Chapter 1

Freen, Becky, Charlotte and Engfa are childhood friends. While Freen and Engfa lives in the school dormitory, Becky and Charlotte lives in the same house. Becky's family usually doesn't stay in thailand that much since their business are based in UK so when they decided to stay in london permanently, Becky begged her parents to let her stay in Thailand. Her parents agreed on letting her stay but she must live in Charlotte's place which is her cousin until she graduates. Which Becky gladly accepted since Charlotte isn't just her cousin but her best friend also.

Freen and Engfa are both in a full scholarship program, so they were both obliged to run the student council. Engfa, the student council president while Freen supporting her as the Vice president. 

The four of them met first when they were in middle school, Freen and Charlotte became close first when they had the same class. While Freen and Engfa being the school's pride spent a lot of time together for every event of the school. And Becky being glued to Charlotte whenever they had free time, somehow their group just formed. 

They would always hangout everytime they had time and would always support each other whenever one would compete in an event or when they need to organize one. 

They stuck together even when Engfa graduated middle school and moved up to highschool. Engfa being a year older than Freen and Charlotte and 2 years older than Becky, She would always act as the father of their little family. So when Becky finally entered high school, their gang came back and spent a lot of time together again.

Now's the present and Becky is finally entering her college life. The three older girls are excited for her as they'll be together at school again but this time, they're on their legal age so they can do anything they want.

"So Heidi's hosting a house party later, we should come!" Charlotte said excitedly 

"So Becky is finally going to have College party debut huh?" Engfa who's in the corner of the room smiled as her dimples showed

"Isn't it a little too early for her?" Freen said 

"She's a college student now, she's allowed to go on parties now" Engfa replied which Charlotte nodded to as she agrees to it

"But look at her, she still acts like a baby" Freen said as she pointed at Becky who's sitting comfortably on the sofa wearing a carebear jacket with a cute headband on her head "And are you even comfortable on going to a party?" She continued as she asked becky this time

Becky pouted "So you're going to leave me alone? I was so excited to enter college because you three would always leave me behind and now that i'm here you're still gonna leave me out of place?"

"Now now just let her experience these things Freen, besides you're gonna be there to protect her. I entrust your little sister to you son" Engfa said as she stood besides Freen and pats her shoulder

"So daddy won't protect her when the time comes?" Freen jokingly said as she raised her right eyebrow

"Because daddy will be busy flirting to every woman in the room that's why she can't keep an eye on her daughter" Charlotte said as she gives a side eye to Engfa

"Hey i don't flirt with them, they flirt at me. That's two different things" 

"Yeah right" Freen said as she rolled her eyes

"So we're going?" Charlotte asked the group again but the three of them looked at freen since she's the only one against it

"Fine but don't leave my side Becca" Freen said looking at the girl who's now resting her head on Charlotte's lap

"Now that's decided, leave your car here let's go back to the dorm and go get changed" Engfa said as she grabbed her motorcycle keys

"Did you even bring an extra helmet?" Freen asked

"My extra helmet is in Charlotte's room, wait here let me get it" Engfa started going towards the stairs heading to the 2nd floor of Charlotte's house

"I'll come with you then" Charlotte stood up and followed Engfa

"Why? Scared that i'll discover something in your room?" Engfa teased which gained a slap from Charlotte on her shoulder

"You're always in my room, what's there to discover"

Freen and Becky was left alone as they waited for the older girls to get the helmet.

"Are you really sure you want to come to that party? It's only been a week since you started college" Freen said as she sat beside becky

"Why are you even so against of me going to a party when the three of you would always go every week" 

"Exactly why, i know you're not a fan of crowded places and parties are wild there's a lot of people there" Freen held becky's hands "Look i'm just worried here, it's not that i want to prevent you from going to a party but maybe not this early, you just turned into a legal age"

Becky knows Freen can be sometimes too overprotective over her and she knows that freen means well but she just wishes that sometimes it would be nice if Freen doesn't treat her like a kid all the time. 

"I just want to experience the things you guys do as well, sometimes it feels lonely that i'm the youngest here and i'm restricted to do things. Now that i'm allowed to do things, i just want to experience everything with you"

"Just tell me if you want to go home right away okay? And slow down on alcohol, tell me if you already feel dizzy"

Becky giggled with how Freen acts like a guardian and intertwines their hands "You know i'm not a little kid anymore, you should realize i'm a grown up now and can even date now"

"if you say so kiddo, but whoever dates you should go pass through Engfa and I first before you get our approval" Freen says as she kisses Becky's head which made Becky pout

Charlotte and Engfa came back down with the helmet on her arms and when she arrived at the living room she threw it to Freen which she catched

"Let's go Freen" Engfa said

"Wait so are we coming back here or are we going straight to the party?" Freen asked

"Just go straight to the party, We'll just get changed and i'll drive us there too" Charlotte said

"Okay, dress well ladies" Engfa winked and walked to the entrance of the house which Freen also followed. 

The cousins were left alone in the living room and Charlotte sat on the solo sofa

"So what did you guys talked about?" Charlotte asked as she grabbed the pillow and placed it on her lap

"She still treats me like a kid" Becky pouted "I don't know what to do to make her look at me properly"

Charlotte laughed as she sees becky talking like she's throwing a tantrums "How about stop being cute?"

Becky tilted her face confused.

"How about we dress sexy tonight and show those two what they're missing" Charlotte said

The two of them would always be frustrated with how their 2 friends would always be protective of them. Protective in their own way, Freen would always treat Becky like a baby while Engfa would always oblivious to Charlotte's flirting. Everyone knows Engfa can be a flirt but the only person she won't flirt to is Charlotte and would sometimes cockblock people to flirt with her.

Charlotte once dated someone to see how would Engfa react but it backfired her. Engfa avoided her for a month while she's dating the guy saying she should spend time with her boyfriend. Charlotte broke up with the guy after a month since she wasn't really interested in the guy and just want to observe if Engfa would do anything but she never thought Engfa would completely avoid her.

Becky and Charlotte would always share their dilemma with each other with how they have feelings for their childhood friend. 


Freen and Engfa met again after they changed. Engfa wearing a denim jeans, tank top and a leather jacket while Freen wears a shirt,shorts and a varsity jacket on top of it.

"Ready to flirt with some girls to suppress your feelings for the little one?" Engfa said 

"Shush you who's willing to take unlimited shots just to avoid kissing charlotte on the cheeks for a dare" 

"We're pathetic aren't we" Engfa said as she chuckled

"Just you, don't count me in"

"Oh don't let me expose your little secrets Sarocha" 

"Fine fine we're pathetic little shit who both fell in love with straight women who's also their childhood friend" 

"That's what i'd like to hear" The both of them laughed

Everyone may know Engfa as the flirty one but Freen is also a lady-killer. Engfa won't date but would have one night stands while Freen would properly date a girl in secret just to divert and suppress her feelings just to break up with them after a few weeks because she'll realize the girl she's dating isn't Rebecca Patricia Armstrong.

The both of them know the feelings of each other towards the thai-british cousins. And the both of them knew that the cousins are straight and also their childhood friend which scares the shit of them to ruin just because they feelings. Their friendship is too precious for them to take the risk of ruining it.
