Chapter 7: Really?

The sun shining on my face woke me. I decided to sleep in the chair instead of the sleeping bag for some odd reason. I got up and stretched as much as I could.

Somebody knocked on the door. I said nothing and they came in anyway.

"Hello fr— Raven." Starfire caught herself.

"You changed your clothing."

"I'm not going back." I say to her deadpan.

"You though about Robin's words?"

"I still don't trust you."

"Then where shall you go?"

"I'll have to stay here."

"Beast Boy has told us about the revised deal he struck. You are staying for a week?"

"No other choice. But like I said, I still don't trust you."

"Very well. As much as I wish you to be our friend again, I alone cannot change your perspective. You must do that on your own Raven."

She's right. I have to figure this out on my own.

"We have some food for the breakfast. Do you want some?"

"Fine." I am hungry.

"Oh joyous!"

"I'm not leaving. Just bring me some."

"Very well. I will be back with the pan cakes!"

She left in a hurry. I don't like it when she gets hyper. Especially in the morning. I've been here for too long already. But honestly, I don't want to leave. For some reason, and I know I should, I can't. It's my stupid memories resurfacing.

Screw it.

I leave the room and head toward the kitchen aimlessly. And I bump smack dab into Beast Boy.

"Ow!" We both say.

"Sorry." He apologizes. I say nothing.

"I brought your food. But I didn't think you'd leave the room."

"I wanted to eat on the roof."

"Uh, I'm not sure Robin would like—"

"I don't plan on leaving. So you can take these stupid cuffs off me. Go ask Starfire if you want a witness."

"Really? Does that mean—"

"No. I just have nowhere else to go." He finally notices my outfit change and gets the message.

"Oh..ok. Here." He hands me a plate of food and I walk away. I've got half a mind to jump off the roof. But once again, I don't want to.

I hate being split in two like this for this long. It's uncomfortable.

"Raven." Ugh...

"What is it Happy?"

"You know you want to stay."

"I don't know what I want at this point."

"If Slade won't take us let's just be like X!" Rage said.

"Then lets go back to the Titans!" Passion raves.


"You have to make up your mind Raven. Only then will we leave you alone." Knowledge advised.

"Can't we just skip to the leaving-me-alone part?"

"Sorry Raven. That's not how this works." Knowledge answers.

"I'm telling you, let's do our own thing. No alignment. It'll only slow us down." Rage pressed.

"Shut up all of you! I'm done!" I throw the untouched food off the roof and they stop talking.

"Thank you."

I'm not hungry anymore.

I leave the roof after being there for what felt like 5 minutes. I go back into my room and shut the door with my foot.

There's the penny again.


Beast Boy checked on me again today. He asked me if I had decided and I said no. But I've been growing calmer here.

Lazy and Sloth sided with Happy early this morning. Now I want to stay more than not, but Rage is powerful so it's still more or less even.

I walk around to do some snooping. I walk into the evidence room but I leave quickly after scanning the area.

The hangar, nope.

The basement, kinda like it down here.

The Lobby, hmmm.

Beast Boy's open bedroom door. He's out getting some pizza. Should I?


I walk in and kick some stuff around to get through. I see a picture of us a year ago with Timmy, Teether and Melvin. I forgot about them.

"Timmy! Teether! Melvin! C'mon Raven! You know you won't be able to see them again if you don't go back with the Titans." Happy screeched.

"Point being?"

"She means we won't feel the same way we did before." Knowledge says.

"Would you all shut up and leave me in peace?"

"Not until you make a decision." Happy bargained.

"Ok sure and Robin can fly and can shoot lasers from his mask."

"As much as I disagree with her, she's right. You have to choose. You can't just be like Red X. You aren't Red X. You're Raven. You have to figure out what you want to do or we'll never stop bothering you." Knowledge said.

"I swear if my hands were free and I had my mirror I would go in there and beat your sorry butts. I know where you idiots hid it too. You are me. Did you really hunk you could hide it for long?" I got no answer.

Finally. I turn around and I know why they stopped talking. Beast Boy is standing in the door way. I put the photo back and walk towards him.

"Raven? What are you doing in my room?" He asked awkwardly.

"Your door was wide open so I decided to do some snooping around." I answered.


"Because I felt like it. But I'm done now." Then I sped right past him and left him standing there like a dope.

I wish he had taken these cuffs off of my wrists when I first asked him to.


They're all out. Except for you-probably-know-who. The green booger himself, offered to stay home and "watch me". It's even more awkward than it was before.

I had a dream last night, that I was back in my regular clothing and my hair was long. I was sitting with Beast Boy on the couch. He was running his hands through my hair and kissing my neck, and then the dream cut off.

It was Passion working her magic, and I mean that in the most literal sense of the word.

Word Count: 1012
