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episode 10
~ spike vs spikette ~

"what's up, douglas? doing a price check on bionic kids?"

"oh, i wonder how much i'm worth," adam chuckled.

"well, we could sell you for parts and find out."

"probably not much though," valerie muttered under her breath, instantly getting smacked by bree. "listen, hit me one more time and i will call my lawyers."

"alright, well, just don't sell the part that does this," adam referred to what chase suggested, punching the latter's shoulder.

"i'm just cataloging everyone's bionic abilities."

"oh, cool, count me in."

"adam, we already know what your abilities are."

"ugh, okay, you got me. i just really like waiting in lines."

"in addition to the bionics we know they have, krane also gave them a lot of weird hidden abilities. i'm just trying to get a drip on what we're dealing with," douglas informed.

"what does that guy have?" bree nodded over at a student who had glowing red hands.

"check it out! oh, no, my lunch is undercooked. oh, thermo hands!"

the blond walked over and raised his hands, allowing douglas to place his food on the left one, which was soon covered by the right. after some sizzling, he removed the top hand, revealing a cooked patty.

"why thank you!"

"sweet ability, dude," chris grinned, high fiving the beginner. "ow! hot! hot! hot! hey, those things are dangerous."

"try it again, i'm sure they've cooled down," jenna spoke up.

"wait, no, my turn," adam gasped, going in for a high five and getting burned.

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"hey, chase, you are not going to believe this. another student has the commando app."

"what? i thought i was the only one with that app," chase furrowed his eyebrows.

"yeah, you're not that special."

"don't look at us. we've been trying to tell you that for years," bree mumbled, starting a staring contest with jenna, but the two burst out into laughter, causing chase to pout for a second.

"so which one of those manly warriors is following in my footsteps?"

"her," douglas snickered, turning chase's head towards a girl in the cafeteria who was struggling to open a bottle.

"open!" the brunette girl grunted.

"kate? she's the most timid girl in the whole academy."

"hey, leave my student alone," valerie scolded.

"well, it's true! i've seen her run from her own shadow."

"and that's the beauty of the commando app. the enemy is caught off guard by a non-threatening subject."

"but i have the commando app."

"yes, you do," douglas continued laughing. "look, i didn't want to scare kate, so i told her that she had a sonic scream ability instead. so until i can figure out a way, makes sure nothing triggers it and sets off spikette."


"catchy, right? i like it and i'm keeping it!" he exclaimed to the trio sitting down in front of him, all giving him the same look.

"man, this is perfect," chase said once douglas walked away. "i've never seen my commando app in action. if i can activate spikette maybe i could figure out a way to control it, which would help the both of us."

"uh-uh, no way, you heard douglas. he doesn't want us triggering a dangerous app."

"and i'm not letting you use one of my students as a guinea pig."

"but i can-"

"no, chase! we are not here to experiment on the students. we're here to help them."

"don't even think about asking jenna to acquire the commando app," valerie ordered as bree dragged her off.

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"chase, what's going on in here?"


"you activated kate's commando app, didn't you?" valerie raised her voice.

"what? no!" he replied in a high pitched tone just as kate ran by, chasing another student with a chair while screaming. "okay, technically i didn't do it. adam did when he attacked me."

"wait, what?"

"i'm gone for ten minutes," jenna sighed.

"that doesn't make any sense. why would her commando app kick in if you were the one who was getting attacked?"

"it must be triggered by some kind of mama bear instinct. and now it's glitching like crazy. first, she's trying to baby me, and then, she's trying to destroy everything in sight."

"what were you thinking?" bree shoved chase after they dodged a flying chair.

noticing kate heading their way, valerie reacted quickly and grabbed both jenna and bree, turning them invisible.

"stay away from baby!"

"i don't get it," chase looked around, not knowing where the three went. "my commando app would've shut down a while ago," he jumped when jenna tapped him, getting his bionics. moments later, they became visible. "but kate's adrenaline levels are going through the roof!"

"okay, then just shut her down!"

"oh, it's a great idea, you know, i hadn't thought of that. i can't. i don't know how! maybe if we just contain her in here, we'll be okay. then again, maybe not," chase panicked as he watched kate remove one of the pillars.

"baby want toy?"

"you know, for a maniac, her maternal instincts are dead on."

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"so you turned kate into spikette even though i told you not to? you know, i try to be the fun uncle, but you people make it so hard," douglas voice cracked as he spoke from behind their hiding spot.

"i'm sorry. i wanted to observe the commando app. and now that i have, my scientific conclusion is: i'm scared."

"oh, look, she's taking a snack break before she destroys the rest of the academy."

"is that a whole chicken?" jenna carefully asked.

"no fork, no plate. where are her manners?"

