Forks Washington

I was on the plane to Forks. This was the first time I have ever been on a plane and honestly it kinda freaked me out.
*time skip because I am lazy.*
The plane finally landed. I walked off the plane and saw a sign with my name on it. I walk over with my bitch face on. "You the swans?" I ask. "Thats us." Say the man who is in a officer's uniform. "Nice." I say. Once we get in the car I sat in the back seat. "So what's your names again?" I asked.
"I am Bella ahat is my dad Charlie." I laugh. "Whats so funny?" Asked Bella. "My Aunts name was Bella." I tell her. "She's in prison." I tell them. They give each other a look. "Why is she in prison?" Asked Charlie. I looked at him and had an evil smirk "She murdered a few people." I say all calm. I know what your thinking what happened to the nice Rarity? Well lets say I am wanting to have a little fun and let my inner bitch appear. "Oh um that's somthing." Says Charlie. "You will be starting school tomorrow." Said Charlie. "School?" I asked "well yeah you kinda have to its the law." Said Charlie. "Mkay also my bike should be here somtime tonight." I tell him. "Bike?" He asked. I nod my head. "Okay then."
*time skip again*
So today is the first day of school. Great. I put on a black crop top along with black leather pants and leather jacket with black heals.
"Rarity you ready?" Bella asked. I walk out of my new room and walk up to Bella. "How does this look?" I ask. "It looks fine I geuss but it show a little bit." She says and I smirk. "Well I geuss I am gonna head out probably get starbucks and head to school." I say letting my British accent come out. "Mkay." Says Bella. After that I went outside and saw my baby also known as my moter cycle.
I hop on and make my way to Starbucks and order a double chocolate chip frappuccino. Yum. Then I make my way to school. I haven't been to a muggle school since I was well never. Malfoys don't like muggles very much. Once I get to the school I pull up and park and see everyones eyes on me. I pull my Helmet off and let my hair fall. I hear a few people wolf whistle. I roll my eyes and continue walking I look over to see a group of really beautiful people. And Bella. I smile and make my way over but stop when I see someone who looks identical to Cedric. I continue to make my way over there. "Hey Bella." I say. "Hi." She says. Then a short raven hair chick comes over. "Hi I am Alice and we are gonna be great friends." She says with a huge smile. "I am sure we are and where do you go shopping? I love your top." I say. "Also can someone show me where the office is I need to get my time table." I say getting some strange looks. "Oh sorry I meant schedule." I tell them. "Its fine we lived in london for a little while." The guy who looks like Cedric says. My phone buzzes. It was Hermoine calling. "Hello?" I say. "Rose. Its Cedric he is dead." She tells me. I could feel the tear begin to form but I wouldn't let them fall. "How?" I asked her. "Voldemort." She says. My face hardened at the name and I could feel my face turn red. "I am sorry Rose I now you were good friends." She says.
"I um have to go." I say and hang up. And I geuss I zoned out for a bit. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and look back to see Bella. "Are you okay?" She asked I just broke down. I shook my no and let the tears spill. "Whats wrong?" She asked. I wiped my tears away and felt my face harden. "My best friend is dead." I tell her. "Who was he?" She asked. "Cedric diggory." I tell her. I looked up to see the cullen family looking shocked. "I have to go." I tell them and decided to make my way to the office myself. "Hello I am Rarity Malfoy and I am here to get my time- I mean schedule." I tell the women. "Okay here you go." She says with a smile.
"Yeah thanks." I tell her and make my way to Math. Ew. I walk into the classroom and give the teacher my slip and see all the guys staring at me. I was in the front of the classroom so I looked at the students who were sitting and staring "You know it's rather rude to stare." I tell them and take a seat next to Rosalie Cullen I think it was. "Hello." She says. "Hi." I say back. "I am sorry about your friend." She says with a sympathetic look on her face. "Yeah me too." I say. "He looked so much like your brother except he had green eyes." I tell her. "Which brother?" She asked. "Edward." I say. "How did you two meet?" She asked "School." I tell her. "Oh." She says. Then what happened next shocked me. My dad walked into the classroom. He looked at Rosalie and his eyes hardened but why. "Rarity your father has to speak to you." The teacher tells me. I get up slowly and make my way to him. "Hello Father." I say "What are you doing here?" I asked. "You are not aloud to come home ever again. You are nothing but a disgrace to pur family." He tells me. I look down. "You don't deserve the last name Malfoy." He says. "Okay." I say on the verge of tears. "Well I am leaving and I hope to never see you again." He says and then is gone. I put my head up high and walked back into the classroom and sit back down with my hands balled up in a fist.
