
Drago POV


Drago recognized the vampire immediately. It was the one that had helped him in the forest.

As suddenly as they came in, they ran back outside.

"What was that?" Ruby asked and held onto Frida while Henry clutched onto her dress.

"Our cue to leave," Drago said and stood up before he began to pack some stuff he knew they needed.

A gust of wind came from beside him and he heard Ruby growl.

"Easy Red," the vampire said and Drago turned. "Take what you need. Not too much. Keep light."

"Who are you?!" Ruby growled as Drago kept packing stuff.

"A vampire, Red. And I would advise you to hurry up," the vampire said and Drago looked towards them. Their eyes were glowing purple and their teeth were fully out.

"Not with you looking all hungry like that," Ruby said, making sure the kids were behind her.

"Red, I haven't eaten in weeks. Either I'll be dead before we reach our destination, or... I don't know, might catch a bite on the way," the vampire said and zoomed around the cave and quickly repeated exactly where they stood with two backpacks. "I think I have everything."

Drago took a quick look around the cave and gave them a nod.

"Why are we trusting this vampire again?" Ruby asked as they walked out of the cave.

"They were the one that helped me with the medicine for the kids," Drago said as he cautiously looked at the vampire who was looking around with wide eyes.

"I'm a woman, you can use she and her," the vampire said and set the backpacks down. "I appreciate it though." She looked around one more time before turning to the family. "My father knows you guys are here. He thought all werewolves were extinct in this area and now he has sent someone to take care of you." She took a breath which Drago didn't think was possible for vampires, but she said she hadn't eaten in weeks. "I know a way out of here. A boat. It will send you to a place called Berk. It's a safe place for all creatures."

Drago nodded and looked towards Ruby who was staring daggers at the vampire while holding the twins behind her.

"I can carry the kids while Red can ride you," the vampire said before chuckling to herself. "Ride."

"You will not lay a hand on my children you monster!" Ruby said and walked forward until she had the vampire pinned to a tree by the throat.

Drago's eyes widened at her outburst. He didn't know she could get this violent... It was kind of hot.

"She will help us, Ruby, trust her," Drago said and placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder.

"I can take one of the kids and a backpack if that helps?" The vampire wheezed out.

"Yes," Drago said and pried Ruby's hand off the vampire's throat and led her a little away. Ruby didn't try to object and Drago smiled to himself. She trusted him.

Drago quickly pulled off his clothes, staying in his boxers and getting down on all three. His bones began to crack and fur began to sprout from his body. In a few seconds, he stood on all three his black and - slightly - grey coat shone in the light of the sun.

"You are a very beautiful wolf," Ruby said and pet his head. He growled lowly and gave a wolfy smile.

"As cute as this is, we have very little time. Now, which one of the kids shall I take?" The vampire asked and picked up a bag.

"I want!" Frida shouted and ran up to her. She latched herself onto the vampire's leg and looked at her brother with a 'don't-you-dare-take-this-from-me' look.

Henry happily hugged Drago's front leg and stuck his tongue out at her.

"No more stalling!" The vampire said and clapped her hands while picking up Frida and the backpack. "Get on your mate and ride him into the sunset. Haha!"

The vampire began to walk into the forest with her hand up in the air, not bothering to wait for the others.

"I hate her," Ruby said and climbed up on Drago with Henry in one arm, backpack on her back, and one in her hands.

Drago chuckled as best as he could before following after the vampire. She had begun to run so he sped up to be able to follow her.

The scenery changed rapidly as he ran. There were green trees, then plains, then he was running just on the outskirts of a city. 

After what felt like ages, he finally saw the vampire in the distance where she was beginning to slow down. She eventually came to a stop behind a big metal box, thing. The area smelled like saltwater, fish, and something else that Drago didn't know. It wasn't pleasant.

"Ok, the ship is right there," she said and pointed at a long ship which had people on board. They all looked horrible. Dirty, ripped-up clothes, thin, and just overall not in good condition. "They are mostly werewolves escaping these parts. It's gonna be safe. Maybe you make some new friends." The vampire sounded out of breath and her eyes were flickering from purple to blue, to gray. She was dying.

"You can come with us," Frida said and grabbed the strings of her hoodie.

"I can't little one," the vampire said and ruffled her hair before she quickly looked around and walked over to the ship.

They reached it and the vampire hoisted Frida onto the ship along with the backpack and motioned for Drago to hop in.

Once they were all in, the vampire looked around for a while.

"This will be fine," she said, though Drago wasn't sure if she was reassuring them or herself. She looked back at them before giving Ruby an apologetic smile. "I am incredibly sorry for this."

Then, she grabbed frida by the collar, lifted her up to her neck, hissed as loud as she possibly could, and tried to bite her.

Ruby obviously screamed and pulled her daughter back, but another voice was also heard.

"Hey!" It was a deep, masculine voice.

Drago looked over and saw a pretty big man run up to them. The vampire immediately let go of Frida and ran away.

"Are you ok?" The man asked once he reached them.

"Yes," Ruby said and pet Frida's hair as the girl shook.

"Is everyone on board?!" The man yelled, he got a response and then hopped into the boat. "We leave now. Don't worry." He then walked away, probably to check on the other passengers.

"She tried to bite Frida!" Ruby whisper yelled to Drago who was looking in the direction the vampire had run in.

She had done it for a reason.

Drago growled playfully and shook his coat. He then nudged one of the backpacks and Ruby quickly gave him a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of loose pants. He took them both in his mouth and walked off to a slightly secluded area where he shifted and put on his clothes before walking back out again.

"Come on, we should find a place where we can stay," he said and took the bags off Ruby so she could focus on the kids.

"Yeah," she said and leaned against him. "I'm tired."

Drago chuckled and nodded. It had been a hectic day.

They found a place to settle down and got comfortable. They were handed blankets, pillows, and a bowl of warm soup which they all happily drank.

Then, they all fell asleep. Cuddled up to each other.

A/N: so sorry for the delay guys!!! I have been on vacation and haven't had the time or energy to write, but here I am!! Hope this chapter was enjoyable.

(If you like this story I would love it if you checked out Blood Moon. It's on my page and it is also about werewolves and vampires. It's not fanfiction, it's an original story with my own characters and it would mean the world if you would give it a try.)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Both are very important. Talk to someone you trust and take a little walk.

Eat something and drink something if you haven't already and try to get at least a little sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet, allow me: you are amazing!!! I'm so proud of you!!! Keep going!! You are doing amazing!!! Wow!!! Great job!!

Remember to take some time off to relax and to do something you enjoy every once in a while.

There is at least one person out there that loves you and wants you to stay here with them. Maybe go and talk to them and see how they are doing. Decide to go out to the mall sometime or just talk to them at one of you guys' house.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day/night/evening wherever you are.

And I love you all so much my boys, girls, and non-binary people; all the white, black, and any other colors; the Christians, Muslims, Atheist, and any other religion. You are all loved here and I hope you enjoy your stay❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

(Watch me give all these positive messages and not following what I say. Oops!😶)
