
That day after my classes I went to snapes class and watched as he began to brew the potion. "Did you bring two possessions that belong to your parents?" He asked and I nod my gead and hand him my mothers diamond earrings I took from her jewelry box knowing she wouldn't notice and my fathers old book about goblins. "Okay sit." I sat and watched him do his magic. "Okay the potion will be done tomorrow morning." He says and I nod my head and make my way to my dorm and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
That morning I quickly got dress and made my way to snapes office. I had so many thought running through my mind. What if I am adopted? Who could be my real parents if I am. What if I am not adopted? "Is it ready professor?" I ask as I walk into snapes  classroom "It is." He says "What are the results?" I ask him.
He sighs and looks down "You are not the daughter of Narcissa Malfoy." He tells me " what?! Who are my real parents?! Are they alive?!" I practically yelled. "Rose calm down. Notice how I said your not the daughter of Narcissa Malfoy? You are Lucius daughter but not Narcissa." He tells me. "Wait it makes sense thats why she hates me." I say to myself but he heard "Hates you?" He asked "She can't even look me in the eyes and she barley will talk to me and usually she just yells at me if she does." I say "Can you find my biological mother" I ask him. "I have tried somthing already," he says "You see you look identical to someone who used to be my best friend. Same red hair green eyes. So I used something she gave me when we were children." He says as he pulls out a heart shaped locket. "The results came back and turns out I was right you are her daughter." He said "Can I meet her?! Where is she?!" I say with excitement. He gives me a sad sympathetic look "I am sorry she was killed years ago." He says and looks like he is abour to cry. "What was her name?" I asked "Her name was Lilly. Lilli Evens when we attended Hogwarts as students but she went of and married and became a potter. You mother is Lilly Potter." He tells me and I feel all kind of emotions. Sad, hurt, mad, and for some reason happy. "So Harry is my brother?" I asked. Snape nods his head yes. "Thats amazing! I have to tell him!' I say getting up as fast as I could. "You can't!" He yells. I looked at him with a confusion. "Why? He is my brother I have the right!" I say "You just can't." He says. I sigh. "Fine but I am gonna tell him. Just not now." I tell him. He just nods and I make my way to breakfast.
*After Dinner*
"Rarity Malfoy you are needed in Dumbledore office now." One of my professors say. I nod and make my way to Dumbledores office. "Hello Professor." I say. "So I understand you are Lilly Potters daughter." He says and I nod. "Yes why am I here?" I asked. "Your in danger Rarity." He says calmly. "What do you mean in danger?!" I ask/yell. "Due to you being the daughter of lilly potter I am afraid you know who is after you." He says
"BUT HE IS DEAD!!" I yell. "But he isn't. " He says. "So because of this you will be going to live with the Swan family." I nod knowing I didn't really have a choice in the matter. "When will I be leaving?" I ask.
"Tomorrow morning." He says. "I suggest you go and back and if anyone ask you why tell them its because you will be home schooled." He says. "How about my magic how will I be able to do magic if I am in the muggle world?" I ask. "You will be able to do magic." He says. I nod and make my way to my dorm and begin to pack. "Where have you been its past curfew?!" I roll my eyes "I was with Dumbledore. I am leaving Hogwarts." I tell her. "WHAT WHY?!" yells Hermoine. "I am becoming homeschooled." I say. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to pack I am leaving first thing tomorrow morning." I tell her.
Me moving to Forks Washington was supposed to keep me safe from harm but I geuss danger can follow no matter where I go.
