Soul 'Eater' Evans


It had been another exhausting day at the Death Bucks Cafe and I was pulling dough from my hair with a soft sigh. It was late and we had been serving students from the DWMA when my new co-workers, Liz and Patty Thompson, got into a fight with BlackStar. I honestly wasn't all that surprised since he was always rambunctious and these girls hated almost everyone... I say almost because they appeared to take a liking to Kid Death, but then again the way they interact with one another I could be wrong... They also seemed to like me, but I wasn't around them all the time. I sighed as I dropped more soggy goop onto the side walk shaking my head and finally giving up until I got home to a hot shower. -How do I manage to get caught in all of their fights?- I questioned myself.

I listened to the sound of the cobble stone streets crunching melodically under my feet and I quickly realized it was the only sound within the town... So it seemed anyway... I frowned feeling slightly unnerved by this and decided to fish mi Ipod from my skirt pocket. I put the ear buds into my ears and started up some music, smiling only slightly when 'Caraphernilia'  by Pierce the Veil began playing softly. I sang just as quietly dancing to the music when I heard something out of the ordinary emit from behind the music. I stopped slowly and turned to take a quick look around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. -It's probably just some stupid DWMA punk.- I thought rolling my eyes at how immature they could be.

I narrowed my eyes and finally continued to walk back towards my apartment tiredly as 'Last Resort'  by Papa Roach blared into my ears. -I must of accidentally turned it up when I stopped...- I thought shaking my head to relieve the ringing. I turned the volume down and, again, sang softly to the music jamming out a bit more this time and, again, an unfamiliar sound made its' way through my music. I pulled the earbuds out, turning on my heels quickly, and pulled a knife from my jacket pocket glaring at the person who had been following me. A tall male staggered back slightly in shock from my actions, but he smiled trying to cover up his surprise.

"Who the hell are you?!" I sneered looking at the shadowy figure.

The man appeared to stand straight hearing my tone and smirked wickedly at me. I took a step back and glared at him feeling the unease as his white teeth sparkled.

"Who I am is not important Ms. Hemmings." he said in a low husky tone.

My face paled hearing my name roll off his tongue, but I tried to cover my shock with confusion and blinked slowly to compose myself. -Why am I so scared? Have I ever been this scared before? Is it because he knew my name or because I can't make out a single feature outside of his figure?- I thought going frigid. I took in a deep breath to regain my composure and tried to play it off as annoyance in hopes he hadn't noticed the fear.

"How the hell do you know my name you creep?!" I asked in as tough a tone as I could muster.

He chuckled lowly in response and slouched forward with a gentle twitch as if he were possessed by a demon or something. I gasped at the sudden jerking movement he made and shoved my hand into my jacket pocket feeling the pepper spray my best friend insisted I carry around after my last late night incident. -Damnit... That won't be enough to stop him... Maybe I can scare him...- I thought sliding my hand into my back pocket feeling hard plastic and metal. The man shook slightly as if he were cold or... Afraid... And that's when I noticed he appeared MUCH shorter than just mere moments before. He took a tentative step into the light and what I saw made me stifle a laugh that came out as a snort. It was a scrawny looking boy or maybe it was an awkward looking girl although a boy seemed more likely at the moment. He was very timid and fidgety as he stood glancing up at me acting completely different from the tough ass act he put on moments ago.

"I-I don't know how to d-deal with f-females!" he stuttered rubbing his arm awkwardly.

-His voice is different too...- I thought frowning. I stood straight dropping my guard ever so slightly giggling, "So you're the punk that has been following me?! A skirmish little mouse like you?!" I asked raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"N-No Ms. Hemmings! I-I mean I can explain!" he said raising his hands in defense against my oral assault. "M-My associate is the one that was following you..." he murmured letting a thin black sword slip from his sleeve and into his hand.

I looked around trying to ignore the black and white blade, becoming slightly rigid when my gaze went back to the boy. -This guy is fucking nuts! He must have like imaginary friends or something... He can't be too dangerous then... Even with a weapon...- I thought narrowing my eyes suspiciously. Boy was I wrong... He sighed softly as if he could read my thoughts and shook his head slowly, giving me a dark and somewhat crazed look. -I knew this dude was a nut case!- I thought frantically backing away from him. He had a different aura about him now that seemed dangerous.

