Yandere Kyo Sohma

I've been cursed

I've been crossed

I've been beaten by the ones that get me off

His bright irritated crimson eyes were locked onto his opponents' bored lavender hues that stared at him as if he were nothing more than a mere fly on the wall. A slight amount of frustration was radiating off of the bored teen as he gave his attacker a look of utter disregard. 

"Why must you always get in the way of everything you damn rat?!" Kyo yelled angrily eyes blazing. 

He was confused as to what exactly his cousin was referring to, but decided to ignore it seeing as it could have been a number of things. 

"Why must you cause such big scenes stupid cat?" Yuki asked rolling his eyes at the hot-head in front of him.

Yuki moved aside as Kyo threw his tightly clenched fist at him once more, and grabbed his arm instantly yanking him forward, and slamming his knee into Kyo's stomach. Kyo sputtered from the impact and spit out some blood as tears pricked his eyes from shock. 

"Yuki stop it!" a voice yelped. 

It was her voice... It was her heavenly voice that filled both of their ears.

I've been cut

I've been opened up

I've been shattered by the ones I thought I loved

She looked over at Kyo with worried eyes, and helped him up carefully as to not change him into his zodiac animal. 

"Are you okay Kyo?" (Y/n) asked softly. 

Kyo smiled weakly at her, and nodded his head not trusting his voice to work properly since he had the biggest crush on the female. She pulled a stark white handkerchief from her skirt pocket, and gently dabbed the tears away from his eyes. 

"Yuki... Please stop beating on your cousin," she hissed giving the lavender haired teen a soft glare. 

"My deepest apologies my love... He just irked me..." Yuki lamely explained to his girlfriend.

(Y/n) smiled lovingly to the boy she had been dating for months, and stood up pecking his lips gently in a way Kyo had never experienced for himself. 

"Go wash up boys. Tohru is almost done with dinner," (Y/n) ordered the pair. 

Kyo glared daggers at Yuki, and gave the most betrayed look to (Y/n)'s back remembering the reason he had picked a fight with Yuki to begin with. -How could she do this?-

You left me here like a chalk outline

On the sidewalk waiting for the rain

To wash away

You keep coming back to the scene of the crime

But the dead can't speak and there's nothing left to say anyway

All you left behind


(Y/n) had agreed to meet Yuki sometime after dinner at his garden, but as the time dragged on she waited, and waited for the boy. Her (h/c) hair blew in wisps around her heart-shaped face as the wind picked up slightly. Still no Yuki, but she continued to wait for him until the sky darkened into a grey color, and black clouds rolled in overhead. She refused to leave the garden, and decided to cover up the fragile foliage as best as she could with the tarp Yuki kept beneath a rock.

(Y/n) grinned satisfied that she had gotten done so quickly, but her smile soon faded when the rain came pouring down on top of her. Her (e/c) eyes filled with salty tears which mixed with the rain, and she cried softly. -Why the hell would he stand me up?- she asked herself sadly. She finally decided to turn back towards her boyfriend's house, and scream at him for making her wait. Then foots steps caught her fullest attention, but her anger was greater than the relief she began to feel. 

"Yuki if that's you you need to leave me alone! I'm so pissed off with you right now that I'd-" she screamed in rage, and hugged her body tight.

Is a chalk outline

"Shh..." a voice cooed softly. The voice was familiar to the young girl. "Yuki won't hurt your feelings anymore (Y/n)... He won't make you cry anymore my love... None of them will," Kyo's soft voice purred out to her. 

(Y/n) turned on her heel to face Kyo, and what she saw shocked her to great lengths. Kyo was covered in bright red blood, and a crazed yet loving look was plastered to his face as he stared down at her. 

"Kyo...? What happened to you?" she asked concern flitting across her features. 

"I made sure that no one could keep us apart anymore..." he murmured taking her hand and drawing little soothing circles into her palms.

I've been cold

In the crypt

But not as the cold as the words across your lips

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes went wide with horror as his words finally sank into her head. 

"K-Kyo... What have you done?!" she yelped suddenly. 

"I had to get rid of them..." he answered her softly. 

(Y/n) felt tears slip down her red cheeks, and she yanked her hand from the cat's grasp. 

"YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU?!" she screamed taking a few steps away from him. 

