It's the night of the Eiffel Show.

And the nerves are killing me alive as I numbly stand there in the middle of the dressing room, blinking as I'm fitted into Taehyung's designs.

The first one I'd wear would be the chiffon dress, shaded a gorgeous dark scarlet.

What if I fell again?

That's the only question going through my mind as I walk out of the room, joining all the other models backstage. I could see the glowing Eiffel, the spotlights illuminating the night.

Soon I'd be walking.

And if I made another mistake. What would I even do if I made another mistake like last time?

Then there's a warm hand against the bare line of my shoulder.

I jerk around, to meet a tilted head and silky dark eyes.


"Do not worry." He murmurs, his curled hair falling over his brows. Then a mischievous light glints in his expression as he looks back and forth, from the shadows.

"I'm not supposed to be here."

I laugh. "Yes, you aren't. How did you even get all the way back here?"

A smile plays on his lips. "I slipped in when a couple guards weren't looking. I thought that you might be here."

Listening to his low voice gradually slows my rapid heart.

"You're lucky you guessed right. There are so many models here and most of them were on the west side of backstage."

"Are you nervous?"

My eyes widen.

But there's only concern in his eyes, and I swallow once before nodding.

"A little."


"Because I messed up last time." I confess. "What if I mess up again? I can't do that again. I can't afford to."

"That is true."

I look up.

Taehyung's looking down on me, hand still warm against my shoulder. He's in a suit tonight, a stunning red one matching mine. And for a second I only focus on the way the black undershirt hugs the strong curve of his neck, dipping down on the smooth lines of his shoulders.

"You can't make a mistake tonight." He breathes. "There is always pressure, ma reine. The only question is if you can overcome it."

He bends down, taking my hand.

Then he brushes his lips across the back, leaving me all soft and warm when he straightens again.

A smile, on his mouth again.

"Focus on me. Imagine that I am the only one there, watching you." Taehyung whispers, before turning back.

"You have always walked so well for me, Aila."


Three. Two.



Go, go, go.

The lights are the first thing that blinds me as I walk out onto the runway, dress sweeping behind me in a silky trail. My eyes are fixed forward, and the very next thing I notice after the lights are the people.

I can see thousands of them.

Thousands and thousands of spectators, all a faint silhouette in the dark. Thousands of eyes on me.

Focus on me.

Imagine that I am the only one, my love.

My hand falls away from my waist as I hear Taehyung's soft voice whisper into my ear. And as I make my way down the catwalk, I imagine exactly what he'd told me to.

He's the only one I'm walking for.

Suddenly, everything feels a little calmer.

The lights flash against me as I reach the middle of the walk. I let my eyes gaze out into the darkness of the crowd, shifting my hand back on the curve of my waist.

I breathe.

Then I turn back around, and I never let the image of Taehyung's gentle gaze go in my mind.

And even I know, when I finish the walk to come down backstage again.



"You did terrific, mademoiselle." Jungkook says with a smile, kissing my cheeks. "I hope you are ready to answer the people. You have really touched on them tonight."

The people.

"I can...yes, I can do that." I smile back, and he gives me a short wave before turning to disappear into the sea of other models. Already reporters are starting to cling onto him, cameras flashing.

It wouldn't be long before I'd have them on me, too.

I needed to find Taehyung.

Clutching at the dress with one hand, I go through the crowd. And I'm looking for a familiar figure dressed in a deep red suit when someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around, half-expecting that he'd somehow found me first.

But it isn't him.

It's a man— one I haven't seen before. He's dressed sharply, eyes glinting in my direction. There are silver earrings hanging on the curve of his ears.

He tips his head forward with a smile.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle Choi."

I frown slightly. Who was he? A reporter?

But I didn't see a camera.

"Bonjour." I murmur back, already wanting to escape this conversation. I had someone to find.

"I don't want to keep you for too long, since you seem busy." He smiles, making me blush a little in embarrassment. Had I been rude?

"But I thought you were wonderful tonight."

"Merci." I reply back in French, hoping that I'd understood him right with his compliment.

His smile turns deeper.

"We will be seeing each other again. But for now, thank you for a few seconds of your time. You seem to be looking for someone."

Looking....for someone?

"Yes." I say, nodding. Before he can say anything else, I bow and whisper a goodbye. Then I quickly turn and push my way through the crowd, away from that man.

I didn't know who in the world he was, but something about him and his smile sent chills up my back.

Focus on finding Taehyung.

My expression slowly turns lighter as I think about what we might do after this. Maybe we could go to eat something nice and play a little chess after. And maybe I could finally beat him at the—


He's turned away from me, head tilted downwards at something in his hand. But I can instantly tell it's him, with his rich dark hair contrasting against the colors of his clothes.

And he had always had this aura around him— one that attracted attention even though he didn't mean to.

But something feels wrong. Even before I get close enough.


I carefully tap his shoulder. And he whips back towards me, eyes slightly wide underneath sable locks. They soon soften with warmth and pride, but I can see that there's something else.

"Miss Aila." He says, brushing his lips over my cheeks in two swift motions.

"Everything about tonight was perfect."

My cheeks grow warm. And he looks a bit surprised when I tip my feet up, kissing his cheeks like he'd always done to mine.

He smiles.

"You are practically française."

"I still can't understand a lot of what people are saying." I mumble. "I just guess and hope I'm right."

"Mm. And you really expect me to think that is true." He breathes, a seductive tug on his lips. "I still cannot forget, l'amour. The way you talked to her with that lovely accent of yours."

Normally that would make me start blushing like an idiot.

But this time it's different. He looks strangely like someone who's standing on the edge of a cliff and acting like he is completely fine.

I tilt my head.


"Is something wrong?"


There it is. In a split second, a darkness flickers in his eyes.

He tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...it's just that it feels like you're not okay." I step closer, blinking when he shifts backwards. He's guarding himself, his lips pursed into a tight line.

"I'm fine."

He turns away.

"If you'd like to rest, I'll arrange for someone to take you home. I have someone to talk to, and it might take a while. Don't wait for me, Aila."

His jaw flexes at the mention of that someone.

"Okay." I say.

And the moment he leaves, I follow after him through the crowd.
