Freddy x reader

(this was a dream I had so, sorry if it's weird. Plus, I had to change some stuff to make it a x reader)

REAL WORLD: After a very long and tiring day I finally got to collapse into my bed and fall into a blissful sleep.

DREAM WORLD: I woke up in some weird transportation building I couldn't tell if it was a train station or airport all I is I am dreaming.

I continued walking and turned right hoping to find the exit, once fully around the corner I see a group of three guys standing by an obviously rarely used door, the door looked heavy and it was metal with some rust on it. I walked by them while still staring at them because they looked like the trouble causing type to me, as I passed them they looked at me then looked at each other and smirked, I turned my head to look away and walked faster but one of them grabbed my forearm tightly and dragged me back towards the door.

Once there they asked normal questions like "what's your name?" And "how old are you?" I answered as little as possible unsure whether or not they were real people that happen to be in the same dream as I or if they were just people my mind made up.

They introduced themselves as Troy, Luke, and Danny, Troy was around 17 with short dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes, he was wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt, Luke was around the same age as Troy but Luke has orange-ish hair and pale blue eyes and he was wearing cargo shorts and a dark blue t-shirt, and as for Danny he is around 18 and has obviously dyed white hair and dark green eyes, he has on a black shirt and black jeans (yes....yes I did).

After a bit of very small talk, Troy asked if I was feeling brave I, of course, asked why Danny explained about the door we were standing in front of about and what they called the stairs to hell, they said behind the door were stairs going down to what was supposed to be a basement but it was incomplete so the one flight of stairs that were complete then the landing but went you turn to the second flight of stairs there were only 8 steps then a brick wall, it's called the stairs to hell because the few people that have entered that door never come out.

I just laughed and turned to walk away from them while saying "well, you guys have fun, because I ain't going in" Troy piped up "why not?" Then his buddy Luke "are you afraid?" (well no shit sherlock -_-) then Danny decided to voice his opinion "of course the chicken is afraid, I bet she's afraid of her own shadow too" pissed off I turn back towards them and slightly shout "Fine! I'll do it" they grinned victoriously and stepped out of the way between me and door, stepping forward I reach my hand to the doorknob, but, before I grab it I throw one hell of a right hook and hit Danny right in the kisser, he stumbles back and ends up falling on his ass "that was for calling me chicken" I said and guys Troy and Luke can't help their friend up at the moment because they are laughing too hard, I open the door, storm inside and slam it shut behind me.

Now that I am actually staring at the so-called 'stairs to hell' fear slowly creeps up my spine and on the other side of the door I hear Troy and Luke singing the death march or whatever it's called, not wanting to give them the last laugh I start going down the stairs little by little. Strangely it doesn't get darker, as I get to the bottom step and the landing I slowly turn my head and come face to um glove to Freddy. I must have passed out or something because I 'woke up' laying on a couch with the sound of a heart beating next to me, slowly looking up I see Freddy staring at something in front of him with a very sadistic smirk on his face, his gloved hand was moving like he was controlling a puppet and his other arm was around me, he must have felt my head move because his head turned towards me and his smile went from sadistic to soft and loving as he softly spoke "morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?" I was almost speechless but I managed to squeak out "um y-yes" he laughed and tighten his hold around me, I blushed as we just stared at each other but, a cry of agony ruined the sweet moment, turning my head I see dumb, dumber and dumbest lying on the floor with obvious razor glove scratches littering their bodies.

I must have started shaking out of fear because Freddy laughed again and kissed the top of my head, I looked back at Freddy in shock "don't worry, sweetcheeks, I won't hurt ya" he told me, with one more slash of his glove the cries of agony stopped, I tried to look to see what had shut them up but Freddy softly placed his gloved hand on my cheek but the glove was gone now "you don't need to see that, just keep your eyes on me" Freddy told me, and of course not wanting to die, I did as instructed and just happily stared at him and snuggled into his side his shirt smelled like smoke but I didn't mind, his embrace once again tighten as he kissed my forehead. I turned my head to snuggle my head again him like a cat but something caught my attention, the staircase and the door at the top, it was the same I had come through that had the dead end brick wall, Freddy laughed as he saw the confusion on my face and explained that the basement was finished but he uses his powers to make it look like a dead end and he pretty much lives in the hidden basement, I smile and looked up at him again "that's pretty smart" Freddy being the cocky bacon man he is smirked and replied "like always" I giggle and snuggled him more.
