Wierd and Useless facts about me

I got tagged by fran so here it is. I don't know if I can do thirty, Let's see how far we shall go.

1) I got nicknamed 'National Bookstore' in CLASS. Don't ask, please.

2) I usually record my voice when I sing and then I shall delete it after a few seconds.

3) I ate-never mind let's just say it was a disgusting thing- when I was one and my cousin ShaneX also did so when he was one. Follow the cousin's footsteps...

4) When I read something depressing in a book, I threw it once, no I think that was twice. It was The Hunger Games. I don't cry.

5) I used to throw my Kumon worksheets in the trash bin probably years ago. I kinda  burned it too cause I don't wanna answer it. Now I don't have Kumon(I've finished reading program and stopped math), so YAY! My cousin followed suit too(it only reached the trash bin though). We were both caught. Yep, I was a bit of an evil kid.

6) Why I have no inspiration for Best Friends anymore? Cause 'my inspiration' moved away to a different school. Now its hard to find some in songs, art, etc. And I wrote BF because of-never mind I wanna forget.

7) From Grades 1-6, and before that, let's say 4 years(I finished two levels in one year) I never knew how to play sports. NOT EVEN A SINGLE ONE. I was homeschooled from 2-6. I only actually knew how to play badminton, table tennis, and arnis when I entered Grade 7 last school year.

8) I find it hard to admit(sometimes) that my cousin(okay so yeah its XEli_Shane again. He's younger, by the way) is smarter than me sometimes and makes better use of oil paints than me. And better in MC. Plus he's more involved in a particular sport.

9)Whenever my friends make fun of me, I get super annoyed. And I won't mind them for a while but after a few seconds I laugh with them.

10) Me and my friends love to play the 'DONT TRY TO LAUGH' game while staring at each other. And I usually lose because of Black006 . She ends up laughing at me. Then I laugh too.

11) I love the puppies, and hate them at the same time.

12) I squeal even over simple stuff. Even if its a drawing made by my friend. Yeah I'm crazy.

13) It's been years , yet I still don't know how to ride a bike. Long story.

14) When I was homeschooled I used to read stuff even if my goals aren't done.

15) My teacher calls me 'anak(child)' sometimes because we have the same surname but his actual child is someone else. He's a nice teacher, actually.

16) I sometimes talk to myself.

17) I have a new sketch pad, but my old sketch pads are full of Work in Progresses.

18) I bite my tongue whenever I feel like swearing.

19) I messed up a whole lot of drawings because I tried markers on those.

20) I don't listen to my dad whenever he gives tips on how to improve in my art(he's not an artist, but he likes to draw) I only pretend I do before.

I only reached 20

Time to tag people(Some are awesome followers, real life friends, Wattpad friends and favorite users)















Okay I guess that's all. I'm not in the mood to tag more cause its like 10pm and I'm supposed to sleep at 9.