"you grilled your lunch on a kid's dirty hands!" valerie exclaimed."

"in the name of science!" douglas shouted back. "the only way to stop the app is to manually override the chip. so first we have to-"

"okay. get the chip. i'm on it."

"mommy chewed food," spikette informed when she noticed the boy moving closer. "open your mouth!"

"baby good, baby good!" chase shrieked. "wait, the chip extractor. throw it to me."

"not safe for baby," she intercepted the toss, tearing it in half after catching it.

"great, now what are we gonna do?" bree groaned.

"i don't know, but so far panicking and hiding behind things is working for me."

"we're gonna have to use physical force to restrain her which means you are gonna have to get aggressive. really aggressive. spikette needs to meet her match."

"oh, no. no, no, no," chase quickly replied. "you can't turn me into spike."

"but i can," bree chuckled, speeding chase out of the combat area.

hearing people scramble out of the room next door, valerie geo-leaped the other two behind a pillar, and spikette ran past them.


"is he wearing a diaper?"

"don't ask."

"oh, i'm no baby. i'm a man sandwich served with a tall glass of macho."

"well, are you man enough to take her down?" bree questioned spike.

"no can do. she's a lady. spike always respects a lady."

"this is not a lady," douglas jumped down the steps, pointing at spikette.

"hey, who are you calling not a lady?" she grunted, shoving douglas and high fiving spike.

"be right back. spike feels...under-dressed for this particular occasion."

Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

"i don't get it. she's supposed to be winding down, not getting stronger."

"it's a glitch. if her commando app keeps going her chip's gonna burn out and melt her brain. and i am not cleaning that up!"

"i cannot believe chase. you know, if i was spike, i would be showing the girl who's boss."

"you're a genius," valerie breathed out, pecking her girlfriend's before dragging jenna to another part of the island. "don't do anything!"

"i regret my life choices," the hispanic whispered as she geo-leaped to bree and douglas' side.

"what happened?" the adult inquired, recovering from the scare.

"well, long story short, i lost chris and we may or may not need another window in the equipment room...and the kitchen."

"spikerella," douglas mumbled after a moment of silence while bree made sure valerie wasn't bleeding. "where is she?"

"right there," bree muttered, pulling them behind the pillars and slowly walking to the training center, where jenna had barged in.

"who the heck are you?"

"your worst nightmare."

"this should be good," spike folded his arms across his chest. "everyone knows girls can't fight."

"excuse me?" the said in unison.

"i said girls can't fight!"

"oh my god," bree grinned, struggling to contain her laughter when spikerella threw him to the other side of the room.

"who's the girl now?"

"nice hair. can't wait to rip it out and use it as a scarf," spikette growled, circling the other student.

"go ahead! then i'll shave your back and make some matching mittens."

with one final grunt, the two began to fight.

"whoa!" a new voice was heard. "what's going on in here?"

"who the fuck is that?"

"new baby!" spikette smiled.

"i'm not a baby."

"baby cranky, must be hungry."

"there you are," leo and adam jogged in, causing douglas, bree and valerie to reveal themselves. "you're out of here, reggie."

"i told you, i'm not going anywhere."

"lunchy munchy! open mouthy!" spikette fed reggie, causing the latter to scream and the others to gag.

"get me out of here!" he spat out the chicken.

"who's that?"

"long story short, leo's going to jail," chris appeared, wiggling around in his wet clothes.

"help me!"

"oh, so now you're ready to go?"


"grab him," leo snapped, and adam ran over, prying reggie out of spikette's hold.

"baby!" spikette yelled, chasing after the boy, only to be tackled by spikerella.

"get back here! i'm not done throwing you!" the blonde announced, storming into the common room.

"the chip extractor's almost fixed. hurry up and take her down!"

"shut it or i'll take you down!"

"carry on," douglas nodded, sliding to the table the couple was hiding behind, allowing spikette and spikerella to swing at each other.

"picked that one up in dance class," spikette chuckled after twirling in the air and landing on her feet.

"where do you think you're going?"

"isn't it val's job to break glass?"

"very funny," she muttered, pulling douglas and bree back to avoid the glass shards.

"that's one way to clean a window."

as soon as the brunette was knocked unconscious, val snatched the invention from douglas and jumped over the table, rushing to spikette's side and extracting her chip.

"got it!"

"she should be out for a while, plenty of time for me to adjust her settings," douglas slowly stood up and headed over to a cyber desk.

"oh, what happened?" chase groaned, rubbing his head. "jenna? what's going on?"

"you again! still think girls can't fight?" the blonde roared, causing him to flinch.

"i'm not so sure you are a girl."

not me writing a bree fanfic and completely forgetting to include val and bree moments

im so excited for the next two chapters : )
