Chapter 4

A girl and a guy were already inside the bathroom when their phones were picked. Some people were trying to listen by  leaning their ear on the door while some people are dancing on the dance floor including Charlotte, Engfa and Marima. When it comes to parties, Engfa and Charlotte are always the dancing animals, Freen would sometimes join them but she would just dance minimally and fracefully not like Engfa and Charlotte who would always twerk and grind.

Freen and Becky are just sitting on the sofa with Freen's arms draped on the back rest of the sofa with becky sitting right beside her. Freen has her frown in her face while becky tries to poke her cheeks trying to make her mood lighter.

"Come on freeen don't be mad, it's just a game where you would stay in the bathroom for 7 minutes" Becky pouted while still trying to poke Freen's cheeks

"Do you know what people do inside in those 7 minutes?" Freen scowled while she leaned forward from the sofa's back rest and faced becky

"Get to know each other?" Becky answered innocently

"uggh i can't with you" Freen rested her back again against the back rest and sighed

"hey come dance here!" Charlotte shouted from the dance floor. Becky stood up and removed the jacket that she was wearing and ran towards them excitedly and danced like a kid. Marima and Charlotte laughed as they hype becky while she dances.

Freen just sighed while looking at becky who's dancing in the center. 

"hey what's with the grumpy face?" Engfa sat beside freen

"This is what i'm telling you about, look at her. She looks like a kid who got lost in party." Freen said as she points becky with her hands.

Engfa laughs as she watched becky dance like a kid while marima is handing her drinks. "Stop gate keeping her, she needs to experience these kind of stuff too so she knows what to do in the future whenever we're not with her"

"And what would you do if the next person that'll picked is Charlotte and he'll be with some random guy"

"She can do whatever she wants but i'll make sure the guy won't see the daylight ever again"

Freen's mood lightened and pinched Engfa's arms. Engfa laughed when freen pinched her.

They laughed together as they remember what happened before when Charlotte was forced to play the game.

"Oh yeah i remember you sabotaging the guy before they got in the room. You threw hot sauce on his face and even involved me saying that your intention was really to throw the nachos at me. Who puts so much hot sauce on nachos" Freen said as they laughed about it

"The guy clearly looks like a fuck boy and was excited to be in a room with her, i won't let her touch Charlotte"

The trio  came back to them and sat on the other sofa. Becky leaned her head on Charlotte's shoulder while Charlotte pats her head.

"I think we should go home, Becky's already drunk" Freen suggested

Becky sat straight "Hey i'm still fine loook" becky said giggly with her droopy eyes.

Heidi's phone alarmed and people started to bang the door saying time's already up. The guy and the girl came out shyly. Other guys flocked around the guy.

"our boy just got a hickey!" one guy shouted and everyone started to cheer for him and the girl looked like she just wants to get out of the room because of the teasing.

"Why did he get a hickey? what do you do inside?" Becky asked innocently

Charlotte, Engfa and Marima laughed "Your cousin is so cute Charlotte omg" Marima said while trying to catch her breath

"Should we tell her about the birds and the bees now?" Charlotte said jokingly

"Hey! Even i know about that" Becky pouted and crossed her arms

"come here becky" Engfa patted the space beside her inviting her to sit beside her. Becky followed and Engfa draped her arms around her

"You see that guy over there?" Engfa pointed the guy who just got out of the bathroom. Becky nodded listening attentively to Engfa

"They probably made out inside the bathroom and we don't know what more have they done" Engfa said in a tone like she's teaching a kid how to count

Becky's face looked shocked probably not expecting the game to be like that "So that's why it was named 7 minutes in heaven"

"You can do whatever you want inside, but whatever happens in that room stays in that room" Engfa smirked while explaining

"So what other things can you do besides .. y'know m-making out?" Becky asks stuttering just because she's too shy to say making out

"You can just talk but knowing that you joined the game, 90% of the time sexual happens so enjoy your first!" Marima said excitedly

"Now you know what you just entered into?" Freen said annoyingly

"Don't i have the right to experience that" Becky said starting to get annoyed at Freen too

Heidi came up to them with the sack and stood in front of Charlotte 

"come on babe do the honors" Heidi said as she winked at Charlotte. Charlotte and chuckled and reached out her arms inside the sack to get a phone and handed the phone to Heidi.

"Now whose phone is this?" Heidi raised the phone

"oh that's mine!" Non raised his hand and the people around him cheered

"ooooo the freshman okay next!" Heidi then stood in front of Marima to let her get a phone. When Marima took the phone out of the sack, Freen's eyes widened because she know too well who's the owner of the phone

Charlotte laughed when she saw the phone "Looks like it's your turn Becky"

Becky stood up and stumbled at first clearly drunk and walked over to go to the bathroom when Freen interrupted

"You can't do that, i won't let Becky be in that room with a guy he doesn't know well" Freen stood up, ready to fight anyone who doesn't agree with her

"Then you be the one to play 7 minutes in heaven with her" Heidi smirked as she took a step forward towards Freen

"But-" Heidi placed her finger on Freen's lips to shut her before she can speak any other words

"You entered this house, you abide by the rules. Becky was picked to play 7 minutes in heaven, it's now your choice whether to let other guy play it with her or you play it with her" Heidi said with her chin up

"Fine" Freen sighed and stood up and grabbed Becky's hand and took her inside the bathroom. When the door closed everyone shouted and it still can be heard inside the bathroom.

