Chapter 8

Hoseok POV

I finally finished cleaning the house after Jimin fell asleep.

He's so cute when he's sick!

My heart melted every single time he would sneeze but me being the loving caregiver that I am, I ran to him to make sure he was okay.

What am I really regretting, is having to leave him for a week since I have to go to Japan for a promotion on my upcoming album.

He's gonna be extremely pissed at me.

I'll make sure to call him every single day and he better answer.

How did I get so lucky with Jimin?

I've held him hostage, told him he can't ever leave me, threatened his friend, and yelled at him but he still stuck with me.

He loves me when he's little.

He's not hung up over what I've done to him.

Wait, you don't know?

Okay, so I might have forced him into sex when I first met him but I informed author nim to not write about it...

But he forgave me!

I just hope he isn't faking anything with me.

I hope that he won't try leaving me over the days that I'm gone.

Either way, I have a security system in place.

No one can get in or out of this place without the code to unlock it all.

I finished throwing the last of my stuff into the suitcase while also leaving the laptop and many other gifts for Jimin in his room.

I feel so guilty for not telling him but when he was little and I was to tell him, he'd throw a tantrum and then I'd have to punish him before I leave.

That would result in him being upset at me for leaving him, and punishing him even when I came back.

It was currently 6 in the morning.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to finish packing now before my flight tomorrow.

"Master?" Jimin said as he walked into the room. He rubbed his eyes still half asleep but was soon fully awake when he saw what I was doing.

"Where are you going? Why are you packing? You're leaving me, aren't you?"

"No! Do you really wanna know now?"

"Yea otherwise imma yell."

"Okay so, I have to fly over to Japan for a promotion over my job and it's for a-"

"Why can't I go?"

"Cause I'm not allowed to bring you. I'm sorry kitten. I begged for them to let me bring you but I could get fired and then where am I going to bring you chicken nuggets from?"

"But I wanna go!" He whined and clung to me.

"I'll call you everyday to make sure you're okay. And we can talk for as long as you want, you're more important."

Tears filled his eyes and he started crying as he fisted his hands into his shirt.

"Oh... Jiminie. Don't cry, bud. I'll always call you. I wanna bring you but I can't. The flights already full."

"B-But what if you don't come back? Where am I gonna find my favourite master from?"

My heart melted.

"Come on. Let me show you all the presents I got you!" I picked him up and carried him down the stairs.

He looked extremely depressed.

I set him down and ran over to another room to grab everything.

He started panicking and looking everywhere for me.

"Don't worry min, I'm here. How bout you open the boxes?"

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

The first box was the laptop.

His eyes turned to crescents as he discovered each present.

"Thank you Master. Love you." He gave me the worlds tightest hug.

"Now do you wanna sleep or keep playing?"

"Playing." He said as he yawned.

"On the contrary minie. Let's get you to sleep and then when you wake up again, we can play for as long as you want." He rested his head on my shoulder and I went to heat up his milk formula.

The bottle was caught between his lips about to fall out as he slept peacefully on my shoulder. I had rocked him to sleep just so I could savour these last few moments with Jimin before having to leave for a week.

I really am going to miss him.

We honestly are being separated for only a week and we are treating it like years.

I guess we're inseparable at this point.

Jimin POV

Time Skipeu - Before Jhope Leaves

"No that's not fair!" I whined and stomped my feet.

"Jimin. I don't want you getting hurt while I'm gone. It's necessary."

"But I'm 19! I'm old enough."

"Well what if you become little and someone's at the door? Would you open it out of curiosity? If you did and it was someone who could hurt you, would you not feel regret for opening the door?"

I scoffed, knowing I lost this argument.

"Who's the babysitter?"

"Taeyong, Sicheng, and Yuta. They used to work with me. Don't worry, one of them is a little to. He has 2 caregivers. I trust those guys to not kill you."

"But I wanna go with you." I mumbled.

"Oh I'll call you. Make sure the laptop is always charged so you can pick up. Don't do anything stupid, I've told them to keep chemicals and sharp objects away from you. Now let's get you ready." He clapped his hands cheerfully and basically dragged me upstairs.

I don't want a babysitter watching me for a week.

"Feeling little today or no?"

"Maybe... but I'll wear other clothes for now."

He dressed me in grey sweatpants and a blue oversized hoody considering that it was cold outside.

He packed me 8 onesies, an entire set of pacifiers, my favourite bottle, bedtime stories, a bunch of toys and stuffies, 'big boy' clothes, the laptop, and my phone.

He managed to throw all that into a backpack.

"Do you want anything from Japan?"

"Can you bring me chocolate?"

"Okay. But you better pick up. I'll be angry if you don't. And be nice to them, they won't kill you or anything. Remember the rules and if I hear about any bad behaviour, I'll punish you and it will hurt a hella lot more than before."

"I know, I know. But you better come back. If you leave me forever, I swear to god, you will have a face to face with Lucifer."

I love you, Okay?" He said to me as he kissed me goodbye.

"Same." I giggled but gave in.

"Love you more." He let me go into their house and I watched his car disappear down the road.

Well, I guess I'll be greeting Hell now.
