Random Weirdness 3 Supplement

I never actually got around to finishing this--it went along with the trilogy and that's not a thing anymore, so... 


No. No, this wasn't right. This wasn't what she wanted to create. This was never her intention. Nalitie paced the small virtual reality room restlessly. It was probably the end of her miniseries for a while- she couldn't have another disaster like that. Especially if her guests were Vella and Shay again. They'd been through enough trauma to begin with. They didn't need more at her hands.

Nalitie sighed and went back to her security cameras. With them on the loose, she couldn't afford to have any corner unchecked- she even kept tabs on the vent hole. The girl sat in the chair. Kaytee, Kathrine, and Samara were the last things she wanted to deal with. She had enough to worry about- her friend couldn't remember, her virtual reality room was broken, people were still cleaning up Darwin and Doofenshmirtz's mess...

Nalitie stood up and wandered around. Shay's family was still helping with repairs on the virtual reality room. Shay and Vella were still in therapy for... everything. Kaytee, Kathrine, and Samara must've stirred up the memories of... everything and pushed them over the edge. And whatever horrors the three women had put the two kids through surely didn't help.

"There!" Shay's dad's voice broke through Nalitie's thoughts. "The room is... halfway fixed."

Nalitie gave him a small smile. "Thanks for all of your help." She turned back to the cameras sat down in a chair, scribbling away in a notebook.

She hadn't been visited by Log_Lady or Sam in a while. But then again, she hadn't seen anyone besides the Voltas and Tartines since the accident. She didn't quite notice the lights flicker as she went to check the vent hole's holographic covering. She didn't hear the whispers as she helped Hope's husband work on the Virtual Reality room. She didn't see the figures sneak past the cameras as she zoned out thinking about how Shay and Vella were doing in therapy.

She didn't see them coming. She didn't hear them coming. And that's where she went wrong.

Maniacal laughed filled the room and bounced off of the walls. The lights flickered some more and shut off altogether. Nalitie stood up and looked around, looking for some sign of the three women. Ray stood up from his work just as the virtual reality room's main computer sparked and exploded again.

"Surprised?" a sickly sweet voice filled the room, replacing the laughter.

"Kaytee!" Nalitie exclaimed. "What do you want now? You've already destroyed my work. Sent my friends into therapy. And who knows where Steven is..."

The voice laughed. "You know I haven't had enough. Not nearly enough keeping us locked up."