When they got in Freen immediately sat inside the bath tub and crossed her arms. Becky followed and sat in front of freen on the other side of the tub.

They were silent at first and the silence is deafening becky so she spoke up

"So what now?"

"We let the 7 minutes pass" Freen said still with a grumpy face. 

Silence came back again.

"So have you done this before?" Becky asked while she's looking down playing with her fingers

"What?" Freen answered looking at anywhere and everywhere except for becky

"7 minutes in heaven" 

"A couple of times yes"

"with a guy?"

"They were both girls"

"Did you make out too?" their eyes met. Freen was taken back by the question and didn't know how to answer. She don't really tell becky stories of what they do in parties. So she's not used with becky asking her questions about it. Becky probably has alcohol in her system so she has the liquid courage to be this straight forward

"I won't deny nor agree to that"

"So you did huh" Freen just stayed silent and didn't reply

"Then kiss me too" Freen's eyes widened probably not expecting that to come out from becky


"That's what you do in this game right?"

"But it's not a mandatory thing to do"

"But that's what you did so why won't you do it with me"

"Because you're drunk, you'll probably won't say these things if you're sober"

"So you'll do it when I'm sober?"

"That's not the point here, I won't take advantage of you"

"Then what if i'm with another person and we kissed?" Freen flinched, she doesn't want to imagine that idea in her mind right now . She expected Becky to date someone in the future and relationship comes with that. She doesn't want to think of becky kissing anyone but her. But she doesn't want the idea of it to come from Becky directly.

"If that's what you want to do" Freen forced herself to act calm and not show how hurt she is. She curled up and hugged her knees

"Then I'm saying that i want you to kiss me" Becky leaned forward and kneeled closer to freen. Becky took Freen's hands and Freen's eyes met hers.

"Whatever happens in this room stays here right?" Becky leaned in closer. Their faces only inch apart where they can feel each other's breath.

Freen is so torn but when becky's face is this close to her. Maybe for Becky it's just a game but becky isn't just anybody she can kiss and forget once she got out of the room. It already took her everything to act like she's not in love with her best friend. She knows she'll be playing with fire when she crossed this line and she doesn't know if she can keep the facade much longer.

Becky closed her eyes and let their forehead and noses touch. That was the last straw for freen. Maybe the alcohol that got in her system can be blamed too.

Freen cupped her face and looked into her eyes "Are you really sure about this?" Freen whispered

"I'm sure of you"

And Freen leaned in as their lips touched. It was a chaste kiss. The kiss lasted for a few seconds  and when becky broke the kiss slowly their eyes met again and she saw how Freen's eyes changed dark. Freen cupped her face with both hands this time and brought back her lips to hers. The kiss changed and becky returned it. Freen kissed her slowly but with pressure. Becky tried to give back the same intensity of kiss that Freen's giving as she placed her hands on Freen's nape. Freen is kissing her aggresively but delicately that's making becky feel things. Freen then bit Becky's lower lip as she leaned back and placed her forehead on hers. Eyes still looking at each other. They stayed staring at each other while catching their breath from the intense kiss.

Becky closed her eyes to feel the moment. Freen caress her thumb on the younger girl's cheeks and kissed her forehead. Kissed her nose. Then kissed her lips softly before breaking away.

 A guy banged the door and shouted 'time's up' so Freen stood up and offered her hand. Becky who haven't recovered from the kiss just took her hands and let Freen pull her up from the tub.

"Hey did you not like it?" Freen asked worriedly as she squeezed Becky's hand to get her attention.

Becky who's still in a dazed blinked and muttered "wow"

Freen laughed from her reaction "wow what?"

Before becky can speak the door opened and everyone's attention is on them

"It's just 7 minutes, you can continue that in your room later" Heidi said smirking at the duo

Freen walked out of the bathroom still holding Becky's hands. When she passed by Heidi she pinched her side which earned a laugh from the girl. People started to tease them about what they did as they walked over everyone and Freen would just roll her eyes with the younger girl smiling shyly at them

When they came back to their friends on the couch. Engfa is grinning and Charlotte immediately grabbed Becky to sit with her and Marima on the couch. Becky sat down between the older girls.

"So how's your first 7 minutes in heaven?" Marima asked curiously

"Relax we just talked inside like what we usually we do" Freen said in a casual manner trying to act like what happened didn't affect her at all.

"Is that really all?" Charlotte raised her eyebrows

"Freen mostly talked about her stories in a party, it's not like you guys tell me about it before" Becky said as she composed herself 

"But thank you for being my first" Becky smiled at Freen softly.