"Y-You know... It isn't n-n-nice to judge people by the way they look... Just because I don't look d-dangerous... Doesn't mean I'm not!" the boy exclaimed giggling loudly.

I held my knife up in front of me in a ready stance gasping when he cut the air in my direction. "You are fucking crazy!" I yelped timidly.

He began giggling uncontrollably at my reaction and I was momentarily angry at myself for giving him the satisfaction of seeing me terrified, but before I could act on that embarrassment he let out a scream of utter pain. I watched in complete horror as something HUGE emerged from the boys back returning his measly height back to that I had first encountered. 

"That was really harsh Katie. He's kind of a sensitive guy and you really did hurt his feelings... Maybe you should be taught some mann-"

"Back off Ragnarok!" a familiar low voice interrupted.

The creatures head fell to the side much like his pink haired companion... Almost as if his neck was broken and he seemed to stare into the space behind me. I looked back to see familiar spiky white hair and blood crimson eyes that were focused angrily on the boy who was about to attack me. His sharp shark like teeth were barred and his fist was clenched tightly before that arm began to glow.

"You need to learn not to terrorize poor pedestrians!" he snarled at the now laughing creature.

Ragnarok looked back at me with a smirk, then patted the crazy kids' cheek hard almost as though he were slapping the guy. "Okay Crona... Let's go before Soul blows his top even more," Ragnarok ordered.

The boy... Crona, had nodded in response then turned around and walked off into the dark alley leaving me with the steaming Soul Evans. Said male took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves as he made his way to me and snatched the pocket knife from my grasp.

"Why are you waving this around?! You obviously had no intent on using it! Besides you should have had a fucking can of pepper spray like I told you not a fucking knife that could be used against you! What's worse is that he was a demon sword and had I not shown up when I did he would have KILLED you!" my best friend lectured.

My eye twitched in annoyance not really in the mood to get a lecture and tried to ignore his words as I reached for the knife he kept twirling in his hand. Despite my growing irritation with the boy it was kind of hot how he did stuff like that with no effort, but I needed to stay angry with him.

"Give me the damned knife back stupid jerk! And instead of lecturing me how about you answer a question... Like... Who the fuck was that or what the hell is a demon sword?!" I demanded in a harsh tone throwing my hands up.

Soul sighed softly shaking his head and tossed me my knife before crossing his arms. It was clear he was annoyed with my careless actions, but I was annoyed with him acting like my damned parents. Don't get me wrong I loved that he worried for me, but sometimes he took that shit too far...

"That pink haired guy was Crona Gorgon and the monster on his back is his permanently attached weapon partner, Ragnarok," he explained.

"How did they know my name?"

"The witch no doubt... She's been trying to find ways to trigger the effects of the black blood running through my veins," he muttered angrily.

I blinked a few times not fully understanding his anger or what he meant by witches. He seemed to notice this having taken note of my 'deer in the head lights' look. 

"You can come by the cafe tomorrow and explain, but I really do need to get ho-"

I was cut off by his warm-ish lips pressed to mine in a hungry yet gentle kiss. My eyes were wide as saucers, but I made no move to push him away. Afterall, I did like my best friend and this was my first kiss so it wasn't a terrible thing. I smiled and was just about to kiss him back when he pulled away and looked down as if he were ashamed.

"Sorry... I just had a sudden urge and well I thought..." he trailed off as if he were afraid I had rejected him.

"At least take me on a date next time," I giggled.

Soul met my gaze and returned to his cocky, smirking self once again then nodded his head in agreement. 

"Alright then. I'm telling people you're my girlfriend if they ask though," he stated matter-of-fact.

I rolled my eyes and laughed before agreeing with him on the point, "I mean people already assumed we were a couple."

He smiled softly at the revelation and gave my cheek a gentle peck before running off towards his apartment. I blushed and touched my tingling flesh lightly with a dreamy smile on my face knowing then and there I was in love with my best friend.
