Day 3

Geek waited for Skitty and everyone else to get ready. He was fired up and ready to go. After eating a very quick breakfast, Skitty and Geek left their house. Almost as soon as Geek stepped his foot out the door, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him a few houses down.

"Geek!" Volt shouted as he ran down the hill to get to him, "Geek! Wow! Perfect timing huh?"

"Oh, hey. You're Volt right?" Skitty asked.

"Yep! Wait, Geek, do you live with Skitty!?" Volt asked surprised.

"Uh, yeah. It's a long story. I'll tell you later," Geek brushed it off. 

He didn't want to explain everything right now.

The three friends walked down the hill, through the plaza, and down the long road to school. Skitty led the way since she knew where it was. Geek and Volt followed close behind. After a few minutes of walking along the path and through the very soothing forest environment, they finally reached the school entrance. Standing there, at the entrance, was a very tall Gardevoir.

"Hello Skitty. Are these our new students?" Gardevoir asked.

"Yep! Geek here lives with me now, and Volt moved in with his grandparents a few doors down," Skitty explained.

"Well then, welcome to Petal Town, and welcome to Petal Town Elm," Gardevoir said happily.

"Thanks!" Volt replied.

As they walked into the open school, Geek noticed the interesting layout. The entire class was outside, and there were three huts in the back. One hut had a massive medic sign above it, probably the nurse's office. In an open section in front of the huts was the seating area, and a massive board for writing on. Next to the seating area was what looked like a big playground area. There was a small little makeshift duel box. Skitty started showing them around even more. The bell, a small little hollow wooden log with sticks, started erupting across the school as the other students arrived. The class was pretty interesting.

A Skitty, an Eevee, a Timburr, a Cubone, and a Charmander. Oddly enough, the Charmander had his bag out all the time, and he was constantly pulling out what looked like paper and pencils. He was always drawing something. Timburr kept trying to show off his muscles and his big log. Eevee and Skitty, apparently already friends, were talking in the front of class as Geek and Volt sat in the back next to Cubone.

"You new here?" Cubone asked.

"Yeah. How long have you been here?" Volt asked.

"Meh, about three years," Cubone replied as he twirled his bone.

Suddenly, Timburr slammed his long down in front of Geek and Volt and stared them both down with his best glare.

"Alright. Let's get something straight newbie's. I'm the boss around here. Step out of line, I stick you back in line, got it?" He said firmly.

"Well that's nice," Volt said as he brushed Timburr off.

"Hey! I'm talking, not you!" Timburr shouted.

"Hey buddy. I don't know what we did, or what's wrong with you, but back off, k?" Geek said as he stood in front of Volt, right in Timburr's face.

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it newbie? I'm the strongest one here. You can't do jack to me," Timburr mocked with a massive grin on his face.

"Timburr, I would listen to him if I were you," Skitty said from the front of class.

"Skitty, I didn't ask for your opinion, but I'll listen for now cause it's from you," Timburr said as he turned around and smiled at her. 

She rolled her eyes in response.

Timburr looked back to Geek, "Meet me in the boxing ring at recess punk. I'm gonna set you in your place."

Then, TImburr walked over and plopped down in his seat. Volt let out a sigh. Apparently he was holding his breath the whole time. Looking back at Geek, Volt gave him a look of concern.

"Listen, I don't know you that well, but I also don't know Timburr that well. You sure you're gonna be able to take him on?" Volt asked.

"Don't worry Volt, I took down an Onix. I think I can handle a little Timburr," Geek replied casually.

"Wait, what was that about an Onix?" Cubone asked.

"Oh yeah, I saved Skitty the other day from an Onix," Geek answered.

"So you're the one who took him down!" Cubone shouted joyfully.

"What's going on Cubone?" Charmander suddenly chimed in.

"Geek! He's the one who took down Onix!" Cubone shouted gleefully.

"What!?" Everyone suddenly asked at once.

"Pffft, liar! I was the one who took down Onix!" Timburr suddenly butted in.

"Oh really? What happened?" Skitty asked.

"Onix was going around trampling a lot of peaceful Pokemon, so I ran in and saved the day by one shoting him! Hah! He ran away crying!" Timburr said laughing.

"Oh really? Then explain how Geek was the one who did it," Skitty said.

"Easy. He didn't," Timburr replied with a smirk.

"So you're saying you were the one who saved me from Onix on Sunday?" Skitty suddenly threw out.

Timburr suddenly tripped over himself and fell over with a loud thud. He got back up and looked at Geek, then Skitty, then everyone else who was laughing at his weak attempt to be cool. He was fueled with rage, but just before he could do anything, the teacher, Gardevoir, stood at the front of class and started telling everyone to get in their seats. The class mostly consisted of everyone getting to know their two new classmates, so it was a fun first day. At recess, everyone was too excited for Geek to get to the boxing ring. It was almost as if everyone knew that's what was going to happen, so they got in his way.

After school, Geek, Skitty, and Volt all walked home talking about random things. The trip home was fun. Talking and playing around was fun, like it would be to any kid. Geek hadn't just turned into a Pokemon that looked like a kid, he was a kid too. When they got home, they all unpacked and played with the little sunlight they had left in the day. All was normal, except for the fact that Geek kept seeing Timburr watching him from afar. Tomorrow he wouldn't be able to dodge him. He was gonna have to fight. He was gonna have to fight the bully.
