
So I wrote this story in 4th grade which was partially based on a true story and I decided to rewrite it. Now, it's in my mom's scrapbook, and I don't want to cart a scrapbook with me wherever I go, so... Anyway, here's the story. It is almost exactly how it was written- I changed the paragraph style (it was double spaced and the indented paragraphs, which tend not to work here on Wattpad), withheld a name here and there, fixed one capitalization error, and removed the extraneous solut- I mean uh... Got rid of the extra commas after my !s and ?s. I cringed a lot while returning it. The story is full of lambs growing up, pains going away, and extra letters. Also, I have no idea why no one noticed the mind controlled teachers, evil ex-Muse of Music, and dragon... I also don't know why our parents (and teacher) weren't worried... Nor do I know what Lydia and faces have to do with a squishy wall outside of the gym... Also, I have no idea where Kayla went in the second half of the story... So here...


One day at {Name and Address Withheld}, while the kids from Mrs. Karls' class were lined up after gym, two of them started talking and one noticed some things on the wall.

"Look at these blue things, Kate," said Nathalia.

"That's just where the school hangs posters on the wall," replied Kate.

They looked around to see if they could find anything else. Nathalia looked up and saw something very odd.

"Kate, look at this," said Nathalia, waving for Kate to come with her fingers.

She was pointing at the wall. She told Kate that the wall was two colored. Kate pushed on the wall and said it felt squishy.

"Meet me at recess, Kate," said Nathalia.

Chapter One- The Meeting

Later in the day at lunch recess, Kate, Nathalia, and Kayla were sitting on the yellow climbing wheel on the playground. Nathalia and Kate were disscussing the weird wall to Kayla.

"It's the wall by the gym, Kayla," Nathalia told Kayla.

"Yeah and it feels a little- squishy," Kate added.

"Hmm... you'll have to show me," replied Kayla.

The next day at lunch, Kate sat with Nathalia and Kayla.

"What should we call our mystery Nathalia?" asked Kate.

"How about the mystery of the spongy wall?" suggested Nathalia.

"Sure," replied Kate.

Nathalia thought some more. What could we call it?, thought Nathalia.

"Ooh ooh. I got it!" exlamed Nathalia. "We could call it the mystery of the spongebob wall!"

The girls all aggreed and decided to meet at recess again.

At recess, they decided to keep the mystery secret, so they came up with code names. Nathalia wrapped her jacket sleeves around her arms and held them while holding the bottom corners of her jacket.

"I'll be, The Monarch!" exlamed Nathalia.

Kayla thought a little and told Nathalia and Kate to call her G.

Kate thought a bit and looked around.

"I'll be Woodchip," Kate said.

Chapter Two- Strange Happenings

The following day was a gym day. While Nathalia was listening to directions, she was spinning on the ground. At one point, she thought she saw a laughing face. She stopped and started to spin a second time. She saw nothing.

She told Kate to tell Kayla that she was setting up a third meeting at recess.

That recess, Nathalia, Kate, and Kayla were sitting in the meeting spot.

"In gym I was spinning around on the floor and saw a face, but when I spun again, I didn't see it," Nathalia expained.

The following day, Nathalia came back with some HUGE information. Kayla, and Kate met Nathalia in the meeting spot. Nathalia had just asked Kate if she had ever seen Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Kate said no.

"In the movie, there are two people named Dori and Phedra. So you know the stones on the pillars in the front?" Nathalia expained.

"Yeah," replied Kate.

"Well those are the colors of Dori and Phedra's dresses! Also in the movie they get turned to stone and the pillars are made of the same thing! So they might be hidden inside them!" Nathalia exlamed.

That night she had a dream that started out as a great dream, but it had it's bad spots. Her dream was this: Dori and Phedra had just woken up. It was Christmas but Melody wasn't awake or at least they thought.

The next 30 minutes passed and Melody wasn't there. Dori and Phedra were starting to think something happened to her.

They went and looked in her room. It was cold and the window was open. Melody wasn't there.

So, then they went out on their mission anyway. They thought they'd find Melody along the way. Their mission was to find a girl named Nathalia.

Half way to Nathalia's place they ran into Lydia and her not-so-smart dragon Slyder.

"What do you want?" Phedra said, seriosly.

"Oh, I think I have something of yours!" Lydia exlamed angrily.

She and Slyder turned around revealed Melody. She was unconcious.

