It was the night before finals.

I'd been sitting by my desk since the beginning of the day, trying to focus on the notes open in front of me. But it had been so difficult with my thoughts roaming everywhere, and I'd even moved to the library to change the scenery up a bit.

It hadn't helped that much.

But it still makes me smile when I finish writing a letter to my mom, letting her know that I'd taken a job and that I could pay for myself from now on. That I'd be going to France.

The letter would arrive to her after I'd get there.

I knew that if I'd sent it to her any earlier, she would've worried. I'd be on a plane to Paris, after all.

I just had to do well tomorrow, and it would all be over.

It's nearly eleven in the night when I shift my backpack over my shoulder and shuffle out the library. I'd finally stopped after finding myself fast asleep on my book.

But even when it's so late, the streets are bright.


My face falls. Even though Jimin had told me not to worry, I could still remember his displeased expression back at the café.

I didn't regret trying, but it just felt...


My eyes widen when I turn around at the voice.


She smiles as she comes up to me, waving her hand. I notice a couple of other people behind her— people that I hadn't seen around in my university.

They looked older.

Scarier. Some of the guys had tattoos, and nearly all of them had cigarettes between their lips. They were also dressed in leather jackets and revealing clothes that I would never dare to wear out in public.

I can't speak for a second, from all the intimidation.

"Hi." She says, turning to her friends with an arm around my shoulder. "See, guys? Told you that I knew her— she's friends with me."


You aren't my friend.

But I can't get the words out of my mouth. I can't tell her to get her hand off of my shoulder— I can't.

I just force a smile, hoping that this would all be over soon.

The scary people come closer.

"You are pretty." One of the guys drawl, raising a pierced brow at my baggy clothes. "What's under there, huh? If you're really a model for V, shouldn't you be wearing clothes from there?"

I freeze, eyes flickering to Bomi.

She'd told them?

Of course. There was no other reason that she'd act so friendly with me, after spreading rumors like that.

"Um, I'm just coming back from the library." I murmur, arching my shoulders a little. "I think I need to get home soo—"

"Oh no!" A girl laughs, hair dyed a bright pink and yellow. "You're coming with us for a drink. I need to hear more about Kim Taehyung if you really work with him. Come!"

No, no, no.

I speak up one more time, voice turning smaller and smaller.

"T-Thanks, but I really need to go sleep for..."

"Come on. I know a good place." Another man winks, blowing out a puff of smoke. "No need to worry, beautiful. We might not look it, but we're all friends here."

Then one of the girls compliment on my height, about how lovely my proportions are.

They won't listen.

As one of the girls lead me to the entrance of a restaurant, I look to Bomi for help for the last time. To stop them— make them listen to me.

To help me just once for everything she'd done to me.

But she has her head turned, chatting excitedly to a man who looks like he's at least five years older than her.


"You've never had alcohol before? That's so cute!"

I laugh awkwardly, scrunched between two men that were looking at me with interest. I'm nearly curling into myself trying to keep some space.

"Really? But aren't you an university student?" One says, voice husky. It kind of reminds me of Taehyung's, except his was much softer and deeper.

And a lot more comfortable.

"Y-Yeah." I say, voice slightly pleading. "I have my finals tomorrow. So I really can't stay for too long."

"Oh— finals?"

They laugh, as if I'm a little kid talking about my birthday party.

"Skipped the entire thing." A girl named Rena says, popping the cap off of an soju bottle. "But we'll let you go if you try a bit of this. 'Cause you're seriously missing out, sweetie."

I look down at the small glass she offers me with wide eyes.


"It's just one little glass." The man next to me muses in a teasing voice. "It's not going to hurt."

My hands clench into fists underneath the table.

Why can't you just say no?

Why can you never speak for yourself?

Feeling terrible, I finally pick up the glass with careful fingers.

"O-Okay. But I need to go after this."

You're an idiot, Choi Aila.

"Sure, sure." They drone, and I quickly drink the entire glass as fast as I can. The liquid disappears fast, and I put down the empty cup.

"See? Not too bad, huh?" A voice echoes to the right of me, and I nod. My body starts to feel hotter, and I pause a little before tugging my sweatshirt off with heavy hands.

There's a whistle, but it all feels far away.

I stare numbly down at the table, surrounded by the sound of people talking and laughing.

I drank alcohol.

What am I...

Feeling confused, I pat for my phone in the side pocket of my pants. A small part of my head worries that they'll stop me as I open to my contacts, but they must be busy talking.

And this place was so loud.

Screen open, I hover my fingertip over the few contacts I have before pausing.

Do I?

Usually I'd hesitate for an hour before even thinking of calling him.

But before I know it, I have my phone on my ear with his soothing voice on the other side.


A small smile tugs on my lips.

Really soothing.

"Miss Aila, is this you? Why aren't you asleep?"

I close my eyes, feeling the dizziness calm a little with his voice. I can hear him, but can't really understand.

I don't really want to understand.


My eyes snap open.

His voice isn't gentle anymore.

"I hear people. Is this you? Answer me."

The urgency of his tone makes me get to my senses a bit. He sounds like an order.

"Y-Yeah, it's Aila." I whisper, head suddenly clearer from the fog as as I look around frantically. I'm still surrounded, trapped.

The air is thick with a bitter scent.

"Can you...can you help me?"

"Where are you?"


The back of my neck feels warm as I breathe slowly, eyes drifting around the inside of the restaurant. And my voice sounds sleepy— stupid.


He's silent for a second.


"You drank?"

Angry. He sounds angry, and my throat instantly clenches up. Taehyung sounds furious— his French accent is thick now, completely uncovered.

"Y-Yes." I blink, feeling tears prick at my eyes. My voice slightly hushes.

"But I promise...I promise I tried not to. I—"

"Are you with others?"


My fingertips tighten at the sound of his low cursing. And I can feel the tears, brimming up in my eyes.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Then stay. Don't do anything that might get you hurt."

"I'm coming."
