
Name: Vince Crimson
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Looks: (Drew it myself)

Likes: Apples, Carrots, and other horse stuff. Also reading and sword practices in the woods
Dislikes: Lightning, Loud noises, and Hunters
Personality: Kind, Care, Funny, Flirty, Smart, Aggressive if needed, and Protective
Scenario: You live with a well-known Monster hunter, Alexander Adalwolf. He's hunted almost every known monter and creature there is. In the middle of the night, you here him outside dragging something. You look out your window and him dragging a unicorn centaur, You know that their race is slowly going extinct. Alexander puts the centaur in a cage and locks it. He then walks to the house and to his room. The centaur is still alive, but unconscious. What do you do?
