Chapter 06

On a hot sunny Sunday

At the sano residence

Mikey: come on shin!!!

Shinichiro: yeah yeah coming!!

{ Sounds sussy (¬‿¬ ) }

Emma: Come on shin!! Your so slow!!

Shinichiro: I'm here *huffs* *huffs*

Izana: finally come on.

As shinichiro closes the door of there house

Someone's or should I say manji chan's harem had come to there house

Baji: where are you guys going??

Mikey: we're gonna buy ice cream and go to the park!!

Emma: um!! That's it!!

Izana: why are you guys here btw?

Kazutora: we're here to join y'all of course! Haha..

Mikey: really?! Yatta!! Come in let's go!!

Then Mikey grabs Emma's hands

Emma: yey!! Ice cream here we go!!

When they got to the park

Shinichiro: ok here we are, what flavor do you want Mikey?

Mikey: vanilla!!

Shinichiro: how bout you Emma?

Emma: I'll have strawberry!!

Shinichiro: ok!

Izana: hey what about me?!

Shinichiro: you have your own money there right? Then buy it yourself

Then shinichiro smiles wickedly to izana

Izana: uhh fine

After they all got there ice creams

Mikey: yatta!! Arigato shin!!

Emma: thank you onii-san!!

Shinichiro: your welcome!

Draken: ah yes we're invisible

Mikey: ah gomme!! Btw what flavor did you buy kenchin??

Draken: ah it's chocolate

Mikey: really?? Can I taste it?

Draken: ah yeah sure here-

Mikey: ah~ *licks* mhm~~

Mikey: woahh it's delicious!! Thanks for the ice cream ehe~~

Draken: w-wha- ah yeah!

Then draken felt some dangerous glares behind him

Draken: what? Jealous?

Ran: haha not really :)) (damn Mikey taste mine too (;´ρ') )

Izana: oi Mikey! Taste mine as well!

Mikey: hm? What flavor is yours?

Izana: uh i-its r-rocky road..

Mikey: eh? Why are stuttering?

Izana: j-just taste it!

Mikey: hm fine.

Mikey: ahm~~ mhm~~ ah~ *licks* hm~~

Mikey: woah!! It's surprisingly delicious!!

Izana: ehe.. (//▽//)

Shinichiro: ok ok Mikey stop tasting other people's ice creams you have your own ice cream right?? Eat it!

Mikey: *sighs* fine.. (`ε´)

After they finished eating their ice creams

Mikey: *sighs* ah~~ why is it so hot today~

Mikey: ahck my shirts wet now.. ugh.. ヽ(`⌒´)ノ

The harem at the back :nice view (//▽//)b

Emma: hm.. how bout let's go to the beach!!

Mikey: wahh!!! Ok!! Can we shin??

Shinichiro: fine..

Mikey & Emma: yatta!!!

As before they live their spot they heard a certain someone

Reiko: hey!! You guys!! Can I join y'all!! ฅ(♡ơ ₃ơ)ฅ??

Mikey: ugh fineee~~

Reiko: yey!! Let's go!!!

To be continued~~


Welp that's it this is the end of chapter 06 yes it's very short sorry bout that kwcbskxksmx

But hope y'all enjoy! And sorry again for the bad grammars and wrong spellings!!

Hope you guys have a great day ahead bye bye~~(*´˘'*)♡

463 words yey!!

Sunday, January 23, 2022
