"

'this took me by surprise, I never heard of demons and I don't know why this man thinks that my brother is a Demon, but none of it matters because I look again for my brother who somehow disappeared from my grasp only to find him with the man holding tanjiro by the collar'

"what do you mean by demons!? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING A SWORD AIMED AT HIS NECK!!!"

???:"because it's my job"


???:*gets angry a little bit* "no my job is to exterminate demons not humans, your 'brother' is not a human"

nezuko:"N-no! that's a lie! my brother was never a demon! a-and why do you have to kill anyways!?"

???:*sighs* "I don't have all day so I'll explain it to you, there are many eating demons in this world, they eat us in order to survive, we demon slayers are tasked with killing them, if what you are sayings is correct then your brother just recently turned into one of them"

'to be honest it was a lot to take in but still I had to keep my head straight and focus on my brother'

nezuko:"b-but how did he turn into one? and how can you tell if he is a Demon?"

???:"simple, demon blood must've entered his body through injuries or scratches that how they multiple , as for how I know if he is a demon or not it's because I am a Demon slayer, we've been trained to detected and tell the difference as well as to fight these creatures, now that you know I have to kill him while he's unconscious" *prepares to slice his head*


'the man didn't care for my words but instead continued to raise his sword, he seemed deep in thought so I took this opportunity to try and take my brother and run'

???:*about to slice tanjiro's neck until he sees nezuko within the range of his sword* (DAMNIT! AT THIS POINT HER HEAD WILL ALSO BE SLICED!)
'I had my eyes closed I thought the sword would slice me but surprisingly it didn't....I slowly opened my eyes to find my self on the ground....below my brother'

Narrator pov:

tanjiro:*blocked the sword with his hand while standing and having his head down*

nezuko:"b-big brother?"

???:(w-wha? m-my didn't cut through!?)

'tanjiro face was darken nezuko couldn't see his eyes but the man can and it didn't take long for him to know what kind of face it gave off...'you will not lay a finger, a hand, a weapon, a sword on my little sister' , tanjiro's eyes were bloody Bright Red hid pupils were now cat-like but 10x intense, he was looking at the man who nearly sliced his and nezuko's head, the man sensed a small killing intention and backed away'

???:(This is bad how many humans did he eat to make his arm stone hard? not only that but for some reason.....his killing aura isn't as threatening as the others)

nezuko:*crying* "b-big s-sorry..."

tanjiro:*looks at nezuko*

???:(Damnit! I can tell he is going to eat her! I have to slice his-)

tanjiro:*pats her head and smiles sadly*


nezuko:"I-I....BIG BROTHER!" *hugs him hard"

' tanjiro didn't speak a word to know what why his sister hugged him, he knew that she needed this badly and even he himself....the eldest son and siblings needed some comfort, both of them hugged each other hard and cried with no shame whatsoever......all the while the mysterious man stood there in shock at what he is witnessing'

???:(this demon......he's crying and hugging his sister?.... I don't sense any malicious intent.....but what I'm more concerned with is the fact that my sword couldn't make a single scratch on his body, even if I wasn't using half of my full strength it would most definitely have sliced a newly transformered demon)

nezuko:"B-big brother e-everyone i-is... T-they W-Were k-killed b-by that m-man...!! He impaled two fingers into your neck!"

tanjiro:*nods confirming her story*

nezuko:"h-how are you alive? "

tanjiro:*shrugs not knowing*

nezuko:"w-why aren't you talking?"

tanjiro:*trying but can only make sounds*

???:"he's still a newly transformered demon"

'both of the Kamado siblings turned their heads at him, the man expected tanjiro to be more alert but tanjiro looked at him for a few seconds before relaxing'

nezuko:"b-but it's still doesn't make sense to me, I have lived with my big brother for my entire life and he was never a demon"

???:".....if that's the case then let me as you two questions and you can ask me one"

nezuko:"H-hey! that's not fair considering you were going to kill my brother!" *pouts*

???:"doesn't matter now, First question: did your brother ever go into the sunlight?"

tanjiro:*tilts his head in confusion*

nezuko:"what kind of questions is that? of course he did!"