Nathalia tossed and turned around a little, as if she was waking up from a bad dream.

Lydia flew away and Nathalia woke up. She was breathing hard, and slow.

On Monday, she told Kate and Kayla about her dream.

"I know, it's crazy, but it's true!" Nathalia exlamed.

At lunch she told Kate that she had an idea.

The next day she and Kate stood by the entrance. They were leaning on the pillars. Suddenly Nathalia thought she heard a crack. Kate heard it too.

"What was that?" whispered Kate.

"I don't know!" Nathalia whispered back.

Just then, they heared an even louder crack.

"Okay, now I heard something," Nathalia said quietly.

The noise had scared her. They heared another crack. Kate looked at the pillar Nathalia was leaning on.

"Nathalia, the pillars are breaking!" Kate whispered, alarmed.

They ran a few feet away and as if that was the signal, the pillars crumbled, and a cloud of dust appeared.

The two girls coughed as the cloud dissapeared, revealing Dori, Phedra, Melody, and 3 pegasus.

"Wow, its a-," Nathalia managed to say before she was cut off.

Lydia had "accidentally" landed on top of her. Nathalia's dream was slowly coming true.

"Wow, Nathalia's dream is really happening, only to her!" Kate whispered to herself.

Chapter Three- What Happened?

"Nathalia! Nathalia!!" Kate whispered, trying to wake up her friend.

Nathalia gradually woke up, and sat up, her head spinning. She and Kate were inside, but were alone.

"How did we get in here?" Nathalia asked still dizzy.

"I carried you," Kate answered.

It was 3:30, so everyone allready went home. Nathalia tried to stand up, but her right leg was hurt.

"Kate, I can't stand up. It hurts too much," Nathalia moaned.

Kate looked outside for a teacher and found all of them- but they were all controlled by Lydia!

Just then, she heard someone coming down the hall. It was Mrs. Karls!! She had been in the school, so she hadn't been mind conttrolled.

"Mrs. Karls! Mrs. Karls!" Kate yelled.

"Kate?" Mrs. Karls asked, "Why are you here?"

"We stayed after school. Nathalia got crushed and we think her leg might be broken," replied Kate. Mrs. Karls thought a little and told Kate she had an idea.

While Lydia was distracted, Kate and Mrs. Karls carried Nathalia to Mrs. Karls' car.

Once they were there, Mrs. Karls set down Nathalia and all three of them buckled in.

"So we're going to the hospital, right Kate?" asked Mrs. Karls.

"Yeah," replied Kate.

"Theda Clark," Nathalia said half-asleep.

"Ookay," Mrs. Karls said slowly.

With that settled, they headed out.

"So Mrs. Karls, do you want to be in our mystery?" Kate asked.

"Sure!" replied Mrs. Karls. "I'd love to help save the world!!"

When they got to the hospital, a nurse took Nathalia to get an x-ray, and Kate told Mrs. Karls the mystery.

"Mrs. Karls, what do you want to have your codename be?" Kate asked.

"How about World Watcher?" Mrs. Karls asked "Is that taken?"

"Nope. It's open," Kate replied.

Just that moment, Nathalia came back on crutches. She was wearing a big, creepy smile.

"Umm... nurse. Why is she smiling like that?" asked Mrs. Karls, unsure if Nathalia was even Nathalia.

"Err... we had to put her on laughy gas because she was wiggling to much."

The nurse grimaced as she told Mrs. Karls that.

"Yeah... I'm gonna take her home," Mrs. Karls said.

Chapter 4- The Wall Again

"Over here Mrs. Karls!" Kate and Nathalia said in harmony.

"See Mrs. Karls?" Nathalia said, pointing to the wall.

"Uhh all I see is a wall," Mrs. Karls said boredly.

Kate and Nathalia looked at the wall. It was only one color!

"Kate, let's push!" Nathalia exlamed narrowing her eyes.

The 3 girls pushed on rectangle after rectangle until...........

"Kate! Look!" Nathalia yelled.

"Mrs. Karls!!" Kate called.

There was a 10 foot gaping hole in the wall!!

"Oh! I'll be right back!" Nathalia ran to her house and came back with a candle.

The three of them went in the hole. They went up a ladder and came out of the gym wall and Mrs. Karls fell on Kate and Nathalia fell on them.

"So it just is a wall that leads to the gym?"

Case closed.

The end.
