Chapter 10

On a hot sunny morning, Mikey, who is laying down on her bed thinking what to do cause she's really bored today

Mikey: *sighs* what a boring day *sighs again*

Shimizu: eh? Mikey sama? You seemed bored today-

Mikey: isn't it obvious?! I'm so very boredddd todayy there's nothing I can do right nowww

Shimizu: ah haha well um I received an invitation earlier saying that you are invited to the haitani's state for a tea party something like that but I know that you will just reject it so I hid it heh


Shimizu: a-ah y-yes!


Shimizu: a-ah! Yes! Coming! (S-She called me shimi-chan eeeeekkkk!!)

This is what Mikey's clothes look like ( pls don't mind my ugly doodle (ᴗ_ ᴗ。) )

At the haitani states

???: Master Ran Ms. Manjiro-San is here with us to join your tea party...

Ran: ah yes just escort them–

Ran: pfttt----

Ran: w-what?...


Ran: *huff* *huff*

Mikey: !!

Ran: m-manjiro..

Mikey: a-ah! Mr. Haitani Ran! Nice to meet you 

Then Mikey bows at ran

Ran: a-ah! N-nice to meet you too Ms. M-manjiro San!

Then bows

Mikey: oh don't be so polite just call me Mikey I'm alright with that *smiles*

Ran: m-mikey?...

Mikey: hai!

Ran: is that so.. WELL! Come in! Ms. Manjiro- I mean Mikey San ehem!

Mikey: ahaha thank you~

Ran: (////)

Shimizu: *glares at ran* I'm watching you Mr

Ran: oh~~ a rival? I see *smirks*

Then they go inside the palace to have a "fancy" tea party ~~

Mikey: min'na konnichiwa!^^

Sanzu: e-eh?! My queen!! W-what are you doing here!?!?

Mikey: ehhh why not? -3-

Sanzu: i-its just that a-are you okay now?..

Mikey: hmm yes! Now now less talking I need sweets!

Then rindou suddenly grabbed Mikey's hands

Mikey: ?!

Mikey: um???

Rindou: so.. you just came here for the food didn't you?

Mikey: hm maybe? Maybe not? Now lemme have my sweets

Rindou: answer my question first

Mikey: fine.. I guess so?

Rindou: get out

Ran-sanzu-mikey: EH?!?!

Ran: h-hey little bro t-this is Mikey were talking about!

Sanzu: yeah rindou! Come on!

Rindou: I know *glares at Mikey*

Mikey: pfft fine...bye bye deliciously looking sweets (つ﹏<)・゚。

Shimizu: it's okay Mikey-sama i-i can make sweets at the palace if you like!

Mikey: *sniffs* *sniffs* you will?..

Shimizu: hai! (Even though I don't know how to make just a single piece of food but if it's Mikey sama I'll try!)

Mikey: o-okay huhu...

Rindou: w-wait!

Mikey: hm?

Rindou: I-I guess you could have some of our sweets in here...

Mikey: r-really?..

Rindou: don't make me repeat myself.

Mikey: ahh!! Arigato rindou kun!!

Rindou: I-

Shimizu: tsk way to ruin my plan *glares at rindou*

Rindou: oh? *Glares back*

Sanzu: here my queen have this!

Mikey: hm? Ah! *Eats it* ohh!! Oishi *eyes sparkles*

Sanzu: i-isnt? Haha (////)

Ran: try this one Mikey *smiles*

Mikey: oh? *Eats it* ohhhh! It's delicious too!

Ran: *smiles*

Shimizu: (stupid prince's tsk)

A little laterrrr

Mikey: ah! I'm stuffed this sweets are way to delicious!

Ran: if you want more I can bake some for you~~^^


Ran: maybe? Haha ( actually our best chef in the palace made that I just made that thing up just to see Mikey's cuteness welp I guess that works *smirks*)


Rindou: *elbows ran* { you know that the best chef made that right??}

Ran: {hm? I know I just wanna see Mikey's cuteness *smiles*}

Rindou: pervert

Ran: ehh?

Mikey: welp I guess we have to go now! Emma must be wondering where am I rn fufu~~

Ran: oh? Already? That's sad

Mikey: I know I'll miss all the delicious foods in here but anyways we will sumtimes meet right?

Ran: hm yeah guess so!

???: Manjiro-sama your carriage is here

Mikey: welp we gotta go now! Thank you for the wonderful sweets I had fun at you tea party hehe!

Ran: ah! Your welcome!

Mikey: you guys can always visit the palace tok if y'all want too! Just send me a letter something if y'all are going there!!

Ran: we will!!

Sanzu: byee my queen I will miss youuu~~~~


Mikey: *waves hands and smiles*

Then the carriage left the haitani states

Rindou: really onii-chan?

Ran: what?

Rindou: have you fallen to her already?

Ran: oh no is it that obvious? Ran teased

Rindou: tsk dummy

Ran: haha I'm just teasing you rinrin, and yes I've been already fallen for her...

Sanzu: oi oi don't you dare steal my queen away from me you fiance stealer

Ran: why am I a fiance stealer?!

Sanzu: cause like she's soon to be my fiance?? Isn't that obvious???

Rindou: now your just making up things sanzu

Sanzu: shhh shut up rinrin

Rindou: don't you dare call me that again

Sanzu: yeah whatever rinrin

Rindou: you!-

Then rindou chased sanzu all around the palace

???: Oh? She finally woke up?

???: Yes sir..

???: I see.. now is the time I'll have you... Manjiro Sano..

TBC ;))))

Hiiiii guysss welp that's the end of the story hope you guys enjoy idk hehe

And pls don't mind the doodle of mine I know is kinda ugly fufu (;*△*;)

And I'm sorry again for the miss spellings and wrong grammars again!

Welp that's it idk what to say anymore so I guess this is goodbye! Welp hope you guys have a great day ahead! Keep safe min'na! I love you all! Mwa!

Yey 950 words! :D

Friday, July 15, 2022