???:"......when did this 'man' attacked and is there any survivors?"

nezuko:"...... yesterday...... and no.....I only lived because big brother came and saved me....he told me to run a-and..I-I..."

tanjiro:*starts hugging his sister trying comfort her while also shedding a few tears*

???:(this boy.....he's crying and being this kind? perhaps...there is something different about him)

nezuko:*remembers the question* "a-ah! I remember now......mister what's your name?"

giyu:"my name is Giyu Tomioko"

nezuko:"well n-nice to meet you Tomioko-san e-even tho you tried to kill my brother, my name is Nezuko Kamado and my brother's name is Tanjiro Kamado" *bows*

tanjiro:*also bows*

giyu:".........yeah... anyways your brother has proven something that no other demon has for more than a century, I let him live but first" *takes a bamboo and gives it to nezuko*

nezuko:*tries to catch it but fails* "EEK! Don't just through things like this out of the random! and what am I supposed to do with it?"

giyu:"there is a small hole in both side of the bamboo, put some cloth in it then wrap it around your brother's mouth"

nezuko:"WHAT! ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

tanjiro:*does what giyu said without nezuko realizing it*

giyu:(he's listened to me? even tho I tried to kill him.....he must've known that my reasons are good.....why the hell is he trusting my words so fast?)



nezuko:"huh? big brotheeeer!" *whines while looking at her brother*

giyu:"the reason for that is because  it's to ensure that he will not bite anyone when he goes hungry"

nezuko:"w-what do you mean?"

giyu:"like I said, demons needs human blood to survive, so they kill us, your brother recently transformered into one of them I don't know why he isn't hungry now since when a newly demon is born they usually go feral attacking anyone and everyone on sight just for blood.....and that includes family, all demons share one common weaknesses and that is the sunlight if your brother was standing under the sun then he will die,there is no cure for your brother's condition so he is now a demon for the rest of his life without a way to turn back into a human"

'nezuko was frozen in shock...these facts were a bit too much......I'm just kidding they were WAY too much, she started to breath in and out heavily until she passed out'

nezuko:*falls to the ground*

tanjiro:"HMMMMPH!?!" *rushes to his sisters side*

- ten minutes passed -

tanjiro pov:

'I was carrying my sister nezuko back home, it saddened really did, the man named giyu gave me instructions I need to go a mountain called Mount Sagiri there I'll find a man named sakonji urokodaki, supposedly he'll train nezuko to Become a demon slayer, I nodded my head at him considering that he have nothing else to protect except each other'

nezuko:*slowly wakes up* "ugh..b-big brother?"

"yhmh amh whmp! " -your awake!-

nezuko:"uhhh s-sorry big brother but I didn't really understand what you said"


nezuko:(that sounded like a depressed sighs) "c-cheer up tanjiro! I'm sure we can work on improving your voice! all we have to do is believe!"

*nods* (it's kinda a good thing that I can kinda think straight)

'I put down nezuko letting her walk in her own, we continued to make our way towards the house until I smelled something half disgusting and half sweet, it caused me a HUGE headache'

*holding his head while spinning his body a little bit* "grhmmmm"

nezuko:"huh? what's wrong big brother?"

' I decided to point at the direction where the scent is coming from, I always had a strong nose but I never was able to smell scents in such details and accuracy'

nezuko:*remembers what giyu* "o-oh! I get it now! b-big brother stay a little bit back, your nose must've picked up the scent of blood that is inside of our home, it's probably best to stay away I'll go and bury them, I'll be back in a bit"

'I saw nezuko leave and I was frustrated how I can't go and give my prayers to the one family that I failed to protect, and from that moment only I decided on two things....and one of them nezuko would most definitely agree with me'

(I will protect you nezuko, no matter what even if I'm surrounded by blood I will protect you,
and I will get revenge for what that Demon did to us and our family
that is a promise)

nezuko:*burying her family * (mom..... Takeo...... hanako...... shigeru...... Rokuta......I swear I swear I SWEAR  Until My Last Breath, I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!) *clenching her hands and teeth hard*
