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episode 26
~ unauthorized mission ~

"nice work, guys. that mission was a total success."

"maybe for you. nothing caught on fire or blew up. to me: colossal failure," adam dropped his bag as chris nodded along in agreement.

"well, good news, you've both go heat vision and a whole afternoon ahead of you. go make something happen."

"don't encourage it," jenna groaned, running after chris.

"hey, adam, check it out. while you were gone i got to boogie board with the dolphins."

"bob, those weren't dolphins. these are clearly the bites of an angry catfish."

"wow, is there anything you don't know?"

"i don't think we should let those two play together anymore," bree mumbled, turning towards sebastian and valerie.

"uh-uh," they shook their heads in unison.

"hey, chase, on the next mission do you think i might actually be able to do something?"

"you did get to do something. you watched me be an amazing mission leader. most people would pay to see that."

"and then demand a refund."

"i'm just saying the whole purpose for me going on the mission was to get some hands-on training."

"and you did. you handed me my flashlight and my lip balm. thank you," chase smiled.

"but i'm the best student here. i've been acing all of my training exercises. without practice how am i ever gonna be mission leader?"

"oh, that's just it, you won't. 'cause i'm mission leader."

"yeah, dude, you can't be mission leader, too, because then i would have to make fun of both of you, and there just aren't enough hours in the day. i need some me time."

"hey, chase, stop being such a control freak, okay? sebastian seems perfectly capable."

"oh, thanks."

"what did i say, chipmunk?" valerie raised a questioning eyebrow, pulling bree closer to her, which caused sebastian to apologize and step to the side.

"hey, look! i'm riding an angry catfish!" bob's voice was heard from outside the window.

"whoa, look at him go! yeah, that is not a catfish. bob!" adam screamed, and the group of teenagers ran outside to get the younger boy off of the shark.

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"look, i got to admit, mister davenport, you did a really good job designing this place."

"my dad helped, didn't he?"

"yeahβ€”this academy is my greatest achievement. of all the things i've built this is the thing i'm most proud of."

"morning, don. morning, girl. morning, twin number one," perry hopped out of the hydro-loop.

"and now we burn it," val muttered, and mister davenport quickly agreed.

"get everyone to the life boats. i wasn't that attached to it anyways."

"how did you get on our hydro-loop?" bree inquired.

"i dated your security guard for three weeks to gain his trust. when that didn't work, i knocked him out and stole his keys."

"how much ocean do we have to put between us to get away from you?"

"ain't enough water in the world," perry chuckled as she leaned against a cyber desk. "my webbed toes double as flippers. when i spread them out, they look like baby pterodactyls."

"why are you here?" mister davenport raised his voice.

"i retired. the school just wasn't the same without my favorite freaks to torment. i tried, but i couldn't hate the new kids as much as i hate you guys."

"so touching, but don't touch me," the hispanic girl sarcastically smiled.

"anyhoo, a little birdie told me your robot school is looking for an administrator."

"yeah, we're not. but, uh, tell you what, leave your resume and we'll call you if we lose our minds."

"oh, how about a gardener?"


"short order cook?"


"unlicensed psychotherapist?"


"look, i'm bored and i want to get back in the game. just tell me what you need. i could be your barber. nobody likes a pretty girl with long hair," perry fidgeted with bree's hair, causing the latter to swipe her hands away.

"okay. the only thing we need is a security guard to keep people like you out."

"yes, i could be your head of security. i've been a warden, a guard, any position in prison, i've held it, including inmate."

"sorry, cell block sally, we're not hiring," mister davenport shoved her back into the hydro-loop.

"but you need me!"

"her shirt got stuck."

"yeah, that's the mainland's problem now."

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"okay, let's test our video conferencing system. i'll try and call bree."

"you rang?" perry asked, her face appearing on all of the screen. as if it were an instinct, val shot her heat vision, ruining a tablet and accidentally burning bree's left hand.

"sorry," she mumbled with an innocent look.

"how did you break into my secure line?"

"better question is, how did i get in your equipment room to steal this," perry popped out from behind a pillar.

"give me that," mister davenport groaned, snatching the helmet with a camera out of perry's hand.

"or into your bedroom to steal this."

"that is island wear."

"still think you don't need a head of security?"

"no. a couple more tweaks and i'll have this place locked down right. and then we will never see you again. bree, valerie, any parting words?"

"yes. get out," they demanded in unison.

"but you need me," perry repeated.

"no, we don't."

"really? she needs to start wearing tighter clothes."

"no she doesn't."

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"ladies and gentlemen, chase davenport and sebastian last name to be determined, proudly present to you the future of bionic education: the bionic training simulator! now to demonstrate, we'll need a volunteer."

"how about mister davenport?" sebastian suggested. "i mean, he is the reason we're all here."

"what, me be the center of attention? i couldn't," he giggled as he stepped onto the platform.

"go ahead and power up the mainframe."


mister davenport flipped a switch and something exploded, causing him to go flying into the wall.

"mister davenport!" bree shouted, jumping up from her spot beside valerie and running towards her parental figure.

"that's nothing. wait till he meets the monkeys."

"big d, are you alright?" leo asked.

"i think so."

"i don't get it. our design was flawless."

"no, come on, let's get him to the medic," bree ordered. together, they all helped mister davenport up to his feet.

"good idea, go!"


short chapter, but here's the end of season 3
