Arms around you

Every time we talk

I feel life isn't quite easy for you

And every time time you cry

I'm sorry there's not much I can do

I wish we loved closer

So I could hold you every time you're sad

And I give you everything I have

To prove love's not dead

Even though you're older than me

I've got one thing to teach

How much love you should give

And for who's hand you should reach

It's not like love's a bad thing

You just have to know how to handle it

Maybe no one taught you

When you were a kid

But after you did it wrong 

You learned

And the love you're getting now

Is what you earned

I see you as my kid

Even though you're older

But whenever it's too much for you

You can take the heaviness you carry inside

And put it on my shoulder

I will put my arms around you

Every time you cry

So you'll know you'll be safe

'Till the day we die.
