
This is it. Story finished. Thank you for all the support and all the comments. 

I have spoke with some wonderful people and all of your support has been amazing. 

Hopefully i will be posting the Prologue to The Forgotten Princess in the next couple of days so check it out. 

Thank you,

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And for the last time on this story,


Chloe x


Ten’s Years Later

                “Jason. Stop! leave your sister alone,” I scolded, watching my son bother my eldest child.

                Emily who was nine now was sat at the kitchen table trying to read her book but Jason was sat annoying her. He was five at the moment so was still in that stage at the moment. I rolled my eyes. Kids. Who would have them? Emily was just like me. She had pitch black hair but her father’s hazel eyes. She was fairly shy and loved reading. Jason was a little rascal. He was always up to trouble with those piercing blue eyes and brown hair. Thing is, it was usually Xander and Jason that were the ones up to no good.

                “I am not doing anything,” Jason spoke, crossing his arms.

                “Sure you aren’t,” I replied as I cradled my 2 month old daughter Sophie in my arms.

                “Mum. Can I go upstairs to the library please? Jason is annoying me,” Emily asked, closing her book.

                “Of course you can,” I replied as Sophie began crying in my arms.

                I rocked back and forth soothing her gently until she quietened down a bit. I rocked back and forth to keep her asleep. Jason had his face resting down on the table and had a grumpy face on. I chuckled lightly. He was so cute. He would make me laugh all of the time.

                “Hey darling,” Xander spoke walking in to the kitchen.

                “Hey,” I spoke as Xander pecked me lightly on my lips.

                I still felt the sparks every time we touched. I still felt the same love and happiness every time Xander was in the room. I have had a brilliant ten years of my life. I was so happy and content and I knew that Xander was too. He stroked our daughter’s cheek which was adorable before looking at me.

                “You look tired. I will have the kids tonight and do the night duty. You need a break,” Xander offered.

                “Thanks,” I said before yawning as if to prove his point.

                Xander smiled before kissing both Sophie and I on the cheek. I smiled happily as I watched Xander walk over to Jason and sit beside him at the table.

                “Jason, you need to stop stressing your mum out. She has your little sister to look after. You are a big boy now so you need to help. You can’t be a little rascal all of the time,” Xander explained.

                “I know. I’m sorry,” Jason sighed.

                “Good. Come on. Let’s go out for a bit then,” Xander smiled, standing up.

                Jason shot out of his chair happily and excited for whatever was going to happen.

                “See you later,” Xander smiled at me before leaving with Jason through the door.

                It was now just little Sophie and I in the kitchen. I grabbed her favourite teddy bear before walking through the pack house. People spoke as I went by. I went out into the garden where Rebecca was sat in one of the deck chairs. She smiled and waved me over.  I walked over and sat down careful not to disturb Sophie in my arms.

                “She is adorable,” Rebecca spoke, looking over at Sophie.

                At that moment, Sophie opened her beautifully little bright blue eyes which were gorgeous. I loved all of my children so much and I appreciated every moment that I had with them. I also strived to give them all my love and the best possible childhood which was something I never had. I just wanted to give them the best.

                “She is a little crier at night though,” I laughed, passing her, her little toy which she clutched onto.

                “It will get better. It always does in the end,” Rebecca replied, glancing over to the grass where the lads were playing football.

                Michael was playing football with their two son’s Josh, ten and Oliver,6. They were playing with Xander and Jason too. They were all laughing and joking with one another which made me smile. My life was so perfect and I was happy with it all.

                “I wouldn’t have it any other way to be honest,” I sighed.

                “I am happy for you Jen. You deserve all of this,” Rebecca replied, taking a sip of the drink she had.

                “I finally feel like I do deserve this,” I replied happily.

                I sat there watching the boys play football and laughing and joking with one another when Emily came back down and sat on the floor in front of me reading. This was my life. I was so happy. I had everything I had ever wanted. I had become a strong Luna and the pack had blossomed under Xander’s reign. We were now the second largest and strongest pack in Europe and Xander was a member of the Werewolf Council who would always seek out the truth.

                I had a family. A pack. A husband and a future. I had happiness and hope. All of these were things I would have never thought I would get in my life but as I sat here with Sophie in my arms and Emily at my feet watching out on my husband and son, I really couldn’t get any happier. This was my life. I had fought so hard for all of this and it was worth every second. 
