Chapter 3 - The Forest of Lost Souls

            The animal spirit, who was in fact known as the Aye-Aye spirit, muttered to himself as he walked through the spirit forest. He supposed that if they were friends of Stinky’s, then these humans couldn’t be too bad.

            But in his opinion, all humans were bad. Stinky was the exception. The Aye-Aye spirit lifted his head and sniffed the air, easily finding the humans’ scent. Two were just boring old humans, and one was… ohhh.

            It made sense then.

            Chuckling to himself, the Aye-Aye spirit headed in the direction of the closest human. Where they were needed most, eh?

            He could handle that.


            I’m walking through a dense forest. Fog scoots across the ground around me, and strange rustling noises fill the air even though there isn’t a breeze.

            I have no idea where I am. I have no idea how I got here.

            Come to think of it, I have no idea where I’m supposed to be. I think hard, trying to remember. But all I see is… nothing. I have no memories.

            The realization hits me that… I don’t know anything. I don’t even know my name. I stop walking, feeling lost. What am I doing here?

            Where is everyone? Why is this place so creepy?

            Shaking my head, I start walking again. I don’t know what else to do.


            “Ursa.” She turned at the sound of Roku’s voice, seeing him behind her. “It’s not time yet.”

            “It must be. I won’t stay here any longer. I appreciate your help and I’m grateful to the spirits for allowing me to stay here, but I have to go to my daughter. She needs me now.”

            “Your son needs you still.”

            Her eyes shot wide. “What? My son is dead.”

            Roku shook his head, his long white hair billowing. “I thought so too, at first. I saw them crash into the sea as well. But Araden is a very spiritual place, and someone, I don’t know who, was not ready for the Prophecy’s demise. Your son and daughter-in-law, as well as the Avatar, are at this moment wandering the Forest of Lost Souls.”

            Ursa felt hope spark into her chest, and joy lit up her face. “I have to go find them!”

            “No, you cannot. You are still alive, still mortal. The Forest would take your memories and leave you to wander it for eternity.”

            “But someone has to get them out!”

            “The spirits are whispering that HE is going.”


            “The first Avatar, Wan.”

            She gasped. “He’s left the Tree of Time? He’s been guarding Vaatu’s prison for almost ten thousand years!”

            “And yet.” Roku looked solemn, and they both understood the merits of this. “This Prophecy… it’s true, isn’t it? Zuko and Katara could really destroy the world?” She asked him, her eyes wide and a little afraid.

            “You’ve seen the fighting between the fire and water spirits, haven’t you? Even as secluded as your cottage is, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the balance is shifting, and the world is entering a very dark place.”

            Ursa could only nod, because she HAD noticed.

            “What am I supposed to do? My daughter is dying. She needs me!”

            “Someone else needs you more.”

            “Who? You said I can’t help Zuko!”

            “True, you cannot. But Zuko’s daughter…”

            “Allia? She’s in Ba Sing Se, with Iroh.”

            “Not for long.”

            Ursa didn’t understand. But as Roku’s dragon appeared and lowered his head for her to climb on, she knew that she soon would.


Poor Ursa! And what CAN Roku mean about Lia? 0.o 

Lol, five comments for an update guys! (I'm serious this time. Five. Even if it takes a month.)