I walk into the lunchroom and don't even worry about getting food. I see Alice waving me over. I smile a little but shake my head no. I then go outside and sit at a table. It was a cloudy down luckily it wasn't raining.
"You okay?" Someone asked. I look up to see Edward. "Just peachy." I tell him. "Come on whats wrong?" He asked. "Well besides the fact my bestfriend is dead my father stopped bu the school today." I tell him.  "Isn't that good?" He asked. I look at him and shake my head no "He told me to never come back home. Came all the way from London to tell me this." I say and let a tear slip but quickly wiped it away. "Not a shocker though I have always been the outcast of the family." I tell him. I am suddenly embraced in a hug. I could feel myself tense up but quickly relax. "Thanks I needed that." I tell him. "No problem." He says then we went back in as soon as the bell rings. I look at Bella and me being me I say "Come on Bells the bells ringing." And run off to class. 
*time skip to after school.*
After school I walked out to meet up with Bella at her truck and I see a  familiar face. "Harper?!" I yell. She looks over with a confused look on her face but that quickly washes away. And next thing I know am tackled by Harper. "Omg! How are you? Why haven't you called me? What are you doing here?" She asked so many questions I got a headache. "CALM DOWN!" I yell at her while laughing. "Wait you two know each other?" Asked Bella. "Yeah we met each other when I was in London." Harper tells Bella. "Oh." Bella simply replies. "Well I am going to head back to the house now. See ya later." I tell them and get on my bike but not before looking at the Cullens who are giving me a confused look?
*Cullens pov surprise*
"She knows Cedric." Says Edward.
"We know that but how?" Asked Emmet. "Well what if she is a wizard like Cedric was." Emmet asked. Rosalie slapped him in the back of the head "She would not be a wizard she would be a witch." She tells him. "She is really gorgeous," Says Alice "for a human." She continues. "No human is that pretty." Says Rosalie. "She is as pretty as us." Says Emmet with a stern look on his face. "Aw is little Emmy jealous?" Says Jasper in a teasing tone. "Yes a little." Says Emmet. "I mean no not at all." He says quickly once he realized what he said. "Lets go home." Says Alice.
*Rarity pov*
After I got back to the house Bella asked if I wanted to go to her friend's house. Of course I said yes. After what felt like forever we finally pulled up to a cute little red house. "Here we are." Bella says with a smile on her face and make her way to a garage.
"Jake?" She calls. "In here!" A male voice yells. "Come on Rarity." She says and we walk into a garage full of half naked men. I look around to see all of them staring at me. "Your all acting like you have never seen a girl before." I say with my bitch face. "I like her. Jake can we keep her?" Says one of the guys. "Embry no we can not." Says Jake I am guessing. I just roll my eyes and lean against the wall of the garage. "Hey hottie can you get me a drink from the cooler?" Asked some dude. "Last time I checked god blessed you with arms and legs for a reason." I tell him with a evil smirk. "I like her she is awsome!" Yelled Embry. 
"Did you just realize this?" I ask. "Now if you will excuse me I heard there was a beach near by and I beleive I am going to check it out." I tell them. I walk through the woods hoping I go the right way. I kept walking and walking until I made it in front of a huge house. "Well crap I think I went a little to far." I tell myself. Then I see Alice walk out of the door and look at me "Rarity?" She asked. "Hey I kinda got lost." I tell her. "Oh okay you need to be carful don't want you getting hurt do we?" She says. "Trust me I can take care of myself." I tell her........

*My life changed a lot after I moved to forks I didn't think it could get anymore complicated but I was wrong....*
