22 - Back on the field

The commander had called for a meeting for a future mission. The Agents mobilized for this next mission were Chamber, [A/n], and Kay/O. Brimstone described it as a simple scouting mission where they had to collect data on the environment that had a strong concentration of radianite. There had not been any activities of Mirror Earth detected but they had to make sure they had not set foot here yet during their research.

[F/n] slipped on the black outfit that she used on the field before she headed out to the ship. Chamber was already present when she got there in his usual white shirt with his blue vest on... She always wondered how he could work with that all the time. Kay/O was also already on board, glancing at her when she stepped inside.

"Everyone is here. We can go," he said as he sat down on one of the seats and crossed his arms.

Vincent smiled at her when [A/n] got inside. He took her hand and led her to a seat next to him. "I missed you, mon amour," he purred against her ear so she would be the only one to hear. He did not care if people saw them being flirty with each other but there are some things he preferred keeping private such as the sweet nothing he liked to whisper in her ear. She was the only one to deserve such words and the only one to earn seeing the madly in love man he was.

A smile spread across her face and a giggle escaped her lips. "We slept in the same bed. You were literally begging me last night to sleep with me."

"But you left so quickly this morning, it made me sad." He pursed out his bottom lip while he stared at her with puppy eyes. Chamber could act like a real child when he was around her which seemed to catch the robot agent's attention.

"I didn't know you were such a child in private, Chamber," he commented with a scoff. He did not mean to eavesdrop but the ship was not big enough to keep private conversations. 

Chamber composed himself again and sat up straight in his chair. "Kay/O, it's not polite to listen to people's conversation, my friend."

"Then, don't hold such a conversation while I'm right next to you." He sighed. He was already fed up with him.

"Sorry, Kay/O. We won't continue, promise." [A/n] looked his way and gave him an apologetic smile.

The robot only hummed and went on to play with his knife. He was never talkative around [A/n], which she could not explain. She tried to ask him but he would never answer. The only conclusion she could draw was because she was a Radiant and committed grave crimes in her past that probably did not escape his radar. Kay/O was not the most friendly towards Radiants but he had been opening it up a bit more towards some like Phoenix.

The flight took an hour or so but Chamber kept it interesting as he made conversations with the other two to make it less awkward. Finally, they were able to catch a glance at this area. They landed in New Merixo in this abandoned research facility that was once animated with Kingdom Corporation and Kingdom Industries. Sadly, it was destroyed when the large Radian collider exploded. Many lives were lost in this accident but most of the facility was still there along with answers to the protocol so they could build a portal that would lead them to Omega Earth. The portal was mostly finished now but it still needed a strong power capacity which Neon could provide. However, this was still a very heated debate in the protocol as Chamber and Neon kept going at each other on that matter.

Eventually, the ship landed on the deserted ground and the three jumped out of it. "Let's split up. We'll go faster that way," Kay/O said to the two of them who nodded.

"Sounds good. The faster it's done, the faster we go home!" [A/n] just wanted to spend a bit of time with Chamber. They did not spend much time together ever since that accident. Brimstone would not let her go to his place as he would rather have her in the base just in case her mirror tried to sneak in as her. He was always very strict with the safety of anyone around the base and this situation made him act even more stern. She did not mind but it did make it difficult for alone time with her boyfriend. He had not required her for any missions either. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to know his aim, what he sought, and what was this bigger picture he always talked about. Now and then, she tried to ask him but he would always dismiss her or change the subject.

"[A/n], go towards the overgrown area, there are some rooms unexplored this way. Chamber will go explore the large abandoned building that the two companies shared, I will take care of the rest."

"Alright, Sir, let's go!" She nodded and headed on her own to the greener area of this abandoned facility.

The camouflage agent opened a few doors, going through each room to see if any useful documents could be put to use. When she could not find anything useful, she decided to take a small break and sat down on some boxes that were on the ground. She leaned back on her hands with her eyes closed and inhaled the fresh air of their surrounding. This place was strange... She had noticed that when they first arrived. There were no animals, not even a bird singing. This place had become a cemetery where only deaths resided. It was truly a tragedy what happened here... Even if it was a Kingdom facility, humans were still working there. She let out a sigh and reopened her eyes, looking up at the immense blue sky above her head. It made her feel so small but it was so reassuring at the same time.

Several minutes passed while she stayed in this position, admiring her environment. Her thoughts were cut off by Chamber through the communication device. "I found a few things that we could put to use for the portal."

"That's great. What about you, Echo?" Kay/O asked with his always-so-monotone voice.

"Nothing we didn't know already. I haven't been able to find anything interesting," she said as she sat up.

Kay/O hummed before speaking again. "Maybe we can call it a day. I did find a few things as well."

"Wow, I'm going to be the loser who didn't bring anything!" [A/n] huffed as she jumped down from the box she was sitting on.

She heard Chamber's laugh from the other side of the line and it made her smile. "Do not worry, mon amour. I will stick to you even if you're a loser."

"I don't know if I should punch you or kiss you." The woman sighed and started to head back to the ship.

"Can you two stop? I can still hear you both and it's gross," Kay/O complained. It could almost be felt that he was rolling his eyes, though, he did not actually have eyes.

"Kay/O... You need to learn to relax. I know it must be hard because you can not kiss anyone but...

The robot quickly cut him off. "I do not care about personal relationships. There is no need for you to bring it up."

[F/n] laughed at their interaction. She walked peacefully as she listened to their argument. "You guys need to..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she quickly jumped to the side and avoided bullets coming her way. She stayed covered behind a wall and looked around to see if there were any enemies, but there was nothing around. She frowned as her eyes scan the area. Through her earpiece, the worried voices of Chamber and Kay/O could be heard. She tried to talk again but she felt danger behind her again and she made a run for it to get to cover. A bullet almost went through her arm, only leaving a small scratch.

"Fuck..." No matter how much she looked around, she could not see anything of anyone.

"[A/n]! Answer me!" Chamber's desperate voice reached her ears again.

She kept on her guard while speaking to them. "I'm being attacked by an unknown entity... I can't see them but I'm definitively getting shot at."

"It has to be your double then," Kay/O gave them a rational explanation. It could only be her after everything that happened.

"Shit... She even followed me all the way here? How did she know?" She ran again when the invisible her emptied another magazine in her direction. "Goddammit... Kay/O! Can you send your knife to my position? I will be on B site!"

"But I will touch you as well."

"As long as you also get her, I don't care! Hurry up!"

Kay/O confirmed it through the comms and readied to send his knife out from his position. He calculated the trajectory from the known position she was in and sent it.

[A/n] led her double to the site, trying her best to dodge any bullets coming her way. She looked up at the sky and saw the knife coming. With a smile, she stopped running when it hit the ground and nullified her radiant abilities and her doubles as well. The agent looked around her for any sign of her double. It was harder now that she could not sense danger and it was also scary to not have this protection, but she had to be close, she had to...

"Go to sleep, asshole."

Before she could react, a powerful strike on the back of her neck knocked her out. She fell heavily on the cold concrete floor, passing out immediately.

"I will make you live a nightmare..." was all she could hear before her mind went dark.


Hello, it's me! 

I am sorry for the long wait but I finally have an update for you guys! It's a bit shorter than usual but I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless! 

I'll try to not let you hang for too long with this end! 

I love you all, thank you for all the support honestly! So many people are reading and enjoying this story and I could not be more grateful. There are just numbers but through them, I can see your engagement and if I did a good job in making you interested in this Chamber (simp) book! 

I really appreciate all of you guys and thank you so, so much for everything!