"They were keeping us apart, (Y/n)..." he mumbled dropping his hand, eyes darkening. 

"THEY WERE MY FRIENDS! YOUR FAMILY!" she yelled at him.

Anger boiled in her chest, and she slapped him as hard as she could across his face leaving a bright red mark on his pale cheek. Kyo staggered to the side slightly, and blinked from the shock of the strike. (Y/n) saw the anger fill his once soft gaze and she turned quickly running back towards the house to find someone. -Please don't be dead...-

You'll be sorry baby

Some day

When you reach across the bed where my body used to lay

Once (Y/n) reached the house she burst inside, and searched the rooms for any signs of life. Shigure was sprawled out in the living room. His hands were grasped around his throat, and his eyes were wide with fear. The lack of movement from his body told (Y/n) that Shigure Sohma was indeed dead. She blinked away the tears that threatened to spill, and she turned towards the kitchen sliding the rice paper door aside. (Y/n) put a hand to her mouth upon seeing the ghastly sight that lie within.

Tohru's body was cold, and pale laying just as motionless on the floor as Shigure. Her face looked twisted with pain, her legs were spread open, and a pool of blood surrounded the lower half of her body. -Had Kyo... No that much blood wouldn't be evident right?- she asked herself. She turned her head towards the staircase, and slowly made her way up towards the rooms.

You left me here like a chalk outline

On the sidewalk waiting for the rain

To wash away

You keep coming back to the scene of the crime

But the dead can't speak and there's nothing left to say anyway

All you left behind

Is a chalk outline

(Y/n)'s now dull (e/c) eyes scanned the familiar hallway, and landed on a streak of blood smeared on the walls. She followed the telltale death trail, and noted that it led to hers and Yuki's room. She opened the wooden door, and finally threw up whatever was in her stomach. Lying on the bed was what she could only assume was Yuki's body, although it looked more like a crimson, and pink mass of mash potatoes strewn into their shared bed. 

"NO!" she screeched falling to her knees and sobbing brokenly. 

"I told you... Now we'll be together forever," Kyo said touching (Y/n)'s shoulder carefully. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME! I HATE YOU! YOU DID THIS!" she screamed, sobs escaping her lips.

Kyo's face twisted into one of pure rage, and his fist clenched tightly at his sides. 

"(Y/n)... He was no good for you. Can't you see it was always supposed to be us?" he asked carefully. She glared at him with hatred, and spat in his face shoving him out the bedroom door, so she could make a run for it. "You shouldn't have done that, (Y/n)..." Kyo hissed.

All you left behind

Is a chalk outline

(Y/n) ran stumbling down the stairs twisting her ankle, and struggled into the kitchen. She needed something to protect herself from this psychopath. So she picked a knife up from the sink then flung herself into the pantry to hide from the Sohma male. Kyo couldn't find his little mouse anywhere, but he knew she hadn't left the house. 

"My first kill was my favorite kill... Yuki... Man he looked so pathetic..." he was cut short instantly. 

That phrase had triggered her wrath, and she launched herself from the pantry with her knife aimed at his heart. The pair struggled for dominance over the other. A crazed pissed off look was in (Y/n)'s eyes, and a crazed smirk was plastered to Kyo's face. 

"Isn't this a fun game?!" he asked her. His game, however, was rather short lived.

You left me here like a chalk outline

On the sidewalk waiting for the rain

To wash away

You keep coming back to the scene of the crime

But the dead can't speak and there's nothing left to say anyway

All you left behind


The next morning Kyo Sohma had woken up, and gotten ready for school. How the hell would he explain the absence of Yuki Sohma, and (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)? He shrugged his broad shoulders, and decided on telling people they were visiting the Sohma family hot springs. He adjusted his black uniform shirt, and walked back to his bedroom where a young woman's sleeping body lay motionless.

"(Y/n)? I'm going to school... I'll see you in a little while," he reassured the girl lovingly. He pecked her lips lightly, and stared into her cloudy (e/c) eyes. "I love you... Oh! Why do you have this baby?" he asked lifting her limp form up slightly. He pulled a large knife from out of her back, and took it to the kitchen washing it off carefully. 

"I told you we'd be together forever..."

Is a chalk outline
