Chapter 8 - Home at Last

            Zuko stood at the railing, watching as Ursa came into view. It was nearing sunset, and the capital city had never looked more like home to Zuko. In the back of his mind, the worry for his friends remained, but in the forefront now was a deep sense of gratitude. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed home until that moment.

            As the ferry docked, Zuko thanked the small crew of the ferry with a nod and a smile. Then he was gone, stepping eagerly onto the dock. He pulled up his hood and made his way through the city, smiling to himself as he saw the late vendors closing up their stalls. A group of children played kickball in a small park, as soldiers began to light the lamps throughout the city.

            The farther Zuko walked, the more intense his sense of rightness grew. As much as he missed Katara and worried about Aang, there was nowhere else he’d have rather been than right where he was.

            Finally, long after the sun had set completely, the young Firelord reached his palace. The moment he stepped inside, servants greeted him and asked if he wanted something to eat. He smiled.

            “Whatever you have in the kitchen is fine.”

            “Nonsense. Surely Your Highness would like us to prepare something?”

            “You shouldn’t go to the trouble. It’s late, I’m sure you’d rather be in bed.”

            The servants looked shocked. “No, Firelord Zuko. We’d rather that you be comfortable after your long journey. Surely you’re hungry?”

            Zuko could see that they were serious, and he smiled gratefully. “Well, I am a little hungry.”

            The servants bowed. “It is our pleasure to serve you, Sire.” They scurried off, no doubt to cook something up. Zuko shook his head. Apparently he wasn’t the only one who was glad that he was home.

            He walked slowly through the near-silent halls, nodding at the guards he passed. All of them expressed happiness at his safe return. For the first time since he became the Firelord, Zuko began to truly appreciate the fact that his people loved him. He didn’t know how that fact had escaped him before, but now… it was clear as day. It made Zuko’s heart lurch in a strange way.

            Reaching his room, he closed the door softly and removed his cloak, hanging it over the back of a chair. Then, with careful deliberation, he pulled his long hair up into a topknot, and slid his crown into it. He looked at himself in the mirror for a long minute, wondering what people saw in him.

            Then, he heard a knock at the door, and Zuko shook off his contemplations. He didn’t have time to be so sentimental. He had a nation to run, and his friends to find, and a world to renter.


            Toph sat beside Aang long after the others, even the healers, had given up and gone to bed. It was late, way past midnight. But Toph didn’t care--she didn’t want to sleep. Even with Aang here, she was afraid sleep would bring the nightmares.

            Her small, strong fingers clutched Aang’s hand, somewhat like a sailor clinging to a lifeline. Her blind eyes stared emptily at a point on the far wall, but her focus was on the boy who laid so very, very still in the bed beside her.

            She leaned forward in her chair, put her elbows on the mattress. “You scared me, Twinkletoes.” She whispered the words into the darkness, surprised at how good it felt to say them aloud.

            “I’ve been having nightmares. You die in them. I thought I was never going to see you again.” Toph clenched the fist that wasn’t holding onto Aang, feeling helpless. “And now you’re like this, and they say they can’t help you.”

            “I’m so worried about you, and Zuko and Katara. I’m not used to worrying about people like this! I don’t get it.” She laid her head on his chest, feeling drained and afraid.

            “I’m so tired, Aang. I’m so… tired.”


            Long after the blind earthbender had fallen asleep, Aang’s mind was still turning. He didn’t understand why she would have nightmares of him dying. But he had missed her, too. He wished he could tell her that. He wished he could comfort her, tell him that he was right here and he wasn’t going to leave her.

            But his body continued to betray him, sleeping on while his mind was forever awake. So in his heart he whispered the words he wanted to say, praying that a kind spirit would pass them on to the earthbender in her dreams.


I'm SO SORRY for the wait, guys! I got called in to work early yesterday, and I was closing so I didn't get home until midnight. I was exhausted and crashed. Forgive me? 
