part 6-His Angel

I know Beast Boy loves me, and I think I love him but thinks are complicated. Sometime I hate being me, I hate my evil I was, and still am. I hate being have demon. I wish everything would change, I wish to not be here at all. The titan alarm goes off. I run out of my room. 

"Titans Dr. Light is robbing a lamp store, odd place to rob but we need to get him anyway, TITANS GO!" We rush to the store to find nothing no Dr. Light just a store, a closed store.

"Umm... Robin the Dr. Light is not here.'' Star I think we can see that, but we didn't say anything to her.

I look around and a beam shots me and I ram into Beast Boy. "RAVEN! Are you ok?" Sometimes Beast Boy is a little over dramatic. 

"I am fine, are you ok I fell into you?"

"Ya, but whatever what was that?!"

Come to find out Dr. Light was there we just could see him. He became somewhat smarter. Not really but still. "TITANS GO!! FIND LIGHT!"

We all follow orders and look for Dr. Light, but of coruse I find him the hard way. He shot me with a beam but this on did do some damage. This means he was close. "RAVEN!"

I was unconsious for a minute. But I woke in Beast Boys arms. " I know he hit me with a beam I am ok and he is close or gone." 

"We know you have been out for 7 minutes.'' 7 it felt like 1. We found him and got back to the tower. I walked to my room straight as we got back. I mean that really hurt and it still does. "Umm Rae are you ok you didn't say anything on the way but or when we got here?'' I was crying just a little it was more like my eyes were watering not really crying I should say.

"Ya, I am fine. I just hurt a little." I unagsterated it hurt a lot. 

"Can I come in?"

"Sure if you want."

He came in and relized I wasn't fine I was in a lot of pain and I was an emotional wreak. "Rae are you sure you are ok?"

I start bursting into tears. "NO I hurt and I ahte being myself, I hate being half demon, I just hate it!" 

"Rae you may be half demon, but you are an Angel to me."


"Ya, really I mean it." And then the most shocking thing happened.
